🔴 God Says: I'm your protector

My Beloved Child,

I am thrilled by your hunger for more of Me.

I will continue to pour out My words of life and encouragement, that you may be filled to overflowing with My presence.

As you seek Me, remember that I am not a twisted or elusive God; I am ever-present, right beside you, ready to walk with you through every moment of your life.

I am your constant companion, your confidant, and your source of strength.

In your pursuit of more of Me, do not neglect the power of worship.

Lift your voice in adoration, for worship opens the door to deeper intimacy with Me.

Sing praises to My name, for in the atmosphere of worship, My glory is revealed and your heart is transformed.

Open your mind and heart to the revelations of My Spirit.

Allow Me to illuminate the truth of My Word, that it may come alive within you.

Seek to understand the mysteries of My kingdom, for I desire to unfold the depths of My wisdom to those who diligently seek Me.

In your quest for more, be patient and persistent; growth and transformation take time, but I assure you, as you faithfully seek Me, you will find Me.

Cultivate a posture of humility and surrender, allowing Me to work in you and through you according to My perfect timing.

Do not be afraid to ask for more—ask for an overflow of My love, My grace, and My anointing.

Ask for the manifestation of My gifts and the demonstration of My power in your life.

Ask with faith, believing that I am able to do immeasurably more than all you ask or imagine.

Continue to hunger and thirst for righteousness, for those who hunger and thirst shall be filled.

Press forward in your pursuit of Me, knowing that the depths of My love and the riches of My glory are unending.

I long to satisfy the deepest longings of your soul with the fullness of My presence.

Remember, My precious child, that I am the God of abundance.

There is no limit to what I can do in and through you.

Surrender your limitations and expectations to Me, and watch as I exceed them beyond your wildest dreams.

I am the God who delights in doing more than you could ever imagine.

As you seek more of Me, be prepared to be transformed.

I will refine you, mold you, and shape you into the image of My Son.

Embrace the process, for it is in surrendering to My work within you that you will experience the fullness of the abundant life I have prepared for you.

My beloved, I am infinitely pleased by your hunger for more of Me.

As you continue on this journey, know that I am with you every step of the way.

Your desire for more aligns with My heart's desire to reveal Myself to you in deeper and more profound ways.

With open arms, I welcome you to the adventure of seeking more of Me.

May your thirst never cease, and may your hunger for righteousness be forever satisfied.

Know that as you draw near to Me, I draw near to you, ready to pour out the abundance of My love, My grace, and My presence.

Rejoice, My beloved child, for there is always more of Me to discover, to experience, and to enjoy.

May your pursuit of more be marked by joy, anticipation, and an unwavering trust in My goodness.

I am your God, and I am ready to reveal Myself to you in ways that will exceed your expectations.

Embrace the journey, My beloved, and let your heart be filled with the abundance of all that I am.

Seek Me with all your heart, and you will find Me.

In Me, there is always more.

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

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