🔴 God Says: Receive These WORDS

My beloved child, this message holds the key to resolving your troubles.

Your heart must be open to hear and embrace the love I offer you today.

See how deeply I love you.

I speak gently, urging you to be brave and unafraid.

Don't lose heart or overlook the victories you've achieved or the blessings you've received.

Don't give up.

Listen to me; it's for your benefit.

Soon you'll encounter opportunities ahead, but stay sharp and attentive.

Let the Divine guidance steer your destiny.

When it's time to make a choice, hold on to me, take my hand, and step boldly and confidently.

I'm Ending Your

Bear no ill will towards those who have made your journey difficult.

Rather, pray for them.

They will see that you are set apart, that you are different, a living proof of my supernatural power at work in the hearts of my children.

So keep trusting, keep believing in my actions.

What you have lost will be returned to you manyfold.

What was stolen will be restored, doubly enriched.

I will bring justice, showing through actions that your tears were not in vain. Instead of resentment, I will bring peace.

Where there was hatred, I will plant love.

Where envy dwelled, friendship will flourish.

All this will happen through my pure and unconditional love.

Your victory is near.

Move forward with confidence to claim the crown of life.

Remember, the adversary will try to see you fall, but do not waver.

Do not give in to temptation.

Continue to trust in my words today and never deviate from the path I have laid out for you.

Do not give your critics any satisfaction.

Do not succumb to the provocations of the envious.


Focus on my word.

Focus on me, the author and finisher of your faith.

You will see the blessings on your efforts, and all your deeds will be rewarded both in heaven and on earth.

Do you believe?

I love you.

Let my words transform your life and heal your soul today.

I want to reach you with these words so you clearly understand how much I love you.

I know there have been times you've wondered if I am really with you, if I hear you, and if I care about what happens to you.

Know that I deeply care about every aspect of your life.

In both good times and challenges, I have always been and will always be there for you.

From the moment you were born, I have been by your side.

Since the beginning of time, I have loved all my creation without exception.

My love for you is infinite, boundless, and unconditional.

It transcends your actions and surpasses anything you can imagine.

So even if you've drifted away from me many times, remember that I'm always waiting for you with open arms.

My love for you is so vast that I'll never judge or condemn you.

Your BLESSING Is on Its Way

Instead, I'll welcome you with love and forgiveness.

Since the day you were born, I have been by your side, guiding and protecting you.

Even in moments of fear or loneliness, I've been there to comfort you and give you strength.

In times of joy and celebration, I've been right there rejoicing with you.

Through every moment of your life, I have loved and cared for you, even when you might not have noticed.

Even if you sometimes feel unworthy of my love, know that there's nothing you can do to make me stop loving you.

My love is unconditional and everlasting.

Nothing can change that.

I want you to experience my love in every aspect of your life, in all that you do and achieve.

I want you to understand that you are valuable, unique, and special.

Every experience, every challenge you faced, and every success you've achieved has been part of my perfect plan for you.

From the moment I created you, I gifted you with unique talents and abilities.

There's no one else in the world like you.

Even in your darkest times, when it felt like everything was against you.

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👑God Says: This is DANGEROUS

Be Ready, You Are LEAVING

I was right there with you, illuminating your path with my word.

I know it wasn't always easy to see, but I never left you, not even for a moment.

It was my love that provided you the strength to endure through the storms.

So I want you to stop thinking that my love for you is based on your mistakes or failures.

My love is bigger than any mistake you could ever make.

I ask only that you believe in my love so that you can fully experience the benefits of my grace and forgiveness.

Remember, I am always with you.

Watching over every step you take, every morning and every evening, every laugh and every tear.

Here I am, supporting you.

Today, I encourage you to trust in my eternal love, to step forward knowing that I will always be there for you.

Do not forget that you are loved beyond measure.

Trust in my plan for your life and let my love transform you in ways you never imagined.

May my love fill you with peace, hope, and joy, and let you rest assured that I am always with you, loving you without conditions.

You are CHOSEN My Child

With me by your side, no problem, storm, or circumstance can defeat you.

My deepest desire is for you to live every day in the fullness of my love.

Remember, with every step you take, every dream you chase, and every challenge you face, I am your strength and guide.

With me, there's no obstacle you cannot overcome.

As you navigate through life, know that you are never alone.

I am always here for you with open arms and a heart full of forgiveness.

Move forward with confidence, knowing I have wonderful plans for you—plans to prosper you and give you a life filled with joy and purpose.

Walk in the certainty that my love will provide you with a future full of hope and incredible happiness.

I desire to make you a happy, joyful, and blessed person.

Beloved son, beloved daughter, today I speak directly to your heart with words of love.

I wish for my voice to reach deep into your soul.

Please do not ignore my call.

Talk to Me Dear CHILD

Do not ignore it. Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at my doorposts.

Whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord.

But those who sin against me harm their own souls.

Those who hate me love death. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
 (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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