🔴 God Says: It's Not As It SEEMS

My dear child, as the tumult of life surrounds you, have you ever paused to consider who calms the stormy seas of your doubts and fears?

I am here, ready to guide you through the tempest to a place of peace.

Have you felt my presence in the quiet moments, gently silencing the chaos within your heart?

Today, I am calling you to embrace the serenity only I can provide.

Imagine a life unburdened by anxiety, where each step is guided by my love, and each breath is a testament to my care.

Will you trust me to lead you into this new chapter, where every challenge is met with divine strength and every moment is infused with eternal purpose?

Hell Can't Touch YOU

Immerse yourself in the river of my love. Shelter under my presence and fill yourself with my peace. You must not remain captive to fear. These words I share are meant to heal and liberate your soul. Remember, there are many who love you and depend on you. Fight for them and fight for yourself. You have a promising future ahead, but you must continue to strive for our promise. Recall the commitment you made when you felt you couldn't go on. You asked me for the strength to continue, and I provided it.

I understand some aspects of your life feel overwhelming, but now you see I am always with you. You might even sense my presence more in times of sorrow than in joy, for you know my power is made perfect in your weakness. Therefore, today I urge you not to abandon what you have achieved. Do not squander the blessings I've bestowed upon you. Also, do not distance yourself from those you love. Even if they have hurt you, offer them another chance.


Shun violence and endure unjust humiliations with patience. Let nothing disturb your peace. Take the necessary steps to free yourself and fear not. Avoid evil and trust that I will open doors for you. I will support and ensure your well-being wherever you are. I am always with you because I love you deeply. Begin each day knowing I am by your side. Your kind heart ensures that everything you bless and undertake with love, I too will bless and multiply.

Those of you afraid of visiting the doctor, know that I have never left your side. I have not abandoned you. I hold the final word, and I am still capable of miracles regardless of the circumstances. My will is to restore your health and invigorate your life. Cast aside your anxieties and let my peace envelop you. I will provide for your needs, and in your home, you will never suffer lack. Stand firm and fear not, for I will enrich your life and care for you and your family.

Walking in your COMPANY

You won't need anyone else; you have me. Those of you in need of financial resources to meet your obligations will soon experience a breakthrough that will transform your situation. If you're searching for a good job, you will find it. Do not cease trying; do not lose hope. My angels will guide you so that you do not falter and will show you which doors to approach. I will grant you favor. People will welcome you. No matter the challenges of your profession, my grace and your efforts will lead you to success.

You'll rejoice in settling your debts and even have enough to assist others. I bestowed upon you many gifts and talents. Yet, even a simple smile from you can illuminate someone's day, a person who feels alone and in pain. I am perpetually with you, making this a day to remember. Continue to trust in what I say. Soon you'll approach me, overjoyed by all the blessings that are coming your way. Fear not nor despair. Your relief and aid come from above, exactly when needed, in my perfect timing.

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👑God Says: Cling to me my CHILD

Eternal Joyful INVITATION

Trust in me will yield plentiful blessings and joyous fruits. You are entering a season of celebration and happiness. Today, I am here to let you know that I am with you, taking care of you and your loved ones. I have given the order for nothing to interrupt your journey. I understand your concerns, and I know you are right. You are human, and your enemies are formidable, but this loving and faithful God who lives in your heart is even more powerful.

Bring me now those burdens here at my feet, and I will transform your worries into great blessings. With my promises and my power, I've already told you I do not want you to forget it. I was, am, and will be with you for all eternity. I will never forsake you. You must be strong. Remember that you are very brave and use all the gifts and weapons I give you to conquer the land around you. You will prevail in the battles you face, destroy the obstacles that oppose you, and overcome the enemies that rise against you.

My Blessings BEYOND Measure

By obeying my promises, you will drive out from your home every spiritual being that seeks to fill it with sin and wickedness. Stand up now and speak my word. Break the chains that hold your loved ones captive. This is your faith to confront spiritual beings that you cannot see with your eyes. They fear me and will flee. They will flee from your home when they see how you rise with courage and certainty. But if you show them fear, if you spend your time complaining about what is happening around you and if you get angry with me when problems arise or when your provision does not arrive on time, the forces of evil will be waiting to exploit that opportunity and fight against you at your weakest moment.

But do not fear. Guard your heart and fill your mind with my holy and good word. Cling to your faith and whatever happens, whatever you see, do not stop believing. Do not let doubts and complaints come out of your lips against this holy love that cares for you so much and longs for you. Even if you feel weak and have failed, remain steadfast in your faith because my forgiveness is for you. If you come repentant and reject sin, no enemy has power over you as long as you remain under the shadow of my protection.

It's Over for You if You SKIP

Do not hesitate to approach me, for my love is greater than any mistake you could ever make.

Thus, today I invite you to place your trust in me once more.

Proclaim my word continuously and walk with the assurance that I am with you at every moment.

Starting today, make it your priority to seek my presence day and night.

I will manage all your concerns.

Your life will be filled with abundance and blessings.

You will witness how my love and faithfulness are manifested in your life in extraordinary ways.

Believe these words, truly embrace them, and your life will be transformed forever. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish. In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction; you have put all my sins behind your back.”
 (Isaiah 38:17)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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