🔴 God Says: CAN YOU help

My dear child, I am here, your heavenly Father, your God, and your friend.

You are so precious to me, and I want you to know that I am always listening to you.

My love for you is immense, and I feel your pain during this challenging time.

It might seem like you are alone in your struggles, but I assure you I am with you every moment, even when you can't see or feel my presence.

Especially when the going gets tough, I stand firm beside you.

I do not abandon you.

Today, as always, I remain by your side.

My angels are with you, battling on your behalf.


I know you are human and capable of failure. I know your past and your future. Your imperfections do not surprise me, and my love for you remains unchanged by your mistakes. I do not waste my time seeking ways to punish you or subjecting you to meaningless trials and struggles. When you face difficulties, do not blame me. Instead of searching for scapegoats, come kneel and pray with faith. I give you my love, nourish you with hope, and desire to show you my mercy each morning.

Tune your ear to listen to me. This voice speaks to you in the early hours with love and affection. You are my beloved, and it is my will that you awaken to a new day immersed in the river of my spirit, enveloped by my kindness. Ponder on the beautiful, the good, the kind, the pure, and many more blessings. In this world, you will face affliction, but I send you this word to your heart: trust, I have overcome the world.

Open your HEART

The answer to your problems lies within me. Use your faith. Remember all the promises I have written on your soul. Recall all the blessings you have received and the beautiful things I have spoken to you about. This day will be filled with joy if you stand up, speak these promises aloud, and believe in them with all your faith. I love you and will never leave you. I will always be by your side, defending you.

You will not depend on your emotions or the things your eyes see. You will believe in this eternal and unwavering love that no one else in this world can give you. Every minute you dedicate to me will return to you as a divine rain of blessings. Every word of praise and gratitude that comes from your mouth reaches my throne. I receive your worship there, but where you are, my Holy Spirit surrounds you, bringing love and calm, easing your tension, stabilizing your soul, clearing your thoughts, and removing negative emotions.

I Always GUIDE You

When you come to me, you come back to life. There is no other place under the sun where you can be better than here. Every word you hear brings you happiness. Your ailments cease, chains break, and you feel my divine presence bringing true changes, transforming you into a better person. You will have the power to control your character and your way of speaking. You will think twice before reacting poorly. You will guard everything your eyes see.

You will not allow things that offend me and harm you into your spirit. Your future matters greatly to me; thus, I want you to shield yourself from the filth of the world. Make sure your children don't hear lies or envy in your home. Never badmouth your relatives and friends to them. Follow what I'm asking of you, and soon you'll find yourself wiser and stronger. You'll become more insightful and endowed with supernatural gifts that only those who follow my teachings can possess.

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👑God Says: Don't Avoid ME

Hear Me Now My CHILD

I want to cover your home with all the security and protection I can offer, but your faith and loyalty are essential. Even amid many blessings, even if you have plenty and achieve great victories, remember not to forget about me. Stay focused and avoid the path of wrongdoing. Don't take on burdens and responsibilities that aren't yours. Avoid getting involved in other people's disputes. Don't waste your time on things and projects that steal your time, dampen your spirit, and weaken you.

Focus on what's truly important. Value yourself more, for your worth is immense beyond comparison. Give me the first place in your home. Look after your family without faltering. Pray, seek my face. I promise you, I will prosper you because you belong to me, and I want to see you succeed. Tell me, I want to hear it. I will be faithful to you, beloved God, forever and ever. I heard you calling, and I could not refuse, hearing all that your heart tells me.

Cast Away Your WORRIES

In those days of darkness and sadness, when life feels meaningless, do not give up. I know your thoughts and emotions; thus, I have decided to speak to you. Your spirit must listen to me so that you may feel calm and happy again. You are in this life to fulfill a powerful purpose. You were and are a blessing to many, even if you doubt it today. Believe it. These words of comfort come to change your way of thinking.

You will regain that immense value that once filled you with enthusiasm. When years ago you began to dream, you wanted to do so much. You had many plans, but your path was obstructed, and you were attacked by cowardly enemies. You believed them. They hurt you, shook your faith. But today is the day of your revival. I forgive your sins, your past. I will never remind you of all your defeats. Your failures have been erased.

My promise of BLESSINGS

Be brave, my child, and keep moving toward your goals and projects.

Do not fear dreaming big, nor grow weary of fighting for what you desire.

Even if you feel exhausted and without strength, I will always be there to breathe life into you.

Feel me in the breeze that touches you every morning, in acts of kindness to your brother, in the help you give to your neighbor.

I am in the small acts of generosity that you witness.

I am present in everything that happens.

Believe this and inscribe it in your heart.

In the name of my beloved Son, Jesus, Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.”
 (3 John 1:2)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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