🔴 God Says: Coming to Your HOME

God is saying to you today, dear child, you are the luckiest person in your city right now because you are chosen among 123 people to win that big lottery prize of $1 million, which will change your family's life forever.

Yes, my child, I have chosen you for this financial blessing because of your unwavering faith in me.

As you move through life, take these words to heart.

You are on your way to becoming rich, successful, happier, and healthier.

Prepare yourself for a flood of good things that will exceed your wildest dreams.

You're My Tiny DANCER

My life flows through you, transforming you into a home for the Almighty.

Realize your true identity, redeemed and restored to reign in realms yet unseen.

What was lost is now regained as you stand strong on the foundation of redemption, following the victorious risen Lord.

You are a child of mine, built strong and whole, ready to rule with me.

My beloved child, I see your heart's desire for guidance, for a path forward through the trials and uncertainties of this world.

Know that I am with you always.

The strategies and revelations I impart are doorways to the abundant life I have planned for you, tailored to the unique person I created you to be.

But first, the foundation must be laid before the walls can be raised up.

The ground must be cleared and the cornerstone set firmly in place.

Obedience is this cornerstone.

Careful adherence to my commands allows me to build securely upon your life so that my blessings may overflow.

The nations of this world prize accomplishments, riches, and status, yet even the mightiest rulers bow down when my spirit moves through an obedient servant.

Why require this surrender of human ambition and will?

Because the mortal mind always tilts first toward self.

You're My Tiny DANCER

My thoughts soar higher than yours, as the heavens tower over Earth.

Every strategy I give serves my eternal purposes, unfolding in ways no human eye can yet discern.

When you choose the path of humility and trust, setting aside your assumptions about what is best, then my transforming power breaks through.

The willingness to obey, even without seeing the reasons, clears the way for me to do things beyond your wildest imaginings.

For you, my beloved, I envision a life of vibrant health, prosperity enough to give generously as I direct, rich communion with me through prayer, divine connections in all your relationships, and a burgeoning ministry that reaches hungry hearts.

If you fix your sight on me alone, detach from other voices clamoring for your allegiance, I will bring it to pass.

Every detail will emerge at just the right time because my timing is flawless.

When you have need of guidance for the next step, I will be there.

When a new opportunity arises, I will highlight it to you if it aligns with my purposes.

Each revelation uncovered will prepare you for those still veiled.

Move forward in trusting confidence that I know the way through to the destination I have prepared for you.

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The key that unlocks every door is obedience.

In honoring my laws, you honor the lawgiver.

Does not a kingdom function best when every subject respects the authority of the king?

Then enter joyfully into this yoke with me; it is easy and light because I bear the weight.

I carve the path; your only task is to walk in it, believing I see further than you possibly could.

On this journey, share what wisdom and resources you gain freely with others I bring across your path.

Teach those I place in your stewardship these same truths I teach you.

For the heights of human achievement mean nothing next to a soul girded up in willingness to obey the maker who envisioned infinity and spoke all worlds into being.

Without me, you can do nothing that will endure.

With me, your life accrues eternal riches untarnishable by moth or rust.

For this very purpose, I chose and formed you, my precious one, not because you earned my favor through your own merit.

What mortal could scale such heights?

But because my extravagant love delights in taking the small and weak things of this realm and transforming them into vessels that radiate my glory.

Your Time is OVER

Today, in my holy name, you will face these conflicts, and by my holy spirit, you will overcome them.

Tell me with faith that you believe.

Activate your faith.

Exercise your soul in my word and recall all my holy promises.

They are your shield and sword in the face of adversity.

Who is with you?

The Most High God, omnipotent King of Kings, Lord of Lords, majestic in power and authority, who gives you the strength to overcome.

Answer me.

I want to hear you.

Feel how these words reignite that discouraged faith and relight the flame of your desire to triumph.

Listen, receive it, and believe it. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
 (Joshua 1:9)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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