đź”´ God Says: This CAN'T WAIT

My dear child, do you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders?

In those moments of overwhelming burden, remember that I am with you always, ready to lift your load.

When life's challenges seem insurmountable, lean into my strength and guidance.

I see your struggles and your efforts to persevere.

Even when you falter, I am here to steady you, to infuse you with my unwavering support.

Picture the dawn breaking after a long dark night—that is my promise to you.

Every trial you face is an opportunity for me to showcase my power in your life.

Open Your Heart to WISDOM

What I give you is not empty wealth. Accept it humbly and be filled with courage because I will bring many changes around you. I am your life. Give me the chance to show you that I can change you completely so much so that many won't recognize you. They will marvel at the tenacity, strength, and happiness they see in you. Accept my invitation. Give me your heart. Today, I begin a powerful transformation in you. Your family and you will be surrounded by harmony, peace, and blessings. I will rescue you from the storm with victory in hand.

I love you, and at this very moment, right where you are, I want you to feel it. Your heart is filling with this beautiful and profound emotion which fills you with joy and banishes your sadness. Feel as the weight on your shoulders lifts and there's a lightness in your step, a newfound strength to carry on. Stand up now. You cannot give up now that you're on the verge of triumph. Even when the storms rage and the winds shake you, under my wings, I protect you, and my hand guards you.

In Your Loss, I'm Your GAIN

I also know what pain is. I know what it feels like for those you trusted to abandon you when enemies pierce your soul with the nails of hatred and tear your back with the whips of compassionless. I know what it's like to love unto death and give your heart even when met with disdain. I understand you. I know exactly what you're feeling. I want you to know that you do matter, that when your tears flow like a spring and your soul is filled with sadness and anxiety, I won't judge you for your moments of weakness.

I want you to understand that only I can help you when danger looms. Remove thoughts of death and defeat from your mind. When danger approaches, the darkness is gone, and now you can walk confidently. Today I have renewed your joy, increased your faith, written promises of trust in your heart, given you a new vision, a new longing built on my word. Don't waste your time trying to convince those who come to discourage you. They won't accept your perspective. They will mock you again. You don't need those mockers to move forward on your path.

I See a Bright FUTURE for You

You are heading for victory. They are headed for defeat. They've already chosen their destiny. If you're attacked by loneliness, if you feel you need someone else's support, remember that you have me. But trust and be patient, for I will soon send the right person. You matter to me. I care for you, value you, protect you, love you. In a few more days, you'll have victory in your hand. I'm never late. I always arrive on time when you truly need me, at the best moment. The wait is hard, and you've been thinking so much about what might happen, it's tearing you apart on the inside.

That's why I want you to give me all that weight you carry on your back with great pain. Living in distress over the future is not the life I have for you. You also can't lower your gaze or get distracted by your worries and thoughts. I have said that I will perform the miracle you ask of me, that I will open doors, that I am always with you, and I do not lie. The days are mine. I am the creator of the nights. I see that sometimes you can't sleep, tossing and turning, your mind racing over things that I already hold in my hands.

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đź‘‘God Says: Is This the END


When anxiety strikes, resist. When it screams in your ears, speak to it and tell it aloud that there is no fear in your heart because you have decided to trust in your best friend, in your God and Lord. You will see for yourself how fear flees and your soul is free from so much fear. You can enjoy my peace at last. Live your life fully and be happy. I am promising you that in the midst of your struggles, I will remind you with my serene voice that my hand is upon your shoulder and that against all attacks, I will give you the strength you need to resist.

Tell me that you believe me and obey me. If I've convinced you to return to my word, fill yourself with my promises and believe in me. In those difficult moments you will encounter on your journey, you haven't fought so hard to give up now. You must keep going. I'm speaking to you today to fill you with faith, courage, and strength to learn to wait for me even when it seems your strength is failing from waiting too long. Stay calm. Talk to your heart and tell it that there's nothing to fear. The control of your life, your dreams, your destiny is in the hands of your loving Father.

You're my MAGIC

The winds of the world want you to forget those moments when I always helped you, but I command those winds and storms to stop right now. I love you. I will never fail you, and I won't be late. I'm here, ready to give you my hand and rescue you. Answer me with your heart. Who loves you more than I do? Your trials have been difficult. I see your struggles, your efforts, and your desperation. Do not forget that you have been very brave throughout your life. Think of the situations that seemed impossible to resolve, and yet you managed to overcome them all.

Since the day you surrendered control of your life into my hands, you have not lost a single battle. So, rest your heart and continue to trust. I know that sometimes it can be difficult just to rest and not lose faith, especially when everything seems to be going wrong and conflicts come knocking at your door, trying to consume you entirely. But in those moments, my child, cover your ears to the voices of the enemy. Do not accept the threats of fear and insecurity. Keep walking and trust in my promises.

I Reach Out to You

I always look back fondly on the great price I paid to redeem you.

I knew you would dedicate your life to me and recognize that the salvation and blessings I give you are precious and priceless to you.

Reflect on These Words Today

“You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.”
 (Psalms 145:16)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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