🔴 God Says: NO! Don't do it

My child, keep calm because I manage the impossible.

Be quiet and have trust.

I have assisted you previously and will do so again.

When the winds and storms stop, the tumultuous seas of doubt inside your heart will be still, like the sound of my voice.

Come to me now, and I will give you the rest you need.

I will remove the myriad ideas and concerns whirling in your head, stealing your attention.

I wish peace in your days and tranquility in your nights.

You are an inheritance to many blessings, yet sometimes they stay unnoticed due to dread about things that will not happen by those who cannot hurt you.

Do Not Lose HOPE

Remember, my child, that my blessings for you are not over. Never forget that I have given you talents, abilities, and special gifts to achieve all that you set out to do. Use the potential within you to glorify me and bless others. Do not settle for the minimum, but always seek to give your best in everything you do. If you maintain an attitude of gratitude, humility, and service, you will see opportunities arise. Trust in me, my child, for my blessings have not run out for you. You are blessed and will be greatly blessed.

Do not be impatient because of those who do wrong. Stay away from those people and walk in my righteousness. By your unwavering faith, I will work in your favor and bring peace and well-being to your life. Today, you need to know that I come to bless you in a supernatural way and that these words you hear are life and truth. Do not be afraid; do not let anything intimidate you, for you are my child, and you are destined to be blessed on this earth. I chose you to be a light and to shine in this world even before you were formed in your mother's womb.


Let me take you by the hand and guide you to your destiny. Let me fight for you so that you may conquer all your struggles. I am blessing you not only materially but also with wisdom. I'm increasing your prudence. I am changing your character and giving you much patience. I am transforming your life completely. Let my Spirit cover you and fill you from head to toe. You will no longer walk in error; you will no longer desire to sin. You will no longer be weak to temptations. Today, I bless you and give you the faith and strength to live in freedom and abundance, far from sin.

From today onwards, you will be known as the blessed, the prospered by God, for new blessings will come. You will experience supernatural things. You will receive all the things I have promised in my word. Your life will never be the same, my child. The things I will do in you will surprise those around you. They will see my grace and favor in your life. Everyone will see that my power is real and that it is available to those who choose to believe. Be brave and strive for excellence in everything you do, for only then will you reach your goals.

Renovated by My LOVE

Only then will you achieve your destiny. Do not stop nor be discouraged by those who murmur against you. Stay away from those who only do harm with their actions and words. Do not forget that I will be with you, strengthening and blessing your path. Do not stop dreaming or desiring my blessings because I want to bless you in ways you never imagined. Just put all your trust in me, and nothing and no one will be able to prevent your destiny from being greatly blessed. No one in this world can prevent my blessing upon you.

Neither principalities nor powers can stop me from blessing you, for my grace and favor will be poured out upon your life. So open your arms this day and receive these words, because today a shower of blessings falls upon you, leading you to paths of prosperity and success, to places where peace reigns and joy will be your companion. Every step you take will be marked by my inexhaustible love and divine protection. Do not doubt these words, for they are faithful and true. They are promises that today reveal themselves to you with clarity and love.

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I Will Never LEAVE You

They manifest my purpose to bless you in amazing ways, ways that surpass any obstacle and adversity, even the most difficult circumstances. So continue with faith and courage because from today, your life will not be the same. Your sadness is over. No more pain or suffering. Today is a new day where I will fulfill every one of my promises in you. Everything you have always longed for will be granted. I will make you a prosperous and victorious person. I will set you as the head and not the tail. These things are not by chance but the desire of my good and perfect will.

Receive these words, receive them with joy, for everything you are hearing is just the beginning of the good things you will experience in me. For your destiny is to triumph. Just trust in me, and you will achieve your goals in everything you do. Your dreams and aspirations will come true. Your deepest desires will be fulfilled. Nothing in this world can prevent these things, neither the attacks of the evil one nor the slanders or murmurs of malicious people. Nothing will stop you because I will help you achieve everything you set out to do.

The refuge in GOD'S ARM

No one will prevent me from blessing you in an amazing way. I want you to know that I will not only multiply your material goods, but I will also make you abound in love, patience, and wisdom. I will place grace in your life so that when you face work challenges or difficulties, you will find opportunities to grow, learn, and be a testimony of my greatness before the eyes of those who do not believe. I will put a renewed spirit in you. You will no longer have to live worried or anxious. I will restore in you everything that the enemy and this world tried to steal.

All the gifts and blessings in the spiritual realm are yours, and they already belong to you. So rise and move forward. Do not stop. Take confident and firm steps on your path to success and prosperity. Remember that I will be with you, holding you in my hands, and I will never let you go. Move forward without fainting. Cast doubt and fear from your mind. Move forward with the certainty that I bless and prosper you on this beautiful day. My child, in your hands I place my promises of love and blessing so you can keep them in your heart as a precious treasure.

Stop Doing This RIGHT NOW

What happened yesterday is in the past.

I don't judge you.

Instead, my love and grace are ready to change your life and give it new meaning.

I urge you to look for my guidance through prayer and reading my word.

Let me speak to your heart and show you the right path, the one that leads to a life full of purpose and happiness.

I won't let you down.

I'll be with you every step, guiding you toward me.

Remember, you're always covered by my love and mercy.

No matter how many times you've fallen, I'll always be there to pick you up and give you the strength to keep going.

My wish is for you to find true peace, lasting hope, and forever joy.

I'm waiting for you with open arms, full of pure and strong love. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar their wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”
 (Isaiah 40:31)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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