đź”´ God Says: I'm SORRY

God is saying to you today, make sure you read the whole post.

My beloved child, listen with your heart and let this important message touch your soul.

I see your pain and want to help.

Will you accept this love that can heal you?

I know you're going through tough times, and I'm reaching out to help.

Are you ready to accept the care I'm offering?

In my presence, you'll find comfort, strength, and the peace you're searching for.

My LOVE for you

Think of the benefits that come to those who faithfully follow my commands.

I promise to keep you safe from harm and to give you a long, full life, sparing you from an untimely end.

You will never be in want, for I will provide for all your needs, protecting you from lack. In fact, I will bless you abundantly, not just with what you need but with more than enough so you can give back to me with a heart full of gratitude.

Remember, I am the God of increase.

When you use what you have wisely, I will bring growth and expansion in every area of your life.

You will live in peace and security without worry for your daily needs, and you will experience the complete fulfillment of my promises.

Wealth and riches are in your future, but understand that these blessings are not just handed out on demand.

It's essential that your character grows first so that you can manage my blessings wisely.

It's through this growth and maturity that you will be prepared to handle the abundance I have in store for you.

The moment you wholeheartedly commit to honor me first in everything, transformation will accelerate mightily across all spheres.

The REASON I kept you waiting

I will prepare your heart and mind for sudden, radical increase and supernatural abundance.

As you yield more completely to my spirit's guidance, cooperating with my plans instead of demanding I submit to yours, you will encounter explosive blessings that leave no doubt I have favored you.

Expect the extraordinary as I catapult promising ideas into wildly successful ventures.

Watch relationships blossom out of nowhere into profound, life-giving connections ordained from eternity past.

I will astound you with miracles, open doors previously slammed shut by the enemy's schemes, and turn mourning into dancing with an outpouring of joy and laughter.

Yes, my beloved child, unimaginable abundance awaits those who selflessly love and pursue me above all.

I will channel resources into redeeming all that sin has corrupted, restoring true justice and beauty everywhere.

I will feed multitudes of precious children ravaged by preventable disease and malnutrition.

I will liberate victims trapped in cycles of exploitation.

I will rebuild communities torn apart by violence and oppression.

Every good endeavor that aligns with my compassionate heart, I will anoint mightily through my children.

The time has come for extravagant kingdom investment on a global scale.

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đź‘‘God Says: Receive These WORDS

This the LEGACY I Offer You

Precious child, do not be anxious over anything.

As corrupt economies groan under the weight of misguided priorities, chaos will intensify globally as the love of money and power controls world systems opposed to me.

But no weapon formed against you will ultimately succeed as I shield those who dwell in my unshakable kingdom.

So refuse to adopt the mindset of this fallen age.

Regardless of alarming headlines, reject thoughts that attempt to instill panic and instability.

Reject visions of the future polluted by the enemy's lies.

My kingdom remains unshakable as ages come and go.

My beloved citizens lack no good thing.

You were created to walk in sheer delight, embracing your true identity as my priceless treasure.

Ask me for revelation that enlightens spiritual eyes to see circumstances and challenges from heaven's perspective.

My strength will infuse such unspeakable joy that no difficulty can overpower.

Indeed, the most brutal seasons will become launching pads for new levels of intimacy with me that unlock realms of creativity you never knew possible.

Allow my grace to teach you exponential peace and confidence.

My Child Be CAREFUL Today

Remember, my child, that right now, I am closer to you than you think.

I walk by your side, sit with you, am in your mind and conscience.

You will never be alone again.

From now on, I will go before you as a mighty giant.

Nothing and no one can harm you.

I love you, my child, with all my heart, for you are my greatest treasure in whom I am well pleased.

Today, I put peace in your heart and freedom in your soul.

Because from now on, goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life.

For you will dwell in my house for long days. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desire of those who fear him, he also hears their cry and saves them”.
 (Psalm 145:18-19)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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