đź”´ God Says: Reaching Out in LOVE

If you do not believe in God, you may skip this message.

This message is meant for those who have a strong belief in God.

Anyone who read this message till the end will experience abundant miracles and blessings from the Almighty.

God says to you, my precious child, I am the Almighty, the creator of everything, and I will be with you until the end.

You are chosen to receive my love, kindness, and help.

I want to give you wealth, health, and prosperity, but you need to trust me and accept these gifts with a thankful heart.

You will find happiness, healing, and success again, not just through your efforts but through the divine grace given to you by your Heavenly Father.

My Blessing Is Upon YOU

My joy washes your soul clean and refreshes you for the journey ahead.

Here is abundance in overflowing measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over into every corner of existence.

It awaits you in obedience.

My child, I understand you still have much to learn, but I want you to know this: obey my commands and be careful to follow them.

That is the path to becoming righteous and prosperous.

It is the way I have prescribed for you to thrive in accordance with my will.

I have been declaring this truth since the very beginning.

Adhering to my word is the ultimate life strategy, the foundation upon which all lasting success is built.

Many of you are impatiently waiting for me to hand you a step-by-step guide to wealth or clear instructions on starting a business.

But I have already revealed the number one strategy in my word: be very careful to observe and follow my commands.

There are those among you who fervently pray to me, make sacrifices, and plant seeds of faith.

You do all these things in my name, expecting bountiful returns, yet I search your hearts and see idolatry.

You're My Poem's LOVE

The presence of other gods that rank higher in priority than me.

Just as Moses was utterly appalled at the golden calf erected by your ancestors long ago, I am grieved by the idols in your lives as well.

They may not resemble statues made of precious metals, but anything that usurps my rightful place becomes an idol.

For some, it is money, possessions, relationships, careers, but you shall have no other gods before me.

My precious ones, it is certainly possible to be deeply devoted to me outwardly while nurturing secret rebellion in your heart.

There are believers who seem to do everything right—praying, giving, serving—but downplay or ignore my clear commands in scripture.

Consequently, certain doors of blessing remain locked because of disobedience in an area I have expressly addressed.

I cannot violate my righteous standards to accommodate selfish motives and agendas.

If you long to experience the fullness of my promises, you must embrace and closely follow my instructions.

I urge you to study my word diligently so you are familiar with my heart and know exactly how I call you to live.

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While anointed teaching can help supplement your knowledge, you must develop personal intimacy with me through consistent time in my presence.

My precious child, do not lose heart.

I know situations seem bleak and dreams feel out of reach, but I assure you better days are coming as you realign your priorities with my heart.

If specific prayers remain unanswered, it is often because I have already sent solutions through people you overlooked or opportunities you dismissed.

When you expect me to intervene solely according to your assumptions, you risk passing by the very breakthrough I orchestrated.

I am always working on your behalf, orchestrating divine connections and opening doors at precise times, but you must trust my timing and methods, which rarely follow human logic or expectations. I see the full picture while you grasp only a fragment.

My beloved child, as you walk closely with me in reverence and obedience, I have incredible gifts waiting for you.

These treasures, once out of reach, will be generously poured into your life from the storehouses of heaven.

In my eyes, you will stand blameless and holy.


Hold on to the truth that I am your Father and that I will never leave you alone, not even for an instant.

Live well, my child.

Live well with the certainty that your finances will be restored, your debts will be paid, and all your financial burdens will be lifted.

Your sadness will turn into joy, and peace and unity will reign every day in your home.

Believe it, my child.

Believe my words.

I promise you all these things will happen if you trust in me. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you”.
 (Luke 6:38)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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