đź”´ God Says: Hear These WORDS

My beloved child, this week I will bless you abundantly.

I will care for you, surround you with mercy, and show you my love in countless ways each day.

I will heal you with peace and tenderness. I will hold you close through every challenge you face.

This week, you will see my hand at work in your life.

You believe in my words, and that's why I love speaking to your heart every day.

You treasure my word in your soul, keeping it in your mind and always remembering it.

I delight in hearing you speak my promises and bow before me in prayer.


I love you. I am embracing you. You are in a very special place. It is my will for you to receive healing. It is my desire to caress your soul with my comfort and fill you with my Holy Spirit. I know your struggles, and it's also my desire for you to receive peace, to lack nothing, to do your tasks every day with sincerity, without fears or alarms, to feel very loved and protected by your Father. With those changes you're experiencing around you, it's my powerful hand clearing your paths, removing obstacles, keeping away from your life anyone thinking of harming you, taking away what you have, and leaving your soul wounded.

Don't stop your activities. Don't lock yourself away for fear of what might happen. Don't close your mouth. Keep praying and thanking. Don't hide from anyone, especially not from me. I want to bless you more than you can imagine. I have the power to perform majestic miracles. I can erase your past mistakes and pave the way for a wonderful future. I want to reveal to your heart what my sacrifice means. I gave my life on a cross and received all your punishments in my body. I suffered for you. Have faith.


I have come to remove your guilt so you no longer feel downtrodden. You have an inheritance to receive in life. I have blessings and peace for you. I have planted you in a place of abundant love. I want you to feel loved and protected day and night, in warmth or in cold. I am uprooting that root of loneliness, that hollow feeling in your belly, that strange sensation that something bad will happen. If you were betrayed, left crying with a torn soul, my glory surrounds you. It has come to speak words of love to your heart.

To erase your wounds, to shake off the dust, to give you a hand and lift you to a powerful future. Don't cry so much for those who don't appreciate you. Don't keep a special place in your soul for those who have caused you pain. If they want to leave, let them go. If they want to return, think about it. Be careful; don't trust just anyone who opens their arms to you. I'm not asking you to live in solitude. I'm also interested in your heart and your sentimental life. Let me do things my way. Don't rush my decisions. Don't demand immediate answers.

Here Comes TROUBLE

Don't cry for those traitors to return. Learn to value yourself properly. Recognize who you are. You carry my Holy Spirit within you. As a gentle dove, it flies with sweetness and rests on your shoulder. Don't offend it. Don't drive it away. Just as the dove cares for its chicks and shelters them from rain and cold, so will your soul be guarded and your spirit comforted. One day, when you come to your heavenly home and stand before me, you will understand many situations you lived through, but there's still time for that.

It's my will for you to taste a piece of heaven on earth, this feeling of eternity, of unbreakable love, of holy tenderness that shines brighter than a thousand suns and surrounds you with a beautiful white light. I want to bless you, love you, protect you. Believe it; let me do it. Your life is in my hands. Allow me to arrange things and people around you. It has never been my will for you to walk in solitude, always distressed by need, troubled, and fearful of what might happen. Don't fear anyone. Don't cling to material things.

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đź‘‘God Says: Trust in My LOVE

Good Bye If You SKIP

As long as you have life, you have much more than hope. As long as you have faith, the doors are open. Supernatural miracles can happen. Do me a favor: go and tell every person in your family that I love them with all my heart. With tenderness and calm, put your hands on their shoulders, look them in the eyes, and tell them these words: "God says he loves you, and I love you too." Let your tears flow. Don't be ashamed if they see you cry. Today, a miracle of restoration and healing begins in your home.

This divine and supernatural blessing I send you is surrounding you, growing, arriving. Receive it with gratitude. Come tomorrow; I want to speak with you again. You will hear my voice once more. You will be filled with peace. You will know that with my love, I wait for you here. I love you. Take my hand. Breathe in this happiness I'm giving you. Close your eyes while you calm down. Listening, receive this truth now. My own hand will write it in your heart. Here, accept. Remember, your problems are not eternal.

BLESSINGS on Your Path

Everything comes to an end. Pain, anguish, and those emotions that have pierced your soul will soon end. You need a miracle again, but you must be calm and keep your faith alive because I will use all the miracles you need. Your situations are going away. This word clears your mind of all anxiety. I am your shepherd; you lack nothing. There will be bread on your table and provision in your store rooms, but there will also be happiness in your home. You won't rise up feeling like heavy rocks are tied to your feet.

Your soul won't drag as you walk through life. I will remove the blindfold from your eyes so you can look and admire the future you have if you keep going, holding my hand. Don't let go, because I will hold you up in the time of tribulation. If you ever face new, impossible problems, don't fear. I'm your protector, your counselor, your nighttime guardian, and your daytime light. Your father for eternity, the voice that guides you. I love you, but I know it seems unbelievable to you. You've suffered so much.

My presence SHIELDS you

Just keep your heart open to my voice and direction.

Don't worry about tomorrow or fear what may come.

Keep your eyes on me, the author and finisher of your faith, trusting I can provide all you need.

Remember, as long as you stay in me, nothing can separate you from my love.

My grace is more than enough to restore your finances and meet all your needs.

Just trust in me and my eternal purpose.

You'll see how everything you undertake will prosper and bear abundant fruit. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Brothers, even if a man is caught in some fault, you who are spiritual must restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; looking to yourself so that you also aren’t tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
 (Galatians 6: 1-2)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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