🔴 God Says: Pause for a MOMENT

My dear child, today I want to speak to you clearly and simply but with a deep and unending love.

Your eternal salvation is one of the greatest gifts I can offer, but there's also my unfailing love for you, a love that is constant, unwavering, and always present.

In your toughest moments, through joys and sorrows, on sunny days and cold nights, whether you feel uplifted or down, I am there.

I extend my hand to you, reminding you of my love and offering you comfort.

Please Hear My WORDS

There will be harmony and peace in your home, but I ask you to bring to me first all your worries, your prayers, and your sleepless nights. Do not get upset over anything. Let anger not steal that much-desired happiness from you. Do not shout things that can hurt others. Do not compare them with anyone. Do not wound their souls. Indeed, there are rules and commandments that must be followed in place, but do not raise your voice now. Never insult anyone. Before imposing discipline in your family, first calm yourself. Take a few minutes. Ask me to take your hand and breathe divine breath into your spirit.

I will guide you to also counsel with love those you love. I will be with you always, from morning till night, and while you sleep, I will sit beside you. I will speak to you of my word so that you dream of those great plans I have for you. You will sing with happiness and with much strength. You will calmly and peacefully go through all the processes you face. I will never let you face something so big that you cannot bear it. But if at this moment you feel that you can no longer go on, believe me. I tell you myself, you can go forward because the victory is already yours.

EMBRACE Heavenly Offer

I already won it for you. Just stand up and march without crying and without complaining because a few steps ahead you will find the reward for your perseverance, the reward for your loyalty, the fruit of your effort. My way of showing you that I value your faithfulness and your commitment to fight until the end with your head held high, with determination and dignity. I am giving you so much strength that you will tread on serpents and scorpions, deceiving demons, and all the armies of evil, and nothing and no one will ever harm you.

This is how I want to see you, full of confidence, with unbreakable courage and with the certainty that all the beautiful things you hope for will soon come to you. This is your faith, that spark of trust you give me when you open your eyes each morning. You please me greatly, and my way of rewarding you is by doing many wonders in your life. I love you, and sometimes I remain silent, contemplating the beautiful future that lies ahead of you. Do not be afraid of the processes, the trials, or the conflicts. In my holy name and holding my hand, face all your problems. Tell me that you will.


Tell me that you will not let your emotions dominate you, nor will you be bound by any illness. I heal you, care for you, provide for you, and sustain you. I give you what you need and multiply the fruit of your effort. I give faith and firmness to your thoughts. But most importantly, today I place in your soul this assurance, the unbreakable conviction that my love for you is so great that even if you fail and make mistakes, I will always love you and help you in everything. This is your daily life, a path full of beautiful surprises, many opportunities, and processes that lead you to greater victories.

Your face shines with faith and confidence, illuminating everyone who looks at you. Your way of treating people, especially your family, testifies to my power and love and shows the world the wonders I can do in those who give me their hearts. Today I have told you that all the processes you face have a purpose. So do not be afraid. Let your soul not tremble with fear. Continue on this path with determination, for I will always be with you to give you love, peace, patience, strength, and to breathe happiness and calm into your life. I love you. A time of abundance is approaching for your life.

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👑God Says: I'll Touch Your LIFE

Radiant BLESSINGS for You

The day is coming when the fruit of all you have sown will be born. The tears you have cried, the prayers you have offered on your knees, this is the year of harvest, of gathering in abundance, of keeping and caring for your blessings with wisdom and patience. Do not waste what I give you. Do not throw away the many beautiful things you will start receiving from today. Look around you. You are very blessed. Recognize that you are in a better situation than many of your enemies. Your greatest blessing is your own life.

I am giving you the opportunity to come into my presence every day, to seek me more, to receive my word and be nourished by it. I want you to understand my plan. It is through this life I give you that you can also have the joy of forgiveness, the valuable gift of your salvation. You're alive, and because of this, it is possible to put my commandments into practice, to obey my word, and to be free from any curse or anything that wants to harm you and steal your happiness. What a wonderful blessing it is to be alive, to breathe, to love and perceive, to cry and feel.

Be PREPARED - Within 3 Days

Because you can also cry with happiness, and even when you feel sadness, those tears that roll down your cheeks remind you that you're still alive. As long as you have life, you can come to me and receive the opportunity you need to succeed, to overcome, to leave behind what is causing you harm. Come here every day. I will be waiting for you. Cry here with me, and I will cry with you because I also feel. I love you so much, and I don't like to see you sunk in discouragement. Having life and so many beautiful things, you feel so much pain that you cannot perceive my great love.

But today I want to comfort you. I do not come to accuse you of anything. Trust in me. I am your forgiveness, your affection, your eternal life, your healing, and your redemption. Feel this divine breeze, this scent of beautiful flowers, this essence of spring. Feel this tender presence that surrounds you this morning right where you are. I want you to have the assurance that truly a season of holy abundance is coming. Your home will be filled with divine provision. A beautiful time of restoration is coming for you and your family.

He is READY and you are READY

Then your heart will leap with joy, and your spirit will rejoice, for they will fill you with faith and confidence to achieve all that you set out to do.

From today, may you live a life full of blessing and abundance.

May my provision be your sustenance, my love your guide, and my word your nourishment.

May my peace, which surpasses all understanding, fill your heart and give you the certainty that I am with you at all times.

Receive my words and walk with the assurance that my blessing always accompanies you, for my desire is to see you grow and flourish from today and forever. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive and you will be forgiven.”
 (Matthew 7:3)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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