đź”´ God Says: A MONTH of Miracles

My beloved child, I am your God, your creator, your protector, your companion, and your healer.

I am here to mend your heart and embrace you with my love.

Whenever you need something, just ask with a believing heart and without any doubt because everything good you hope for can become true.

Your spiritual well-being is my priority, and I yearn for you to grow in love and understanding of who I really am every day.

Remember, I am not a stern father who holds on to your past errors.

I have forgiven all your wrongs, and by my sacrifice, I have cleared your guilt and set you free.

My Precious Words for YOU

Have faith that when you call on me, many doors will open. I will respond to each of your prayers precisely and completely. I love hearing from you at any time, whether it's early in the morning, in the afternoon, or at night. Even if your body is weary, I see your faith. I also know that while you pray and share your deepest secrets, your anxiety, nervousness, and despair fade away. My Holy Spirit erases your worries. This supernatural peace transforms you entirely, eradicating your doubts, clearing away negative thoughts, and etching my divine promises into your mind.

These promises inspire you to wake up each day and look in the mirror with confidence. Open your eyes and trust in my words. See the beauty that flows in your life. My divine love shines within you. Listen to my voice. I am your guide and protector. I am beside you every step of the way, helping you overcome every obstacle in your path, offering my love and protection. Don't worry about anything, for I will be there to calm your fears and give you the strength you need to progress.

Listen Your Future My CHILD

In my presence, fear nothing, for I will cover you with my grace and love. No matter your situation or circumstances, I will always be there to protect and guide you in everything you do. Trust in my love and strength, for they are more powerful than any obstacle or challenge. Walk forward, focused on what lies ahead. March towards your victory with your head held high, confident that I am by your side. I look upon you with tenderness. Remember, you are cherished and will always need my love.

I have bestowed my Holy Spirit upon you, the same power with which I created the universe. You are not timid. You possess self-control. Your words are pleasant, comforting, and uplifting. You do not complain or despair. You demonstrate strong and true faith. Reject sin. Shun evil. Do not open your mind to discord nor lend your tongue to harm others. From now on, let only sweet words that encourage and uplift those around you flow from your lips. Build your life on my promises. Fear not.

I've Been Trying to REACH You

I will transform your character and grant you wisdom so that many of your troubles will cease and peace and harmony will reign in your home. I chose you before the foundation of the world to receive and steward my gifts. You will silence the mouths of lions, overcome the adversary, tread on serpents and scorpions, and triumph in all your endeavors. Trust in my supernatural power. Do not fear seemingly impossible challenges. Maintain your patience and humility. If you believe, you will realize that you were not born to fail.

You will be like a tree planted by streams of water, yielding fruit in its season, and everything you do will prosper if you do not fear or falter. Seek me and obey my word. Your fruits will flourish abundantly, and all those around you will be blessed. You know how to conquer battles. Pour out your heart in prayer. Call, and I will respond with love, compassion, and kindness. Move forward with serenity and assurance, knowing that my hand will guide you to victory.

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đź‘‘God Says: Nothing Can STOP It


Tell me now if you want and accept this blessing. Write it down yourself. Declare it with all your heart: I accept. You will move forward. No enemy, discouragement, sadness, or frustration can stop you. In your heart, there are dreams, and in your spirit, there is a vision. You feel a profound love for your family. You recognize me as your God and regard me as your friend. On the day you feel exhausted and lack the desire to continue, when your motivation disappears and you can no longer recall the feeling of happiness, come to me.

Let's talk, just you and I, like good friends. Do not share your secrets with those who are negative. Do not open up your soul to those who sow doubts and plant bitterness. They have ill intentions. They will steal your peace, drain your energy, crush the remaining faith you have, and break your joy. I truly love you. You don't need to see me to feel and know that I am real. I hear you. I comfort you. I am your true friend with only good intentions, and my plans for your future are always filled with hope.


I desire the coming years to be incredibly blessed for you. I have cast your sins into the depths of the sea and will grant you courage and security every time you kneel and talk to me about your troubles. All I ask is for your sincere heart and a bit of faith, like a seed that may seem weak and small to the world but will one day grow into a fruitful and strong tree. Leave behind those false friends. Clear your mind of empty thoughts. Come and nourish yourself with my word again.

Fortify your faith with these promises that come alive in your heart as you read them. There is majestic power in every letter that touches your soul, in every phrase inspired by my hand that I write in your heart. My presence fills your being, and my Holy Spirit is beside you. When you approach me with faith and honesty, there are great and wonderful blessings that I have reserved for you, wrapped tenderly with your name on them. I'm clearing the paths, tearing down barriers, and chasing away your adversaries.

Come to My SHELTER

Although the path may seem difficult and the goal far away, remember that my grace and power are greater than any obstacle you might face.

Keep moving forward, my child, walk in faith and determination, and never forget that you are loved and precious to me. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Casting all your anxieties on him, because He cares for you.”
 (1st Peter 5:7)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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