🔴 God Says: One Month LEFT

Loved child, I want you to know that I'm always here for you, ready to smooth out all the tangled places in your heart and mind.

You don't need to come to me with everything perfectly sorted.

Bring your knotty problems and loose ends to me just as you are.

I understand that many of your difficulties are made more complicated by the perplexities of others, and it can be hard to untangle what's yours and what's theirs.

But remember, you are only responsible for your own mistakes and sins, not the failures of others.

I'm here to help you unravel these complex issues and find the best way forward.


And if not careful, can bring you down. Do not be guided by your feelings. Do not think that you are defeated by the problems you see. Do not be filled with fear over bad news or situations that seem negative, for I always have control over your life. I transform all things for the good of those I love, and you are among the chosen ones. With my blood, I have washed you. With my spirit, I have filled you. I've given you the power to be victorious in all things. Hold on to me with your sincere heart.

Take refuge in my love always, and in this moment, as you receive my word, be assured that even your own mistakes will be turned to your benefit. You will suffer no more. Your family will be well, and as the days go by, you will continue to see how you progress toward those dreams you have longed for. At some point, you may feel tired. That's normal when problems are so dark that they blind your eyes and you can't see where you're going. Perhaps you feel defeated, but this is not true. I lead you by the hand even in the darkness.

Surrender to ME

Do not fear, my child. Your Father, who loves you, will never abandon you. Tell me now that you believe in me and that in my arms you feel safe. I am the only holy and supernatural remedy for all your ills. I am your God, your healer, the one who opens doors and clears your path. I am your provider, your protector, and in my hands, I hold your life and your future. Your family and you are covered by the mantle of my love, and today, you are feeling my presence in a real and powerful way.

You've been waiting for me to speak to you, and you've come with a humble and grateful heart, ready to listen. Receive these words and treasure them. Let them fill your mind and cast out all that tension that caused you suffering before. Today, you walk with confidence, and even if you can't see me with your natural eyes, you can feel me. You can believe in me. You can trust in the miracles and wonders I can perform in your life and your family's life. Give me your hand and let me guide you patiently and gently.

I BLESS You Richly

Along the path of love, where my will reigns, the storms quiet down, and the seas calm when they hear my voice. You walk under a protective mantle, and your peace and security are so great that the noises of the night no longer frighten you. Do not let the confusion of this world make you lose your way. Never let go of my hand or divert your attention. Each day is a precious opportunity to keep fighting. The problems, the falls, the discouragements, and the complaints of the past are gone.

Remove them from your mind. You don't have to carry a burden that makes it impossible to renew your way of thinking. Start with your words. Don't hurt yourself with what you say. Don't sow defeat in your own land. Foolish words can destroy innocent lives, entire families, and plunge many into depression. Let wise sayings come from your lips, words for growth and edification. Don't let the enemy convince you that you can't change, that your future is filled with defeat and problems, and that your destiny lies in depression and oblivion.

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👑God Says: Give Me a MOMENT

My BLESSING in Words

For with me, there are no impossibilities. Hold on to this truth. Whatever happens, do not forget that your life, your future, your character, your finances, your marital situation, your family conflicts, however difficult they may seem, I can change them. And if you ask me, I can start today. I'm not saying it will be easy. I'm giving you my promise that you have my help, my support, and my power. I love you, and I want you to be well always. The miracle you need, I want to and can make it happen.

Believe me. Walking with the cross on my back had a purpose. Suffering the cruelest of pains, I knew that one day you would be born and go through a path of lashes and scorn. You have endured so much suffering caused by people, but today I will remove all discouragement and frustration from your heart. I already suffered, gave my life, and rose for you so you could have the opportunity for an abundant, free, and happy life. Believe my word so that your mind can undergo a true transformation.

I Am Ever By Your SIDE

And a river of clean thoughts flows where there was once only confusion. Where there was sorrow, there will be joy. Where there was depression, there will be a strong desire to live, love, and forgive yourself. I have long since forgotten your mistakes. Give me your heart, my child. Let your eyes look at my ways. You will keep fighting and sowing in this world where you are a pilgrim, but my blessing is your destiny. I want your feet to walk on the path of my love. I ask you again, and very seriously this time, to give me your heart today.

And I will fill you with joy, remove those afflictions that have saddened your face, and give you the strength to overcome the things that have been attacking you since your childhood. You know what I mean. You know what it is. I have loved you as you are, but I chose you to have victory, to conquer, to guide others on their path to their destiny so that many can see how my will is done in someone like you with a simple heart. Maybe it's difficult for you to accept so much spiritual richness.

Receive the HOLY SPIRIT

Trust that it will never fail you.

My precious child, I am with you always.

I will never leave you or forsake you.

You are mine, and I will love you with an everlasting love that knows no bounds.

So walk in the confidence of my love and know that with me by your side, there is nothing you cannot face.

I am here for you now and forever. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“When you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.”
 (Matthew 6:6)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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