đź”´ God Says: Endless LOVE for you

Heart, be at peace, for I am about to reveal a marvel that will leave you in amazement at this very instant, the juncture, the tipping point, when fear is broken down and hope takes flight.

Let caution guide your actions and choices, and let dedication be your continuous companion.

For I am composing a symphony of benefits for you and your loved ones, a waterfall of heavenly favor that will descend upon you like the most copious rain.

To manage the ideas whirling in your head, you have been looking for a sign or confirmation.

This moment, I will provide clarity.

Receive My BLESSINGS My Child

Yes, prideful empires will topple and false ideologies will implode, for I am shifting the spiritual foundations of societies in this hour.

The instability spanning nations and systems in upheaval are but birth pangs preceding the emergence of my kingdom in new dimensions of authority, order, and fruitfulness.

For still to come are glorious days when my supreme reign shall infuse every sphere of society with peace, justice, and the knowledge of the Lord.

So, brace yourself, beloved, for escalating shakings and realignments ahead, but fear not, for I guard your life as the apple of my eye.

While structures crumble around you, perfectly positioned in me, your life shall be an oasis of presence and power, where my still waters flow freely to nourish your soul.

Here your roots grow deep in my word, upholding you through the winds of change.

As others stumble in the darkness, the luminous glow of my spirit will illuminate your path into realms of heightened vision, discernment, and authority.

In me, you have grown to be ready for this important time as the world shifts from earthly rule to my kingdom.

Rejoice in MY NAME my child

Tested in valleys of lack and limitation, you have emerged wholeheartedly devoted to me, seeking only my will and glory.

This purity of motive and loyalty of love now qualify you for promotion into greater spheres of influence in my end-time campaign to redeem planet Earth.

In times of change and uncertainty, I offer my guidance, entrusting you with the humble task of spreading kindness and hope.

Your role is to be a compassionate listener and a helper in small but meaningful ways, addressing injustices and suffering with a heart full of empathy and understanding.

You are invited to join hands with others who share a vision of kindness and humility, working together to heal and comfort where there is need.

Your dedication to these humble endeavors, guided by a spirit of selflessness and love, will forge meaningful connections and make a positive difference in the lives around you.

Now is the time to embrace your role as contributors in a period of gradual change and improvement.

Those among you, steady and reliable in your efforts, will play a vital role in this period of transition, helping to open new paths of understanding and cooperation.

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đź‘‘God Says: Your WEEK of WONDERS

My Child I'm PROUD of You

The values once sidelined, like compassion, fairness, and integrity, are now becoming the cornerstones for positive change in various aspects of life.

These ideas, which once might have seemed distant or abstract, are now becoming more tangible and relevant.

Step forward and take your place as agents of positive change, inspired by the faithful examples set forth in my word.

Remember Joseph, who, despite being sold into slavery and unjustly imprisoned, rose to a position of influence in Egypt, using his wisdom and integrity to save many lives.

Consider Esther, who bravely approached the king to save her people, demonstrating great courage and faith in the face of potential peril.

Reflect on the humility and leadership of Moses, who led my people out of bondage in Egypt, guided not by his own strength but by his obedience and reliance on me.

These servants of mine were not without their trials and tribulations, yet they remained steadfast in their faith and commitment to righteousness.

In each of their stories, you see a common thread: a willingness to step forward in faith, to embrace the roles I had ordained for them, and to act as vessels for my purposes.

This Needs Quick ACTION

Be attentive to my voice, for I am a God of precision and purpose.

In the intricacies of timing and the specifics of seasons and numbers, my handiwork is evident.

Doubt not the instructions I impart, for in your obedience lies the unfolding of my divine plan. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“A time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away.”
 (Ecclesiastes 3:6)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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