đź”´ God Says: Embrace the PEACE

Talking to God today, He said to me, "My dear son, I want you to know that I have been asking you to be patient for some time now. I have been sending signals through music, conversations, and dreams. Every trial you have faced has not been to hinder your fate but to boost you. Your soul has been prepared for a big change. Please don't stop reading this message with a special message from God to brighten your day."

I Shall Remain Ever BESIDE You

Do you accept? Please tell me you will. The harder your trials, the greater your victories. Everything you've suffered and all the pain you've endured won't be in vain. That's why I send you these words, so you don't lose heart now. The situations you face are about to end. The blessing you've awaited is coming. I've been watching over and protecting you. You were never fighting alone. My promise is about to come true. All the words of encouragement and strength I've spoken to you will come to pass. My dear child, don't give up today.

You're on the brink of triumph. The problems draining your strength will leave, scarcity will go away, and I'll heal every sickness. Behind that wall of problems and conflicts is a beautiful surprise that will make you leap for joy. Not just you, but many broken relationships will be healed, and you'll celebrate this blessing with your family. Your faith and dedication are crucial. Your steadfastness in prayer is the key. Clear your mind of distractions that undermine you, all that makes you doubt my word, all that makes you forget your worth, purpose, and mission.

You're NEXT

Stay away from friendships that try to convince you that believing in me isn't worth it. Many will approach you with a smile, but their intentions are not pure. Be cautious. My word is truthful. I warn you now so you don't believe everything people say. You are incredibly valuable, and I'll say it a thousand times. You haven't been excluded from my love. In fact, I love you more each day. There are still many blessings I want to give you. Any problem you face today will soon end. All the bad will pass. Stay strong in faith.

Your family will be united and filled with love again. I will restore all that was lost, and it will be clear to everyone that my favor and blessing are upon you. I want everyone to see this so those who mocked you for your faith will realize that your heavenly Father is real and loves you deeply. You need a miracle, and you will receive it very soon. You're in the right place with the right attitude. I'm pleased when you retreat to your room in silence and secrecy, offering me your worship, laying your soul at my feet, pouring out all your pain and needs.

I Know Your PAIN

I appreciate seeing your faith and trust. Sometimes you can't tell anyone what's happening to you. Only you and I know. You've taken on the responsibility of bearing this burden, but I'm here to help. You sought me with all your heart, and I will never deny you my response. You need my hand to free you from so many things that hurt, confuse, and fill you with anxiety. You need my power. You yearn for peace, calmness, to close your eyes, sleep easily, and wake with joy. This is my response. Embrace it fully today.

Hold on to the faith that sustains you, to the promise I've given. I am your advocate. I defend you. I am your shepherd. I provide for you. I am your friend. We will rejoice together when the blessing you've awaited arrives. Expect it. I guarantee you'll receive it. Many things will change. Let your thoughts be filled with my promises that heal. I want you to renew your way of thinking, change how you react when obstacles arise. Remember, I won't forsake you even if the trial seems tough and painful. Take my hand. You know I love you.

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đź‘‘God Says: This is WHY

Someone Cries OVER

How could I leave you after all the love I've shown you? You are my child, very important to me. I repeat this so you never forget. Remember my promises, which are good, real, powerful, and true. My covenant is unbreakable. My commitment is eternal. I will always be with you. I love you. Today, every curse in your home, family, finances, present, past, and future is broken. The power of darkness is defeated, and you won't be overwhelmed by depression, confusion, anger, or wrath anymore. Negative thoughts and feelings won't have a place in your heart.

Today is your day of blessing. I forgive, heal, restore, and set free those who give their lives to me. Turn away from evil and seek me with all your heart. Don't be afraid. Don't let your mind be filled with obstacles that aren't real. Even the walls you see will be torn down by my word and power. There are so many things I have planned for your life, and they can all come true if you believe in me. I love you and want you to get ready to walk a new path of miracles I've prepared for you. Don't let doubt steal your confidence and lead you astray.


Doubt can take you down dark paths. The enemy will try to destroy you with lies, slander, and contempt. It will tell you that you deserve nothing because you're not worthy. But I say to you, be strong and courageous. Don't be afraid or discouraged, for I am with you wherever you go. I died for you on the cross; your sins are gone. My resurrection gives you the right to live with the divine power that brings the joy and happiness you need so much. Believe it. I will do miracles in you. Feed on my word. Be filled with my spirit. Sing to me in your soul.

Praise me aloud or in silence in your room. Let me take you to a supernatural level. Don't let any thoughts of inferiority lead you to defeat. Don't let pride lead you to arrogance and downfall. Today, I give you gifts, talents, and wisdom. Your heart, soul, and spirit are free from all curses and oppression. You won't be a slave to memories or thoughts that weigh you down. I bring freedom and salvation to your family. You know it, feel it, believe it. Tell me you'll value my words and get ready for the powerful miracles you're about to see.

Jesus Always LOVES You

I will never leave you nor forsake you, and my grace will be sufficient for you in all things.

So go forth with confidence, knowing that you are loved beyond measure and that I am working all things together for your good.

Trust in my timing, my provision, and my endless love for you.

You are precious in my sight, and I will continue to guide you and bless you all the days of your life. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
 (Jeremiah 29:11)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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