đź”´ God Says: Let Go of WORRY

My dear child, I want you to understand this Divine love I offer you every day.

There are no limits to it. It's always there for you, day and night, in cold or heat, in joy or sorrow.

Whether you're comfortable at home or struggling for your life far away, it doesn't matter.

No matter how far away you are, know that this Divine love is waiting for you.

I shout it out to the whole world so everyone knows how much I love you.

I will never be ashamed of you, nor will I ever reject you.

Don't Wait RECEIVE It Now

Your wounded heart feels so disappointed that it no longer believes in love. You want to believe, but the voices of doubt shake your faith and beat it against the walls of your mind. But I tell you, don't fight anymore. Breathe in this tranquility. Open your heart to me; let me enter with my shining sword. I will shatter all those cruel doubts and cast them into the depths of the sea. Consider this: you've seen my hand in your life. I've performed miracles so many times, but you forget. Problems distract you.

You want to know what will happen. Anxiety shrouds your memories and hides them in the corner of unhappiness. Today, I breathe life into those beautiful emotions that were asleep. I give strength to your body. I retrieve from the trunk of your memories those dreams that look old and dusty. I reignite that spark you had in your youth. Don't wait; don't tell me your age. Time doesn't exist for me, and I see in you so much spiritual beauty that doesn't fade with the years or wither with age. I value you.

My POWER Will Transform You

You know that I care for you and protect you like no one else does. I'm not a human being; I have no beginning or end. I'm the same yesterday, today, and for the ages. I loved you from the foundation of the world. I sought you when you were fallen. I gave you life and pulled you out of the abyss. Seven times you fell, and a thousand times I lifted you up. Now tell me, do you need more proof of my love and my power? In these last times, I pour out my spirit upon every heart that cries out to me in desperation.

Receive this promise of life. Fill yourself with the hope that revives. My hand touches your heart. I heal it; I restore that tender and supernatural sensitivity to it. Truly, from today, you will cry no more, but not with sadness or despair. Your tears will flow like a river of joy, rolling down your cheeks with delight for all these wonderful emotions that flood your chest. You will cry when you remember again what I've done and see all that I will do for you, for your family. You will cry when you see those little details in your life that are also there because I decided it.

My Love for You is UNWAVERING

The friend who calls you, the door that opens for you, the family member who returns after many years, the new opportunities, and the many times I've kept you from danger without you realizing. Also, tune your ears. Take a few minutes and in silence, listen and feel my voice. I'll reveal to you the things that are coming. I'll show you the hidden dangers, the crooked paths, the hidden sins, the bad intentions of false friends. I'll speak clearly when the enemy lurks. I'll warn you of the deceptions and lies that rise against you.

But I'll also show you those beautiful moments when I'm working in your life. I'll put people in your path for you to bless them. I'm awakening you so you finally see the value you have and don't allow anyone to humiliate or belittle you anymore. Don't forget, my own voice tells you: your problems are not eternal. The blessing that's coming is greater than all the affliction you face today. I love you, I help you, I protect you, and I will bless you eternally. I am your heavenly Father, your friend, your Lord, your shepherd.

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đź‘‘God Says: Have Faith in ME


If you've never heard of me before, let me introduce myself to you. I'm the one who chose you before you were born. I am the one who ignited that flame of purpose so strong in your soul. And of course, you carry it in your soul. I am the one who satisfies your life with love and pours upon you boundless mercy. I am love, I am tenderness, I am peace, your path, your truth, the light that guides you in the midst of darkness. This is a day of miracles. My words feed you with faith. You have by your side my Holy Spirit, who guides and accompanies you in every step you take.

Open your heart. These promises are written in your mind. They will come back to your memory at that urgent moment when you need help. You have open doors to the throne of grace. I will not reject you. Approach without fear. Come with confidence. I heal your soul. I heal the wounds that still remain in your being. That hidden secret that hurts you no longer has power over your thoughts. Today, I forgive your faults, and you will forget them. You will never again be a victim of guilt.


Don't stress or lose your peace if you can't fix many of your past mistakes. Do everything you can: humble yourself, ask for forgiveness, pay what you owe, cleanse your testimony. But if many, because of hate, don't give you the chance to amend your mistake, that's their problem. You are clean and forgiven. Let them stay in the past. Give me everything that hurts you, everything that ruins your feelings, those negative emotions that were planted in you and still cause you discomfort daily after so many years.

Listen closely, understand, and learn. I am your God, your savior, the one who forgives your mistakes and cleanses your soul. I am the one who defeats your accusers and rescues you from despair, putting songs of praise on your lips. I am real, and you are aware of this. Miracles occur when you kneel and speak to me. In the midst of storms, I will sustain you. Even when fierce winds hit you hard, you are sheltered by my love, protected from your enemies. You are not, nor will you ever be, a slave to despair.


Do not be discouraged if results are not immediate.

At the least expected moment, in my perfect time, your miracle will manifest.

Until then, walk in obedience and communion with me, knowing my love and grace are with you always. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true. He is a shield for all who look to him for protection.”
 (Psalm 18:30)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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