đź”´ God Says: Come CLOSER my child

My beloved child, today is a blessed day, and I want you to be fully aware that you are surrounded by my angels.

As your Heavenly Father, the Almighty, I'm here to clear away all the curses that have affected your home, family, and finances.

Listen carefully, for today I am breaking the chains and releasing the bonds that have held you captive.

No more will there be scarcity, pain, or division among your loved ones.

Let me wrap you in my love, shield you with my protective arms, and pour out my blessings on every aspect of your life.


Be strong and courageous in believing in me. Dare to dream again. There are so many things I want to entrust to you. I will bless you greatly, fill your storehouses with provision. But I repeat, I need you to feed on my word and truly believe in me. Do not hesitate to seek me through prayer. I will give you the comfort and all the love you need. Every time you pray, I am there to listen to you.

I know perfectly well what you have gone through. I know how you feel now, and I have realized how faithful you have been to me in adversity. All your doubts, fears, and uncertainties will be taken into account. I will answer each one of them and fill you with peace. That which hurts and bothers you in your life will be eliminated. I will make every obstacle in your path disappear, or I will give you the tools to overcome them.

My Child I've Been WATCHING

I'm very pleased with you because you seek me and praise me at all times. I've seen you triumph in difficult situations. Even if you do not believe it, I have been there by your side, opening doors and removing obstacles at every step you take. I have healed you and protected you from danger. You have my firm promise that I will always be with you. Whenever you have problems or cannot find a solution to something that seems impossible, just pray, and I will listen to you with love and respond to your requests.

Do not lose your hope in me. Do not forget that I am the one who has the power to create and undo. When you feel that everything is going wrong, trust that I'm working to help you. Distance yourself from the fear of what others will say and remain faithful in prayer. No one will pass over you or cause you fear because my word will give you the power of faith and wisdom to move forward. Advance firmly towards your goals.

Jesus is Your Prince of PEACE

Do not look back; look ahead, for I am before you, opening paths. All this I tell you, do not forget it. Keep it in your heart and put it into practice because I, your God, will never abandon you. No matter the hour, the day, or the moment, you can talk to me whenever you want. Let no one tell you that you cannot do it. I will always be waiting for you to come to me.

I know perfectly well that you are going through very difficult times and that sometimes it is hard for you to control yourself. But you must avoid letting your enemies achieve their purpose and sin. Therefore, entrust me with your problems daily. I have come to alleviate your burdens. I want to help you and give you peace. I will take care of everything. You just have to walk by my side and trust in your heavenly father.

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đź‘‘God Says: 7 Hours LEFT


Although you do not know what destiny holds for you, I know it very well. It will not be easy for you to understand what I am telling you at this moment because I know you are not doing well. But remember, with the strength with which you have cried and suffered, with that same strength, you will be happy and enjoy my blessings. I have seen your heart in the sad mornings, disappointed and hurt, but I have come to put my shoulder so that you can cry on it and let go of what you carry inside.

Leave it to me so that you can move forward. Stop doubting and trust completely that I have the power to end all your problems and make those who have hurt you retreat and see in you my strength. I will be the one to console you and fill you with tranquility in your nights of anguish. When the sun rises, your eyes, full of tears, will see the reward for your effort. The end of your desperation is coming. Your blessing is already here. Believe it because I do not lie. I am the God of the impossible.


Listen to me saying I love you. These words heal your heart, ease your mind of all tension. Put your worries in my hands. Your problems will disappear, your pain will end, and things will change. Let me help you. I want to remove your anguish. Give me those thoughts that hurt and sink you. Worrying is not good. Listen to me and give me some of your time. I do not take away your minutes. Give me just a few seconds, and I will multiply them into years of abundance and life.

Let out those feelings that break your soul and make your heart bleed. Tell me what you're afraid of. Who has more power than me? To whom have you entrusted your life? I am the owner of your soul, the creator of your spirit. I know what you long for at this moment, so do not resist. Your heart is hungry for my grace, and your whole being needs me. You have walked for so long without support and without comfort. This is the source of your pain and your loneliness.

Come to My KINGDOM

Life will stir your emotions, but remember, my love for you is constant.

Write this on your soul: you are different, blessed, and radiant with joy.

While others might envy you, unable to believe in what they can't see, you know the source of your strength.

Stay away from those who envy or counsel you poorly.

You'll be blessed if you keep my commandments, offering me your sincere faith and whole heart.

After a day of toil and trouble, when you come home weary, I'll be waiting to welcome you with open arms, ready to provide the rest you need.

Wake up early to find me already beside you.

Let the first thing you hear each morning be my voice whispering, "I love you." Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever”
 (1 Peter 4:11)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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