🔴 God Says: This is OVER

My beloved child, from the dawn of creation, I've held a beautiful plan for your life.

You've been a light to those who failed to see your worth, a blessing they took for granted.

Their actions brought pain to my heart as they chose to belittle and mistreat you.

For them, a time of reckoning approaches, but for you, I will elevate you, surrounding you with individuals who cherish and appreciate you.

The coming months hold great promise and improvement; however, be cautious not to fall back into old patterns.

The unrighteous will attempt to lure you back into a world of suffering and despair.

I'll Always WALK Beside You

Who will guide and sustain you until the end. Today, I bless you and declare you free from chains, restored in your finances, and prosperous in all your ways. My beloved child, in this moment of communion, I speak to you with words full of promises and power. Listen attentively, for I wish to engrave them deep in your heart. I am your heavenly father, the almighty God, who cares for you at all times, and it is because of my inexhaustible love for you that I have decided to speak to you and reveal my purpose for your life. I want you to know that I know your needs and desires.

Even before you express them. That is why I come to you today to tell you that I will supply all your needs, grant the desires of your heart, and restore your finances. So do not fear, my child, nor be surprised by what I will do in your life. For I will restore all areas of your being. I will heal your soul and restore the peace you have lost. The debts that burden you will be paid off. Everything that seems impossible to overcome, you will overcome, because I will be with you, giving you the strength and push necessary to move forward. I promise that everything you do will prosper.


Your efforts, your work, and your dedication will not be in vain. Every seed you sow in faith will sprout and bear abundant fruit. There will be no financial commitment that you cannot meet because I will give you wisdom to manage the blessings I will place in your hands. You will see how the doors of blessing open before you. Prosperity will come to your life in all its forms, materially, emotionally, and spiritually, improving your life and the lives of those around you greatly. But remember, my beloved child, that prosperity is not only about earthly riches.

It is a state of fullness that encompasses all areas of your existence. As you prosper, I ask you to remain faithful in the little, and I promise that I will place you in much. Do not forget that my blessing is a call to obedience and responsible stewardship of all that I entrust to you. So keep your heart humble and generous, ready to share with those in need, with those who have less. Prepare your heart and let me make you a channel of blessing to multitudes. My child, do not ignore that on your path you will find challenges and obstacles that will test your faith.


But do not fear, for I will be with you in every step you take, strengthening and guiding you. Do not let adversity discourage you, for it is in the test that your character is forged and the trust you have in me is revealed. Remember, my child, that my purpose for you transcends the material. Although I will restore your finances and your debts will be paid, my greatest desire is for you to experience a profound spiritual transformation. For your relationship with me to be strengthened and your faith to be refined in every victory and every challenge overcome.

Trust in my word. I will not fail you, for I am faithful and keep my promises. There is no limit to my love and my power. If you cling to me, if you place your trust in my mighty hands, you will experience the flow of my supernatural blessings in your life. So hold on to my love and my grace, my beloved child, and live with the certainty that your finances will be restored, your debts will be paid, and all your financial burdens will be lifted. Lack will not touch your home, nor your children, nor your children's children, because I will fill you with abundance in all areas of your life.

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👑God Says: This Is SHOCKING

BRACE for Impact

Do not fear, for my grace is more than sufficient for you, and my mercy is eternal. Walk in obedience and faithfulness, trusting that I will never abandon you nor forsake you. You will be a living testimony of my miraculous provision, and those around you will see that my promises are faithful and true in your life. So my child, receive this word with joy and gratitude in your heart. Declare with conviction that your finances will be restored, your debts will be paid, and that everything you do will prosper because you are my beloved child, and I want to see you walk in the fullness.

Of my provision and blessing. I only ask, my child, that you keep your heart open to my voice and my direction in every step you take. Seek my wisdom and trust in my perfect plan for your life. Do not be discouraged by adversities, for with them you will find opportunities to grow and be strengthened. The faith you have placed in me will be abundantly rewarded. From today, do not worry about tomorrow nor be afraid of what stands in your way. Keep your eyes on me, the author and finisher of your faith. Trust that I am your provider and that I will never abandon you.

Listen to My WORDS

My love for you is unconditional, and my desire is to see you prosper in all areas of your life, my beloved child. Keep these words within you; place them as a seal so that they serve as a constant reminder of my commitment to you, of my unconditional love, and of my desire to bless you abundantly. Today, in my name, I bless you and declare you free from debts, restored in your finances, and prosperous in all your ways.

Hello, I am Jesus. Do you have a moment for me? How are you? I appreciate every time you dedicate a few minutes to talk with me. I see your walk and the intentions of your heart. I know you have been living through difficult days, but in these moments, I want you to forget everything you are going through and listen to me. You are strong; you have a brave heart. You have what it takes to face these moments of trial. You are refined like pure gold, the most beautiful of my creation.

Rekindling HAPPINESS

A life-changing miracle is about to happen.

The pain you're feeling now will go away, and your tears will stop.

You mean the world to me, and I will always treasure you.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for the restoration of your health, wealth, and relationships, along with spiritual and financial growth.

I pray that this year, my darling, all your plans will come to fruition because of Jesus.

God will bless your personal connections, financial situation, health, and business endeavors.

You will get favor, pleasure, health, and healing. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Do not fear them, for the Lord your God is the one fighting for you.”
 (Deuteronomy 3:22)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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