🔴 God Says: Correct this at ONCE

My beloved child, you must trust in me and reach out to me during these tough times so that threats and difficulties don't steal your peace and confidence.

Your suffering moves me, and seeing your sincere heart touches me deeply.

As I have said before, I will bless you because it is my desire to do so.

Tell me now that you will accept my blessing and hold it dear.

Remember, in your moments of sadness, I hold you in the palm of my hand.

I cover you with my holy protection.

Trust in My SUPPORT

I want to heal you and mend what hurts.

Trust me when I say I will not disappoint you.

Soon you will express gratitude, and your family will become a fountain of peace.

I will protect them with my precious blood.

My angels will watch over their comings and goings.

Just tell me you believe.

I will fight your battles.

In my hands, your victory is certain, your triumph guaranteed.

Get ready to act on those plans you've been thinking about and be prepared to receive the promises found in my holy scriptures.

Your fight is already won, for I battle alongside you as a mighty giant.

The enemy who tried to rise against you, to accuse and destroy you, has failed.

No one will accuse you or raise a hand against you.

You need not flee or hide.

Remember, you are with me, and I am beholden to no one.

My will prevails in the lives of my children.

Come closer to me.

Do not get caught up in the world's strife, where peace is rare and forgiveness is scarce.

Find shelter under my wings.

Let me shield you from the dangers that lurk.


You are on the right path.

I am preparing you for great blessings.

Though the process may be painful, the reward will be immense.

Look up to the sky and never doubt my power, for I am actively working in your life to bring about the change you've long awaited.

I love you.

Do not drift away from me.

With love, your father.

Come closer.

Let me take on your burdens.

You are carrying too much.

You don't need to continue alone.

I am here, waiting for you to come and trust me with all that weighs you down.

I am here with you, ready to assist with all your needs.

No matter how daunting your problems may seem or how challenging the situation may be, I can provide solutions and lighten your load.

You no longer need to worry about the future or things beyond your control.

Trust in me and let me lead your life.

Let me take control, for I've seen your struggles and concerns.

I know how they overwhelm and exhaust you.

That's why I want you to understand that you are not alone.

I am with you at every moment.

Just Have FAITH

Nothing can separate you from my love or my protection.

For no matter how insurmountable your problems may seem, remember, nothing is impossible for me. I am here to help you.

I don't want you to give up on your dreams or abandon your goals because of the burdens you carry.

You don't need to worry about anything, for I am with you.

I will assist you.

I promise that I will never leave you alone on this journey.

I will always be by your side when you need me, helping you to overcome any obstacle.

You can rely on my love and mercy at all times.

Remember, you are my child, and you mean the world to me.

Please do not feel embarrassed or afraid to come to me and entrust me with your problems.

I am here to listen and help, no matter how small or large the issue may be.

I assure you, I will support you in everything.

Do not forget, I am your strength and your rock.

You can trust me at all times.

I will always lead you on the right path and give you the strength you need to overcome any challenge.

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👑God Says: Let Go of WORRY

You Are in DANGER If You Skip

I urge you not to lose heart.

Trust in me and my unwavering love for you.

If you do, you will find comfort, joy, peace, and calmness.

I will always be right there beside you, lightening your burdens.

You will never be left alone.

Whenever you stumble, I will pick you up because my love for you is deep, unconditional, and everlasting.

Now is the time to give all your worries and burdens to me.

Let me carry them.

Let my love surround you and bring you the peace and tranquility you desperately need.

Don't worry about how I will solve your problems, for I have already arranged everything.

My plans for you include well-being, blessings, and prosperity.

All you need to do is trust me and follow my lead.

I will guide you on the right path and bring you to the places you need to be.

Just believe in my love and have faith in my strength, for that is all you need to be happy.

I promise you will never be abandoned, and I will always be with you, holding you in my arms and protecting you from all harm.

You're Chosen for This HOUR

Let me reassure you once more, my child.

Hand over all your concerns to me and let me carry your burdens.

I will look after you.

If you do this now, you will not regret it.

I will do something great and marvelous in your life because I love you and you are precious and important to me.

Remember, I am always here for you, my son, my daughter.

The future I have planned for you is filled with blessings, victories, and prosperity.

You may be anxious about what lies ahead, feeling unprepared for the challenges that may come.

But I am here to comfort you with my love and to calm your anxieties.

You may not see me, but I am here, working in your favor with infinite power.

I am creating a wellspring of living water to quench your soul, providing the peace and strength you need.

You were not meant to suffer or live in distress.

Let my transformative love fill you and show you the way out of your troubles.

Just believe in me and you will see how I can calm the fiercest storms in your life.

Remember, I am the god of the impossible.

BLESSINGS Coming Your Way

I urge you to look for my guidance through prayer and reading my word.

Let me speak to your heart and show you the right path, the one that leads to a life full of purpose and happiness.

I won't let you down.

I'll be with you every step, guiding you toward me.

Remember, you're always covered by my love and mercy.

No matter how many times you've fallen, I'll always be there to pick you up and give you the strength to keep going.

My wish is for you to find true peace, lasting hope, and forever joy.

I'm waiting for you with open arms full of pure and strong love. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
 (Isaiah 41: 10)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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