🔴 God Says: It's Not Coincidence

My beloved child, listen with all your heart and share your urgent request with me.

Tell me what you hold in your heart and feel your anxiety fade away as you hear my words.

Your pain will cease at the sound of my voice.

I am preparing a path of love for you.

It is my will that you walk surrounded by my blessings.

I desire that your struggles end and your soul finds peace, that your heart focuses on living joyfully, leaving behind sadness and discouragement.

At this moment, let them vanish forever.

You're Supposed to See THIS

Remember that you are loved unconditionally, that your value is immeasurable in my eyes.

Nothing compares to the beauty of your heart.

Stand up with courage, knowing you are never alone.

I am your guide, your protector, and your strength.

Trust in my promise to be with you always, to support and strengthen you through every challenge and difficulty you face.

Remember, you are my child, unique and wonderful, with a special purpose in this life.

Keep moving forward.

Don't stop.

Live today to the fullest.

For I am opening doors of blessing and opportunity for you to seize.

My desire for you is blessings, peace, and prosperity, so don't be afraid of the challenges that might come your way.

Don't shy away from the tests you need to pass and don't be intimidated by approaching difficulties.

Every obstacle presents a chance to grow, a lesson to learn, and new strength to discover within yourself.

Trust in your power, your courage, and your ability to overcome any adversity.

Remember, you are my most precious creation.

Maintain Your FAITH in Me

My perfect masterpiece.

I have filled you with my love and wisdom so you can shine brightly in this often hopeless world.

Shine, my child, for you are a being of light, a reflection of my unconditional love on earth.

Let that light illuminate every dark corner you encounter.

With every act of love, with every encouraging word, plant seeds of hope that can transform the world around you.

Be compassionate, kind, and generous.

Go ahead.

Today will be a wonderful day, filled with chances to grow, to love, and to shine with the light of my presence.

A day where you will realize your true potential, which will help you overcome any obstacle with my grace and favor.

Always remember, you are not alone in this journey.

My love follows you in every step you take, every decision you make, and every dream you pursue.

I will always hold you close, wrapping you in my healing light, whispering words of encouragement and strength.

So move forward with determination toward your goals and the fulfillment of your dreams, secure in the knowledge that my love surrounds you.

I'll Open DOORS for You

And my grace upholds you.

Do not fear the unknown.

Do not dread trials.

I will be your shield, your rock, the strength and encouragement that lifts you up today.

Those who wish to see you humbled will themselves be ashamed.

My children are my most precious creations.

I care for them and never leave them alone.

I see that envy surrounds you.

There are people who wish to see you fail, but fear not, for with my powerful hand I will bring justice.

Leave your anger with me.

Do not give your adversaries the attention they seek.

I do not err.

I know exactly what I am doing, and everything I do has a divine purpose.

I'm changing everything around you.

Stay away from the envious and bad company.

Many claim to be friends but abandon you without hesitation.

I will never leave your side, and you will soon overcome the trials you face.

I will grant you eternal victory.

Each challenge will make you wiser and more cautious.

Each test will strengthen and renew you.

Defeat is not in your vocabulary.

When I am with you, no one can stop you.

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👑God Says: You Are My CHILD

This Happens in 1 DAY

So believe me when I say that things will get better.

Trust that my will shall be done.

Do not be discouraged by what happens around you.

I have already told you that I will transform your surroundings, change your circle of friends, and bring into your life people who will bless you, not curse you.

Those who wish to see you fall and do you harm will have to watch as I prosper you.

They will see how I lift you from the shadows.

Just seek me in prayer and keep communicating with me.

Tell me your troubles.

What happens in your daily life, and I will give you the wisdom to respond to every situation.

Let me wrap you in my arms of love and provide the affection you're searching for.

I will free you from your fears and break the chains of fear that haunt your mind.

You will achieve victory, says your heavenly father.

You already know that I am your God, your friend, someone to rely on when all doors seem closed.

I am your creator, your sovereign, your shepherd, leading you to rest in green and peaceful pastures.

Trust in God's WORD

Do not give up.

Continue to believe in my word.

Continue to trust in my promises.

I will give you the peace your soul craves, heal the pain you bear within you.

I rekindle new dreams, reviving hopes you had let go of.

I am fixing things, turning the winds in your favor.

I command you to be strong and courageous, for ahead lie challenges interwoven with blessings.

I will remove obstacles blocking your success, clearing the path I've set for you.

Just promise me you won't give up, that despite the difficulties, you will persevere.

I have given you a spirit of resilience, not of timidity, for only the steadfast will receive my blessings.

I urge you to trust, for everything is in my powerful hands.

Nothing escapes my control.

I will send my angels to protect every step you take, guarding your rest and shielding your loved ones.

The injustices that have caused you pain will end now.

The doors that were once closed to you are opening this very moment.

Opportunities previously denied are now yours.

Those who overlooked your efforts will see your true potential.


Now you are stronger, wiser, and capable of facing any challenge that may come your way.

Keep going forward with renewed hope, smile, and move towards the future that awaits you.

The light that now illuminates your path is the fulfilled promise that the dark days are behind you.

Open your heart to the wonders that are to come, because your time of joy and fullness has arrived.

Go forward, my son, go forward, my daughter.

Never forget that I love you and I am with you in every step you take on this new and exciting path you are beginning. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come”.
 (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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