đź”´ God Says: You Are My CHILD

My dear child, you are reading this message because I love you deeply.

Right now, I hold you close and want you to feel my immense, everlasting, sweet, and wonderful love.

Just let yourself be loved, my child. Let yourself be embraced by my grace and forgiveness.

Allow me to guide you on the path of righteousness and goodness.

It is true that throughout your life, you will encounter obstacles and adversities.

There will be moments when you feel lost and alone, but I want you to know that it is in those moments that you can trust in me and believe in my promises.

God is Exposing YOUR

I'll say it again: your joy, your strength, and your will to fight and live all come from me. I am first in everything, and I shower you with mercy every morning when you wake up. You won't have to struggle with emptiness anymore, the kind that drains your tears at dawn. I have the power to set you free; I am your healer. Now is the time for your struggles to end, and it's up to you. If you listen to your accusers, you might fall back into deep despair, but if you believe in me and follow my commands, you'll be free and truly happy forever.

I want you to stay as you are now—happy, full of plans and dreams, feeling brave and strong. Don't return to those days of bondage; those tough times won't come back. I love you, and you'll never forget it. Open your eyes wider, look around, fine-tune your ears, and listen closely. Moment by moment, my love will keep strengthening you and giving you the courage to carry on. Every morning, you'll wake up filled with peace, courage, and joy.


You're so special, so valuable. Your heart is beautiful, your soul is lovely, and your sincerity is clear. You're so much like me that you can feel it. I gave you life; you belong to me. You're smart, hardworking, fearless, and relentless. It doesn't matter where you were born, whether you were rich or poor, or whether people thought you were perfect or flawed. None of that matters to me. You are my child. I proclaim it loudly so the universe knows you are an heir to my blessings.

You have all my love; that's why the enemy fears you. He knows I defend you, protect you, and provide for you. With me, you lack nothing. You always have been, are, and always will be more than a conqueror. Don't be like others who were loved deeply but listened to their enemies and believed they were worth nothing. They stopped believing in my love, turned away from me, and wandered the world without peace, comfort, or God.

Today I Touch Your LIFE

I've been patient with you. I've been telling you for a while now that you need to believe what I say. My word is true, alive, powerful, and eternal. It fills you with faith and has always come to pass. I'm waiting for you to step up and declare your courage. Your enemies are insignificant; never fear them. They threaten you from corners armed with guilt, regrets, and past memories—worthless and powerless weapons. Decide to trust me; it costs you nothing.

You were never meant to fail. My intention has always been to elevate you to great heights where you'll be an example of faith. You will lay hands on the sick and the hopeless, and my power will be evident. You will perform even greater miracles. You will confront mighty storms, and with the power of my word, you will defeat giants. This is how I see you—as a brave, steadfast champion with a holy character, wise words, and a humble heart. A hero of faith, victorious and triumphant.

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My Child Say GOODBYE.. To

Affirm your great worth. You are my child. I love you, and that will never change. Tell me you believe in me and that you love me too. You face many challenges, but I make you stronger. Many trials are ahead, but your faith in me makes you courageous. Don't fear your troubles; confront your battles. Focus on my promises and the words I've spoken to uplift your spirit. I have never left you in your times of weakness. I have never abandoned you. I took the anguish from your soul and filled you with joy.

If you seek me diligently every day, if you close the doors of your room and come into my presence, if you give me your heart in sublime praise, in supreme worship, if you cry out to me with all your soul, with all your fervor, believe me, I will listen to you and lift you to a better level. I know everything that happens to you. I feel with you what you feel. When you entrust your life to me and tell me the things that happen to you, when you put your future and your plans in my hands, there is a celebration here in heaven.

Overcoming Anxiety with GOD

I send you thousands of angels to guard you. I will solve your problems, not with your strength or your knowledge, but with my spirit and my power. You will emerge victorious from every situation. You will overcome because I help those I love and I bless those who dare to believe. But those who open their minds to negativity, who refuse to believe in my truth, who discard my word, who mock this love that seeks them, heals them, and saves them, those who are not brave enough to believe in a real God will not receive the blessings I have prepared for those who do believe in me and seek me.

I am attentive to your prayers in your moments of desperation. When you bring your petitions before my feet, very soon you will see how you will be delivered, strengthened, and lifted up by my love and my power. Love me, seek me, kneel down, cling to belief. Tell me you will do it. Nothing bad will happen to you. You're in my hands. Even if difficult moments come, continue trusting. If someone leaves your life, if a door closes, if you suddenly lose something material, don't be afraid. You're alive.

Place Your BURDENS in My Hand

I ask you, my children, to be strong and brave, to trust in my love and power.

You'll see your life start to change.

Don't give up because victory is sure if you're with me.

Never forget, I'm always with you.

Follow my path and you'll find the blessing, peace, and happiness you seek. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Sing, Oh heavens! Be joyful, Oh earth! And break out in singing, Oh mountains! For the LORD has comforted His people, and will have mercy on His afflicted.”
 (Isaiah 49:13)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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