đź”´ God Says: I Am the GIVER

My dear child, listen closely to my words, where you find healing, strength, and everything you need.

I have many promises for you, and I give you messages every day because I want to fill your faith until it overflows.

When you pray, feel confident about all I have promised you.

You are worthy; you are my cherished son, my beloved daughter.

You deserve happiness, and that's why I keep asking you to listen to me.

Each word nourishes and renews your soul.

When you hear my voice, it lifts your spirit from sadness and despair.

Have Faith and TRUST

If you feel down right now, if you find no reason to continue, stand strong. Don't focus on the criticisms of others. Hold tight to me; don't be swayed by fears. There is no one in the universe who loves you as much as I do, nor anyone else who has the power to save you and free you from your sins. No one can dominate you if you trust in me. No one can stand against you. So, get up now. Today is your day of freedom. Many have tried to imprison you in guilt and lies, but today you accept my forgiveness.

No one can remind you of your past errors anymore. Even as people attack you and point fingers, today I lift you from that pit of despair, erase your sins, remove all traces of depression, and fill your life with happiness and encouragement. Take my hand now. It is not my will for you to walk alone through hardship. I am by your side. I will be your hope and your fortress. Trust in me; I will save you from danger. I will protect you tenderly. I give you my shield and sword. At night, you will sleep peacefully, and in the morning, you will wake up feeling happy and secure.

From DARKNESS to Light

You do not have to fear the arrows that fly your way; they will not reach you. You do not have to fear illness; it will not touch you or your family. Thousands may fall at your side, tens of thousands at your right hand, but you will be safe. Under the shield of my blood, the enemy may approach like a lion, thinking you are unguarded, but you will stand firm. You will not be defeated, humiliated, or overcome. My angels are guarding you. I have commanded them to encamp around you, ready to protect you from any attack.

Today, you've chosen to trust in me forever. I will reward you with my love, and no one can take this blessing from you. My promises are true, and my word is alive. Listen to my messages every day and share them joyfully. Every morning, let my light fill every corner of your soul. I will heal your hidden wounds and free you from painful memories. Yes, you were hurt, but trust fully in my healing love. Your emotions will calm at the sound of my voice telling you I love you. You are never alone, you never will be.

Uphold your TRUST in me

When you need affection, just call on me. I will be attentive to your prayer. I don't want you to fall into anguish or despair. I will be by your side to strengthen your faith, to give you wisdom. I will open your spiritual eyes, and you will see the heavenly army that accompanies and supports you day and night. You can walk on this path that sometimes seems impossible. I'm giving you the courage not to faint. I ask you to accept the challenge of becoming a leader and the head of your home.

You will be a role model of victory in your community. But most importantly, vices, negative habits, and bad character will no longer be part of your life. You will overcome all the mistakes and weaknesses you faced in the past. In this new life I give you, you are strong; you are not weak. The days of defeat are behind you. You are a new creature, and you have the strength to cast out bad thoughts from your mind. But I have to warn you: if you fail, I still love you. And if you are willing to rise again after the fall, I will open the doors and give you new opportunities.

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đź‘‘God Says: Just Have FAITH

Embrace the Path of FAITH

I will forgive your iniquities, and the enemy will have no power over you. There's affliction in this world, but these words I speak to you make you more than a conqueror. The enemy is already defeated. There is no one in the universe more powerful than me. No one can defeat you or steal your happiness. Don't forget my words. Don't accept imaginary fears that people bring you. Many invent lies and want to drag others into the fear pit, but you will not fear anything or anyone if you truly believe in me.

Guard your heart. Don't let confusion, bad habits, and deadly vices enter your home. Have mercy on those who have fallen. Don't judge or reject those who have sinned. Don't discard or remove from your heart those who have forgotten me and distanced themselves. Pray for them, treat them with love, and speak to them with patience. Tell them I love them, that I don't reject them. If they surrender their lives to me, they will receive freedom and joy.

My Last Effort to Reach YOU

These words stay in your spirit. Your ears will hear them day and night, in the midst of trials and in your times of happiness. I love you. I lift you out of despair. I cover you with my peace. Do not reject my love nor doubt it ever again. Come tomorrow, I'll be waiting for you here to surround and strengthen you with this sweet and eternal love. You belong to me. I care for you with love, treat you with tenderness, and speak to you with patience. You were, are, and will always be my little one.

Your heart is mine. I nourish your soul. My angels encamp around you, ever vigilant, battling the enemies that steal your peace. I am always vigilant, ensuring that no one causes you pain, sadness, distress, or anxiety. I want you to know me more as I truly am. Many claim to know me but misunderstand my will and my love. It has never been my intention to harm you. I saved you and forgave you. I want you to live with me for eternity.

My Love for You is UNCHANGING

Shall we explore new aspects of faith, hope, love, or another area of your spiritual growth?

Your heavenly Father is ready to guide you further whenever you are ready. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.”
 (Hebrews 10:23)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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