🔴 God Says: Overcome Your WORRY

My dear child, if you seek affection, count on me.

When loneliness overwhelms you, reach out your hand to me.

Trust in my unwavering love.

I will never leave nor abandon you.

My love encircles you.

As you listen to my voice, my words heal you, and my promises uplift you.

Give me a moment.

Share your needs and feelings with me.

I understand when you feel misunderstood, for I am here to listen.

Come to me for understanding now, for I know you deeply and my voice confirms it.


Listen, understand, and learn. I am your God, your savior. I forgive your faults and cleanse your soul. I have defeated your accusers and delivered you from despair, filling your lips with words of praise. I am real, and you know it. Miracles happen when you kneel and speak to me. I sustain you through storms. Even when fierce winds strike, you are sheltered by my love, safe from harm. You are not nor will you ever be a slave to despair.

If you're feeling down, if you see no reason to keep fighting, hold strong. Don't be swayed by the criticism of others. Cling to me. Do not succumb to fear. There is no one in this universe who loves you as I do, who has the power to rescue you and free you from your sins. Today, you accept my forgiveness. No one can remind you of your past mistakes anymore. Even as people attack and point fingers, today I am lifting you from that pit of despair, erasing your sins, removing all traces of depression, and filling your life with happiness and encouragement.

Overcoming FEAR

Take my hand now. It's not my will for you to walk alone through suffering. I am by your side. I will be your hope and your fortress. Trust in me. I will deliver you from danger. I will protect you with tenderness. I give you my sword and shield. At night, sleep in peace and rise in the morning full of joy and security. Do not fear the arrows or disease. They will not touch you or your family. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but you are protected by the power of my blood.

The enemy may approach like a lion, but you will stand firm. You will not be defeated, humiliated, or overcome. My angels guard you. I have commanded them to protect you from any attack. Today, you've chosen to trust in me forever. I will bless you with my love, and no one can take this blessing away. My promises are true, and my word is alive. Listen to my messages daily and share them joyfully each morning. Let my light fill every part of your soul. I will heal your hidden wounds and free you from painful memories.

I Am Here With You

Yes, you were hurt, but trust in my healing love. Your emotions will calm at the sound of my voice telling you I love you. You are not alone. You never will be. When you seek affection, call on me. I will hear your prayers. I don't want you to despair. I will strengthen your faith and grant you wisdom. I will open your spiritual eyes to see the heavenly army that supports you day and night. Walk the path before you with courage.

I challenge you to lead your home and community with victory. Vices, bad habits, and negative traits will no longer define you. You will overcome past mistakes in this new life I give you. You are strong, not weak. The days of defeat are over. You are a new creation, equipped to dismiss negative thoughts. If you falter, know that I still love you. If you choose to rise again, I will open new doors for you, forgive your missteps, and render the enemy powerless over you.

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I'll Touch Your LIFE

This is the moment you've been waiting for. I've spoken to you clearly, and you have understood what I am saying. Tomorrow, come back here and listen to me again, as you always do. Feed on my words, and once more, I will bless you with my grace and love. You will be filled with strength and courage, and depression will be banished from your life. When feelings of despair try to creep back in, you'll know exactly what to do. Turn to my promises and seek me with faith.

I will place my hand upon your head and speak to you with love once again. I will heal your heart, and divine joy will return to you. Believe this, for my Holy Spirit lives within you. A future filled with triumph and blessings is waiting for you. I will be with you in every situation, ensuring you are not defeated. Walk confidently. Your victory is certain. On the cross, all your sins were taken care of. These words carry the power of your eternal forgiveness and salvation.

God Is Inviting You To

Hold tightly to them. Shut out the negative voices that pull you down into sadness and trap your soul in the depths of depression. Right now, these words are healing you. My Holy Spirit is touching your heart. I'm lifting the burdens that weigh you down. Stand up, for today you are liberated. Raise your arms in victory. I have prepared a path for you filled with wonders and blessings beyond your imagination. Trust in me, and you will witness the glory of my presence.

I'm always here, attentive to your prayers, answering them with all my love and care. You can rely on me at all times because I'm always looking out for your well-being and happiness. Walk in peace. Today I am strengthening your spirit. When you are in your room, close the door and kneel. The dark clouds will disperse. You will prevail, and you will be a blessing to your family and everyone around you. I hold the keys to life and health in my hands.

Please WATCH before bed

With this, my beloved child, I encourage you to persevere.

With these words, I urge you to rise.

Do not think you are alone in this trial.

You are not alone on your path, beloved child.

You will triumph.

You will achieve your victory.

Just keep believing.

Keep praying with all your heart.

Tell me that you will do it. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“A rod and a reprimand impart wisdom, but a child left undisciplined disgraces its mother”
 (Proverbs 29:15)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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