đź”´ God Says: Don't Tempt FATE By

God is saying to you, dear child, tomorrow morning you will receive a huge amount of money from a stranger.

Know that it will be a financial gift from your Heavenly Father for your good deeds on Earth.

You are so good and always have faith in God, even in very bad situations.

Your faith in me has always been unwavering and has acted as a beacon of light in the darkest times.

Time Is UP

My child, tell me you believe it. The bad times are coming to an end. The days of pain are about to pass. When your blessings arrive, remember that I send them to you out of love. I watched over you in the midst of conflict. When you walked in the desert, I was your provider. From the day you read these words, renew your faith. There have been many attacks, doubts, trials, and rejections that have diminished the fervor you once had in believing. Return again to the path of trust. Fill your mind once more with my powerful word.

I want your faith to be alive and burning so that when abundance fills your life, you will not forget me, your God and Lord. Keep crying out, keep praying because there are many things that, with your natural eyes, you still cannot see. A battle is being fought in the spiritual world. I will bless you, but there is much opposition you must defeat. Your victory lies in your faith, in your persistence, in the constancy and perseverance in prayer. Seek me in the day, in the evening, and in the night. Rise early for intercession. Times are changing for you, and my eyes search the earth for brave warriors like you.

I Heard Your CRY

I will perform miracles in you and through you. I will use you to bring bread, clothing, comfort, healing, and blessing to many. While you bless others, you will be greatly blessed. In the time of miracles, you must stand firm and upright. Set aside the things that burden you, seek my face, renew your faith. I love you. Today, I will visit your home and change your destiny. You have called me in your prayer with faith and sincerity. That is why I have come to rescue you. I have the power and I want to do it. The key that opens the door to miracles is your faith.

But I also love you, and in whatever condition you are in, you will always count on me. You are suffering and need my help, my love that covers and heals you without judging you, my loving presence that embraces you in silence without reproach. You need my friendly ear that listens to you patiently without interrupting. Tell me that you long for me because that is the truth. Your own strength has reached its limit. This is the moment to recognize your need. I know you and your family are going through a cruel desert where loneliness dries up hope. Your soul is thirsty for love.


Walking burns, and you cry out in pain when you step on the hot stones. I understand how you feel. It is difficult to keep walking and believe that even in the midst of this suffering my hand is holding you. But even so, I have come to protect you from the enemies that attack and wound you. Everything you are going through today is just a purification process. Just as gold shines only after passing through the fire, so will you shine and be purified of the negative things that still exist within you. I tell you this not to exalt you, but so that you can extend your hand to help those who are down and out.

I want you to abandon anger, vanity, fear, doubt, and lack of faith. Never look to the past because nothing you have lived through can compare to the joy you will have from today onwards. I want you to look for small and large things in your life to be grateful for, to walk with a clear conscience and my virtues in your heart. You are worth more, your family is worth more, your future is worth more than money, car, house, profession, job, fame, or popularity. Do not fear losing material things nor cry over them. Put first what truly has value. Love me and seek me with all your strength.

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Put Your TRUST in Me

I am your provider, and now I will give you what you need. I will satisfy you with true blessings, open many doors for you, and put good opportunities before you. Blessings will rain down on you in abundance. Pay attention to what is happening around you. Remember that I can transform negative things to your favor, so do not despair if at first, you face obstacles that you do not understand. Behind every problem and frustration, I am hiding prosperity and abundant blessings. Prepare yourself to wisely manage what I give you. Look in my word for advice to increase the gifts and talents I have placed in your life today.

Do not be seduced by material goods. Do not give yourself to fame nor worry about going into debt to buy vanities. Focus on what is important. Strive to elevate your spiritual life to a higher level. Make an effort to learn from my word and to know me better. I will reveal many things to you. I want you to witness wonderful miracles and be diligent with your health and in all family matters. Do not leave anything for later. I give you the strength and intelligence to solve several situations today. I do not want you to be desperate at the last minute for something to go wrong because you did not listen to me.


Rise and do it. Dare to do it. Your heart is brave. From here I see no cowardice in you. No matter what you feel, do the good things you have to do and do not be afraid. You will receive much and you will lose nothing. If you were to lose something or if people get angry with you because you have decided to fix your situation and make good decisions, put those people in my hands. Pray for them but do not listen to their advice or complaints. Those who walk towards an abyss by their own decision cannot help you. I'm with you to help you in everything, but put me first.

Not only will I help you, but I will also prosper you and pour out blessings upon you more valuable than gold. Even if you feel defeated and faint, I will resurrect your desires to live. I will strengthen you and lift you from the ashes. Those around you and many generations to come will see how much I have blessed you. I will change your clothes, crown you with honor, and cleanse your paths. Your home will be filled with my glory. Believe me, for this will be so. I love you. Listen to my voice. I have good news for you. Do not be impatient. Trust in me and everything will be resolved.

Skip if you CHOOSE HELL

Remember that your life is full of potential and blessings you have yet to discover.

Trust in me and hold on to my words, for you have a purpose in this world, and together we will fulfill it.

Remember, if you ever feel weak, you can find strength in the certainty that my love and power support you.

No matter how challenging the path, with my help, you can overcome any obstacle that arises. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”
 (John 15:5)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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