đź”´ God Says: EMERGENCY Broadcast

My dear child, I want you to know that I have conquered all the challenges and obstacles of this world.

The solutions to the difficulties you face can be found through your connection with me.

Trust in the faith that I have placed within you.

Think back on all the commitments I have made to you, the blessings you have experienced, and the wonderful plans I have shared with you.

If you choose to stand strong today, proclaiming these promises out loud and believing in them wholeheartedly, your day will be filled with happiness and contentment.

Your LIFE is in my HAND

Just as you feel this strength filling your soul now, you will lift your sword and the shield of my word, marching forward, fearless of anything or anyone. You are a hero of faith, a conqueror of giants, a miracle worker, a distributor of blessings. I'm igniting a holy fire in your heart. I'm instilling the passion needed to build your life, to fight for your family, to understand that you are set apart. I have chosen you to conquer your challenges, to rise, and to aid many. This feeling is yours alone. It's a great responsibility, and I entrust it to no one else.

You are my chosen warrior. Tell me now, do you accept my love, my blessings, and my eternal power? My beloved child, take a breath. Hand over your anxiety and your nervousness. Come here and rest your head on my shoulder for a moment. I am your God who loves you deeply, who comforts you each time you close your eyes and cry, unsure of what to do next. Let the world continue on its path, but you and I will take a moment to talk. I will listen to you for you to share everything with me.


I want you to stand up from here refreshed, your heart strengthened, your spirit peaceful, and your soul joyful. This morning you woke with a heart heavy with fear and sadness, feeling empty and thirsty, but I offer you water from my river of living life. I want your soul to find rest, to be filled with my presence. I want you to be happy, despite many challenges trying to drain your will to live. I have never left you. I have granted you my love, my peace, my word, all my mighty promises to help you stand strong.

In my presence, there is an everlasting flame that purifies all sin and impurity, the same fire that ignites your heart. But if you listen to the enemy and begin to stray from me, only smoke and ashes will remain where once burned your love for me. Be vigilant. Shut the door on pain and do not allow the harmful emotions others plant within you to take root. You have grown weary from the disdain of those you deeply care about. Your efforts have been substantial, yet they seem unrecognized. Everyone is absorbed in their own lives, showing little affection towards you.

Give Me Your Full ATTENTION

I understand your frustration and sadness. Even I experienced abandonment by those I nurtured, betrayal by those I saved, and denial from close friends when tested. Trust in me, for I truly understand your feelings. Bring your grief and sadness to me. I am right beside you. I will satisfy your longing and infuse you with words that fortify your faith. Your tears will turn into joy. Your blessing is on its way. I have loved you with an everlasting love, and my mercy remains steadfast beside you. I hear your prayers, and each one invites spiritual blessings into your life, your home, and upon those you cherish.

I will lift you from this profound despair. Take my hand, hold on tightly. It's time for me to assist you. Your deep need and profound sadness move me profoundly. I hear your heart's cries from my throne. Get ready to rise above the challenges you face today. Ignore those who say it's impossible. Let your dreams take flight again. Turn away from those who only bring discouragement and do not contribute to your growth according to my plan for you. Listen carefully, heed only my voice. Your earnest prayer, rooted in faith that patiently endures and waits, unlocks the door to miracles and blessings.

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Don't Give Up My Beloved Child

Recall how many times you've faced defeat, only for the tide to turn following your prayers, replacing what seemed an inevitable loss with magnificent victory. You chose prayer over despair, faith over defeat. How often have you felt overwhelmed, only to find strength and courage after praying? Remember these moments. Although everything is dark, although you look up and don't see the light in this situation you're living, although you feel so weak and unable to overcome this adversity, you will receive your victory because I hear your prayers.

I see you still without strength; you quietly cry out for my help. Today is the day I will lift you so high that problems cannot reach you. Take my hand now and climb with faith every step of that ladder that will take you to your victory. Your prayer was heard. Even with all the pressure, fear, anguish, and despair surrounding you, you chose to trust me, and today you receive my help, and your story will change forever. Today, I will place you in high places where no adversity can touch you.


I saw you suffer and cry until dawn. I was by your side. I gave you my sincere embrace. I took you in my arms like a little child. With my love and affection, I comforted you in the midst of so many tears and your unbearable sadness. You stopped crying. Tranquility filled your soul. In the silence of the dawn, I spoke to you, put my hand on you, and showed you my faithfulness. And when you woke up in the morning, everything was different. You were happier, full of hope and confidence, firmer in your faith, stronger.

Listen to me until the end, my dear child, because I also want your pain to end and your life to change. Don't stop praying. Don't stop believing. Victory is already in your hands. You will overcome any barrier when you seek more of my power. This power, which to your eyes is inexplicable but capable of generating faith and hope, giving you a reason to live, filling your soul with praise. I know you are a winner, and you can achieve it, even if you think your faith is small. You will be able to face the enemy and defeat him.

Have Faith in ME

I want to strengthen our personal connection, and I want you to know that I speak to you with limitless compassion and love.

Unwind, knowing that I am always here to help you navigate life's challenges.

Remember that I am always refreshing you, filling your soul with desire, fortifying your heart, and enveloping you in my unending love and serenity. Thus, enjoy each day as a precious gift. Have faith in me, and I will provide you with the joy and satisfaction your soul craves. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Even now, behold, my witness is in heaven, and He who testifies for me is on High.”
 (Job 16:19)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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