🔴 God Says: Endless LOVE for you

My beloved child, do not ignore my voice as it lovingly reassures you.

Do not fear, I am with you.

You are not alone.

You will prevail even though it seems everything is against you.

Your victory is near.

Don't close this message, don't leave this page.

This isn't just a coincidence.

If you're hearing this message, it's because your time has come.

I'm ready to reveal something supernatural to you.

Deep down, your soul knows it.

Your spirit senses it.

You are on the verge of experiencing a powerful and extraordinary miracle.

With You, I'm WHOLE

Remember, if I'm reminding you of my promises today, it's because of my love for you.

I want the best for you.

Choose to change the things that bring you down.

My paths will lead you on a journey specially prepared to restore what you've lost.

Remember, I gave my life on the cross for you and rose again with power to show the world my greatness and that nothing is impossible for me.

Avoid those who lead you astray and wish to harm you.

They want to see you lose the blessings I have for you.

They want you defeated without peace or purpose.

But with me, they can't make you stumble because I am with you, caring for you and giving you my love forever.

Once you commit to following me with certainty and determination, nothing can separate you from my presence.

Your past mistakes won't matter in your new life because I have forgiven you.

You have nothing to be ashamed of.

Don't look back to what I have already forgotten.

Live a new present without fear of moving forward.

I invite you to pray every morning to bless your day.

If you ever feel weak or scared, I'll be there to renew your faith, strength, and hope.


When you face problems, tell me what's happening.

I'll help you find solutions and show you the path forward.

My love for you is endless.

Right now, you can feel it.

I destroy all works of evil, every illness, pain, and chain of misery and poverty with my power.

I'm here to help with everything you need. You will prosper.

It is my will that all good things that come into your hands be multiplied and blessed.

Believe in me fully.

Also, believe in my forgiveness.

If you seek complete blessings, ignore the accusations.

Ignore criticisms and slander.

Don't let the envious words of others ruin your promising future.

Instead of being filled with fear and anxiety, feel my hand on your heart.

Be filled with joy, peace, hope, faith, and confidence.

I will bring joy into your life and put songs of praise on your lips.

Your life will be different.

Your blessing is from heaven and abundance will flow to your home.

You will be free from every chain of debt and mistakes that harm your finances.

It might seem like you're going through tough times, but listen to me.

Believe my words and now look around with the eyes of faith.


My dear child, be aware of the open doors and opportunities that come your way.

Value and treat well those you encounter on your journey.

I bring many special people into your life to assist you just as I do.

Be kind, be considerate, treat everyone with respect because I plan to bless you and use you in ways you can't yet imagine.

In tough times, you will rise.

You will shine with the power of my light and you will be a witness to others.

Let me share a secret: many of my children hear these words, but not all truly believe.

Some choose not to accept what I offer.

They come up with excuses, preferring to believe those who would keep them bound in misery and sin, in pain and sadness, and they reject my blessings, my words, my promises.

But I urge you to trust me more.

It's better that you do.

Don't waste your time doubting.

Don't miss out on the blessings I place directly into your hands.

Yet, I know you're different.

I've seen it many times.

You believe in me and I love you deeply for it.

Receive my blessings now.

As you read these words, feel my presence.

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This is SERIOUS and About You

Sense my love filling you up.

Feel the embrace I offer you, bringing you strength, tenderness, and supernatural peace.

Stop worrying, stop tormenting yourself.

I have matters well in hand and I will take care of them.

Rest, trust, believe in me with the innocence of a child and never doubt what I am about to do in your life.

I will transform your life. I will dispel your loneliness.

I will heal your soul, wiping away forever the scars of past pains that still bleed and prevent you from receiving all the blessings I have for you.

My daughter, my son, recognize the worth I assigned to you on the cross.

I shed my blood so you could be free from the bondage of sin.

On that cross, I nailed the record of your errors so that your past no longer haunts your mind or steals your peace.

You are incredibly precious to me.

Your value is beyond what words can describe.

If you listen carefully, you will hear my divine voice wherever you are, whether it's day or night, in your dreams, as you walk during your daily chores at home, while you rest, or even in the midst of your busiest days at work.

You Are the Apple of My EYE

I will communicate with you beyond words in a supernatural way.

I will make you feel the love I have for you and help you understand your significance to me.

Everything I am doing in your life is to make you understand and feel how deeply I have loved you, how I will continue to move heaven and earth to fulfill letter by letter the purpose I have designed for you.

You are unique and special.

My angels protect you and keep you from stumbling.

Your enemy fears your prayers.

Evil forces retreat when you praise me.

The gratitude that flows from your heart is not only a powerful weapon but also an instrument of worship.

The melody of your praise reaches my throne in heaven.

I've endowed you with authority.

Your presence shines when you confront your challenges with faith and confidence.

You are strong and courageous.

Your troubles dissipate with each new morning.

If only you understood the value, the power, the supernatural gift I have given you, how much I have loved you from the beginning of time.

I know you are starting to feel it.

Gradually, you are realizing, and just as I love you, you will also love your family and everyone around you.

My BLESSING Is on Its Way

Now go forth, my child, and tackle your day with bravery.

My angels are with you, and my love sustains you. Amen.

As you continue on this path, I invite you to join me in the next message, where we will explore deeper the profound love and purpose I have for you.

Together, we will unlock the doors to a life filled with miracles and blessings.

Lift up your hands and receive the abundance that awaits you.

Reflect on These Words Today

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.”
 (Isaiah 43:2)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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