🔴 God Says: Let my love lift you up

My Beloved Child,

I have a prophetic word for you, a message that has been spoken into existence for your life.

It is a word filled with divine insight, encouragement, and guidance.

As you open your heart and listen, may you receive this word with faith, knowing it carries the power to transform your life and align you with my Father's perfect will.

First and foremost, know that you are seen and known by me.

I have intricately woven every detail of your life, and there is great purpose in your journey.

In this prophetic word, I want to assure you that you are not forgotten or overlooked.

Your life has significance, and I am actively working in and through you.

The prophetic word I have for you carries hope and promise.

It is a word of encouragement, reminding you that you are not alone in your struggles.

I am with you, guiding and strengthening you every step of the way.

Even in times of uncertainty or hardship, trust in my faithfulness, for I am the one who never fails.

This word is also a call to embrace your identity in me.

You are my beloved child, chosen and set apart for a unique purpose.

As you seek me with a sincere heart, I will reveal more of who you are and the gifts I have deposited within you.

Embrace your true identity in me, and let your life shine as a reflection of my love and grace.

In this prophetic word, I also want to remind you of the importance of intimacy with me.

Draw near to me in prayer, in worship, and in the study of my word.

It is in the quiet moments of seeking my presence that you will receive further revelation, wisdom, and direction.

I long to speak to you, to guide you, and to reveal my plans for your life.

Be attentive to the promptings of my spirit within you.

As you cultivate a sensitive spirit, you will discern my voice more clearly.

I may speak through dreams, visions, or a gentle whisper in your heart.

Trust the leading of my spirit and step out in faith, knowing that I will never guide you astray.

Lastly, this prophetic word serves as a reminder of my unchanging love for you.

No matter the circumstances or mistakes you have made, my love remains steadfast.

I am the God of second chances, of redemption, and of restoration.

Embrace my grace, receive my forgiveness, and allow me to heal the broken areas of your life.

My dear child, as you receive this prophetic word, may it ignite a fire within you.

May it stir your faith, awaken your purpose, and draw you closer to me.

Embrace the journey ahead with courage and trust, knowing that I am faithful to fulfill the promises spoken over your life.

Listen, seek, and align your heart with this prophetic word.

Walk in the fullness of my love, grace, and power, for you are an instrument in my hands, bringing forth my kingdom on earth.

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365