🔴 God Says: Have Faith in ME

Listen to me, my child.

Pause for a moment and lend me your ears.

I am here because I care deeply about you.

I want you to be free from worries, to leave behind those restless nights and the shadows of sadness.

Remember, I love you profoundly.

I've shown it in countless ways, and I long for you to feel it even more deeply now.

Tell me, do you yearn for a better life?

Are you ready to let go of the stress and fill your heart with joy?

Speak to me now if you truly want to rise above your struggles.

It's Not Coincidence

Your heart has been transformed, and now you depend on me. You will flourish in all that you undertake. And as I previously mentioned, you will be blessed. Doors will open, and the challenges that weigh on you will be resolved. I will break chains and bondages, delivering peace and prosperity without the burden of anxiety or debt. Do not be swayed by the actions of others. As long as you trust in me and act with integrity, no one can oppose you or your family. Know that I am with you every day until the end.

My word is sufficient to heal. The supernatural power that flows from my words is sufficient to give you life and lift you up. It is now at your disposal. You cannot continue walking bound by thoughts of pain. You must not continue believing that you deserve the terrible consequences your sins left you. You live in a world of affliction, but it is a conquered world. You are the child of the Almighty God who has promised you this. You must trust and believe in me with every step you take, and in this world and its afflictions, you will also find victory.

Don't Let It CRUSH You

I see that you still spend hours crying, sometimes not even knowing why. Let me tell you what it is that causes your suffering. It's a deep longing to return to me. Your heart misses me. Your spirit longs for me, and your entire being knows that separated from me, you can do nothing. It seems as though life is slipping through your fingers, and you have yet to find the peace and happiness you've been waiting for. Your loved ones seem to grow more distant with each passing day. But pay attention, for I'm here standing beside you.

And there is a spring from which the waters of blessings flow. It quenches your life and soul, removing all sorrow. Drink from this water, wash away those thoughts of sadness, and you will never thirst again. I promise you. Your faith has borne fruit. My word is enough. Today, I have healed you. You opened the door for me, and I have entered your home. I will stay here, blessing and protecting your family, and I will bless you even more than you can imagine. Today, I sense a hint of sadness in you.


I see your downcast face, and I realize you need strength to continue on your journey with enthusiasm. Come with confidence; there's no need to go through your days without motivation or hope. After all, I am your Father, and I do not reside in a distant place where you cannot reach my affection. I am here by your side, where I have always been, though you sometimes forget. Give me your hand, and now rise. I want us to walk for a while along the pathways of your thoughts. And tell me, what do you fear?

Why do you no longer wish to live? Why do you want to discard your destiny? It's true the world can be cruel. When you were a child, your eyes were curious, full of hope for the best in life. You offered your pure smile in friendship to those you called friends, but lies and betrayals later annihilated your hope, extinguished your laughter, and shattered your desire to live. Your love darkened, and you stopped trusting and believing in me. But believe me now, I understand you, and I know you as well as I know the sky.

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God Will Send HELPER Soon

Just as I call each star by its name, I know every burden in your life, every wound, even your smallest pain. We speak the same language, and I know exactly what will comfort you. Give me your hand, and as we walk, I want to tell you about a place where you are deeply loved, where you wear royal garments, where your name is known, appreciated, and admired. In that place, a loving gaze rests upon you every minute of your life, day and night. Like a hungry little bird, your soul is nourished.

There, you are who you truly are, the child of the Almighty, created in the image and likeness of the Creator of the universe. Do not forget, even if you stumble. In the most beautiful place in the entire universe, you have your own place, just for you. And from here, nothing and no one will ever remove you. That place is, yes, deep within my heart, where you are protected. You have every right as my child to come and talk to me every morning, even if you feel unworthy. Do not be deceived by lies.

It Will Be Swift and SUDDEN

With my blood, I have bought your life. Scratch away your past with it. Once more, I repeat, from here, no one will ever pull you out. Nothing will ever remove you, and no one will ever separate you from my heart. You will always be the same to me, my little one, my beloved child. You have not been defeated. You keep fighting, and you remain alive. You are still standing because you chose to believe in what I promised you. That fills you with divine and supernatural strength that nothing can overcome.

Nothing can defeat you. Remember these words well and keep resisting the relentless attacks of the enemy, trying to make you abandon all your dreams. But it won't succeed. You belong to me. I protect you with my mighty hand, and I defend you with my shining sword. Your victory will always be in my word. Look at yourself in the mirror of my powerful promises and be sure that for me, you are greatly esteemed and valued. The greatest battle is against your own emotions, which sometimes, confused, lead you to think and feel things that are not true.

I'll Always Stay by Your SIDE

You are the object of my affection, the recipient of my grace, and the heir of my kingdom.

So go forth with confidence, knowing that I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

I will never leave you nor forsake you, and my goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life.

Trust in my timing, lean on my strength, and embrace the abundant life I have prepared for you.

For I am doing a new thing, making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Get ready to experience my favor, provision, and supernatural power like never before.

Well done, my good and faithful one.

Well done, my child. Now your adventure begins. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“O Lord, plead the causes of my soul for you have pleaded my case, you have seen the vengeance and all their imaginations against me, you have heard their reproach, be my Judge, and prove me right.”
 (Lamentations 3: 58)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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