🔴 God Says: PERSEVERE in Faith

My precious child, I want you to know that I take your faith and devotion seriously.

When you approach me with a sincere and humble heart, it brings me great joy.

I am pleased by your willingness to accept my will, even when it differs from your own desires.

Your gratitude, whether I grant your specific requests or provide something even better, is a beautiful testament to your trust in my love and wisdom.

It amazes me to see how you have grown in your relationship with me.

Can't You See What's HAPPENING

Though many falsely claim my name and power, I'm still reigning, hearing your prayers, watching over you with love, commanding my angels to protect you, listening intently to those interceding on your behalf. I'm ensuring your path is steady, that you remain vigilant, lamp filled with oil, ready for the trumpet's call that will change everything in a moment. You will join angels in song and take part in the final battle, a time of immense joy and ultimate victory. This is what I mean by eternal blessings: abundant life, a miraculous existence beyond this world's reach.

As the world falls away, for my children comes the day of great triumph. I am your shepherd, healer, protector, and provider. You and your family are safe in my hands, shielded from destruction. Trust in me. I bring peace to your soul and hope, filling you with happiness and trust, strength and perseverance. Today is a day of blessing. Accept this blessing with faith and humility, without doubts. I speak to your spirit, easing your sadness and ending your pain. Do not keep your fears from me. If the world's noise brings fear, seek my quiet presence.


Spend time in prayer, absorb my words, and let the troubles of this world fade as you feel my divine love envelop you. I'll continually remind you of my love and the beautiful moments we've shared. Remember how I responded to your prayers when you least expected, blessing you abundantly to strengthen your faith and eliminate your doubts. If you persist in prayer, morning or night, doors will open, adversaries will retreat, sadness will vanish, and your life will transform. I promise a bright future, a blessed existence.

Even as the world shakes and many lose hope, hold firm to my words and never cease to believe. Trust in me in good times and even more when challenges arise. I am writing this promise on your heart so you never forget. I am with you every day, no matter the weather. You are forever under my care and protection. Today, I want to bring a smile to your face. I aim to lift your spirits and infuse your heart with joy, with a happiness that is sacred and unbreakable. I am the reason you wake up and live each day.

Give Me a MOMENT

I am the path you walk, the direction you follow, and the door you will pass through. I am your friend, your companion, your God, your shepherd, and you will lack nothing. Tell me you believe. Share with me, my beloved child, how you feel. I desire for you to begin each day free from sadness, anxiety, and confusion. Know that I'm here to assist you, to soothe you, to heal your ailments, and to alleviate your pain. I want you to feel at peace, to have a brighter, happier day filled with the anticipation of the blessings that are on their way and soon to be visible to you.

You must move forward because your life is about to be renewed. I promise to restore what was lost to you, and some of these things will return in greater measure. You will reclaim what the enemy has taken from you. I plan to bless you abundantly. Spend some time with me today in silence, on your knees. Let's talk about what's coming. Don't fret over upcoming expenses or your many needs. My word assures you that you are precious to me and I will provide for your needs. If ever you feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do, don't be harsh on yourself.

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I'm not displeased with you. When you feel burdened by your trials or succumb to your weaknesses, remember, I shed my blood for you. Through the power of my resurrection, I will save you from failure and despair. Don't be intimidated by life's challenges or retreat into isolation. I have endowed you with strength and bravery to confront your problems. I see your faithfulness and diligence. You invest heavily in all your endeavors, striving for better opportunities. I want you to know I'm proud of you. You are my child, and there should be no doubt about that.

You witness my grace in your life, aiding you. Therefore, I assure you, you will prosper. Laziness will not deter you. You will approach everything with dedication. Your kindness to others will be the reason for your success. Maintain your humility, and I will continue to open doors for you. You've endured much, walked through deserts that scorched your feet, felt the fatigue of relentless heat, and left traces of your struggle along the way. Many have seen your hardships yet showed no compassion. But my child, your faith did not waver.

TRUST in My Kindness

That's precisely why you are here today. If it hadn't been for your enduring faith, if you hadn't clung to my promises and held tightly to my presence, you wouldn't be here now, ready to receive the good news I'm about to deliver. I love you deeply. The time has arrived for you to receive the long-awaited blessing. With little, you were faithful. Now I will entrust you with more. Amid your trials, you maintained extraordinary faith. Now I will reward you with extraordinary joy. Prepare yourself for new surroundings.

Grow in simplicity, fill your heart with humility, and resist the temptations of pride and arrogance as you encounter abundance. Your faith has grown strong, and now it's time for a greater blessing. I trust you with more because you've shown devotion to eternal things and aren't deterred by challenges or adversity. You too will walk on water, part seas, and handle with humility and wisdom the abundance that's coming your way. You are courageous, and nothing will break you. The harshness of battles won't defeat you, nor will you retreat.

I'm Molding Your HEART

I have been with you through it all, cognizant of every tear you have shed.

But I was never distant; I have always been by your side, ready to help and comfort you.

Even when you could not hear me or disregarded my words, I remained steadfast and never abandoned you.

So, enough suffering, my beloved child. Do not worry anymore, for I am with you.

I will never forsake you.

I will continue to demonstrate my pure and sincere love through my words and through people who will speak of me to you today.

Do not doubt my presence. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“…now you are the light in the Lord. Walk as children of the light.”
 (Ephesians 5:8)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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