🔴 God Says: Open It or LOSE It

My dear child, I speak to you from the depths of my heart because you are deeply cherished.

Listen attentively, for these words are meant solely for you.

Allow me a moment of your precious attention amidst life's distractions.

What I share with you now holds greater importance than any other thought.

Stay with me a while longer, opening your heart fully.

Let me alleviate the burdens that weigh on your soul and dispel the melancholy haunting your mind.

Seeking LIGHT in the darkness

I'll always provide you with the guidance you need for what's coming next.

Stay true to the core principles, even when others try to push them aside as old-fashioned.

The tools and methods may change over time, but if you pay attention, you'll see that the deep truths remain the same, shaping everything in every era.

Hold on tightly to the core truths that don't change, even when others try to reshape them.

The solid foundation I provide is always there to build on, creating things that are both useful and beautiful through different times.

My unchanging nature sets fixed laws in the moral world, which stay constant even as time and chance bring changes.

My dear child, cling to this reliable support, especially when times get tough.

Following my moral rules will keep you balanced and stable, no matter how much things change around you.

In a world where even the lights that guide sailors can fail or move, I am the constant bright beacon.

I am the guiding star that brings lost souls back to safety.

Whenever you feel lost, look to my unwavering light and it will lead you safely back to my welcoming arms.

The REASON I've been silent

Come to me, tired traveler, and let go of your burdens, trading them for a plan made just for you, one step at a time.

There's no need to rush or worry about reaching far-off goals too soon.

Life's journey unfolds slowly over an endless expanse, not within the tight limits of earthly time.

Move at a pace that's calm and healthy, guided by heavenly relationships rather than rushing anxiously towards an unknown end.

In me, you have already reached your destination, even as you continue on your journey home.

Eternity is woven into your daily life, working in ways you might not see but always for your good.

Don't just look at things from the surface, distorted by the wear and tear of time.

Instead, see your life from heaven's viewpoint, recognizing the careful planning behind everything that happens to you.

Ignore any sense of randomness or meaninglessness.

Focus on the beautiful, detailed plan I have for you, bringing everything together perfectly for your benefit and to show my glory through those who are devoted to me.

Be amazed by the incredible journey from eternity to eternity, driven by my unchanging will towards the goals I have set.

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My Child HEAR These Words

What a privilege it is to be a part of my kingdom's purpose under my power.

This sense of awe in joining with my plan opens up new perspectives that were once hidden by human limitations.

Now your soul can soar freely, lifted by heavenly currents towards endless horizons of light, beauty, and truth.

In this sinless realm, there are no limits to the holy visions you can experience, far beyond what the earthbound mind can understand.

The seeds of eternity within you, planted through rebirth, long for the pure atmosphere of heaven, their true home.

So come, inherit the unending beauties I have for you, a legacy that grows brighter day by day.

Let go of lesser things and embrace the higher calling I offer you.

I have opened the way for you to enter the sacred space where you can walk in blessing and power by my grace and mercy alone.

You can't earn this gift; it's given freely to those who believe.

So come confidently into my presence without fear.

I welcome you back, once lost but now found, once blind but now seeing clearly.

You're no longer alone but part of my kingdom under my just and loving rule.

This Is Your FINAL Call

Receive my words and walk with the assurance that my blessing always accompanies you, for my desire is to see you grow and flourish from today and forever. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“No one has seen, or heard, or even imagined what wonderful things God has ready for those who love him.”
 (I Corinthians 2:9)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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