🔴 God Says: A Refuge in My ARMS

My beloved child, today I want to reveal the secrets and miracles that will unfold in your life.

This day, I aim to lift any sadness or emotion that drains your spirit and prevents you from seeing your future full of blessings.

Today is not just another day; it's special for you.

You asked for my words, and here I am to answer your prayer.

Do not ignore or dismiss this message through which I speak.

I have raised my servants sensitive to my call who are willing to fight until the end to bring you this message.

No matter where you are, you cannot hide from my presence.

No one can.

Time Is Running OUT

Listen to me and accept the message of faith and hope I have for you—a message that brings healing, peace, and restoration to your soul.

Today, know that I have always been with you, observing your highs and lows, your struggles, and victories.

I have seen each step you take, carrying the heavy burdens that weigh on you.

I have never been indifferent to what happens in your life.

I've always desired the best for you, even when you've turned away from me. Understand that my intentions for you are always good and perfect.

That's why I am here today, asking you to let me into your life.

Don't resist my presence.

Open your heart to me.

Allow me to be the refuge you seek when life becomes too much.

No matter how long you've been away or how much you've doubted, my love for you remains unchanged.

I am here patiently waiting, knocking at the door of your heart.

Please open up and let me into your life.

My greatest desire is to be your constant companion, your guide through dark times, and your source of joy and happiness.


Let me fill you with love, peace, and contentment.

I want to heal your heart and mend the wounds of your soul, but you must open your heart to me.

Stop chasing the fleeting joys of this world.

Stop ignoring me and delaying our meeting.

Give me a chance to enter your heart so you can experience the fullness of my love and grace.

Let my presence transform your life, heal your deepest wounds, and grant you the peace you need in the midst of turmoil.

Son-daughter, you don't need to carry your worries alone.

Come to me when you're overwhelmed.

Give me your troubles.

When you face difficult decisions, seek my guidance.

I am here to listen day and night, ready to offer forgiveness and love.

Remember, you are valued and loved.

Don't let guilt or regret convince you otherwise.

My mercy is infinite, and my grace is ever ready to embrace you.

So, my child, pause for a moment and reflect.

Do not be afraid to open your heart to me, for what lies ahead is for your good, not harm.

I Will LIFT You

I understand life can be daunting and challenges might seem too great, but never forget I am always by your side.

I won't let you drown or let go of your hand.

During trials and struggles, I will guide you towards paths of joy, happiness, and prosperity.

Just give me a chance in your life and let me be a part of every aspect of it.

Do not overlook my words, my son, my daughter.

Do not attempt to fill your emptiness with fleeting things, as they lead only to misery and sorrow.

Now, open your heart to me and let me transform your life.

Allow my grace to reach you and fill you with peace and joy.

In me, you will find true and faithful love that exceeds all expectations and never leaves you.

Please, now open the doors of your heart and let me in.

Let me be your companion in life, your safe haven, and your strength in weakness.

Do not hesitate to try, nor let your anxieties keep you tied to past mistakes.

Remember, it doesn't matter how far you have strayed or how often you have faltered.

I am here for you, offering my hand of love, waiting for you to grasp it.

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👑God Says: Listen to Me TODAY

Your Darkest HOURS Will Start

Walk with me on this journey of faith, love, and hope.

Take my hand, beloved son.

Walk with me, my daughter.

I promise it will be the best decision you make.

You will enjoy the immense blessings of my love and grace.

Come, my son.

Come, my daughter.

Do not be disheartened.

Everything will be alright.

Do not look back.

Listen to my voice whispering in your heart how much I love you.

From today onward, I will dwell within you to love you, forgive you, and prosper you.

Do not be afraid.

Just believe.

Trust in my promises, and you will witness miracles in your life.

Dear son, you know all my promises are certain and true, and everything I tell you in my word is accurate.

So, do not hesitate to trust them nor doubt their effectiveness.

Believe in them, and the troubles you feel will dissipate.

Your pain will ease, and nothing and no one will be able to bring you down.

I will be with you, ready to assist you in everything you ask for.

You won't have to face battles alone, for I will go before you, and my powerful hand will support you at all times.

Your Life Rests in My HANDS

In the midst of hardship, in the dark of night, in the fiercest storm, I will be your solid rock and unwavering strength.

Do not let doubt and fear undermine your faith.

Maintain your confidence in me and the promises I have given you.

Nor let life's circumstances divert you from the truth of my word.

Remember, I'm a faithful God, and every promise I have made to you is supported by my unwavering love and commitment.

Therefore, my son, keep going and do not give up, no matter how tough or challenging life gets.

Know that I am with you, no matter the difficulties you face.

Remember, you can rely on me, for I am here to assist you, guide you, and strengthen you.

Even if you've wandered far from me in the past or if you feel lost, confused, and without hope, do not worry, my son, for I'm always here, ready to forgive you and welcome you back with open arms of love and mercy.

So please, don't let fear and despair overtake you.

Trust in me, for I have the power to calm the fiercest storms and bring peace to your troubled heart.


Trust that this period of blessing is just the beginning of a beautiful phase of abundance and prosperity in your life.

So relish it.

Enjoy the rewards of your efforts, enveloped in my divine love and steadfast support on this wonderful day.

Today, I encourage you to trust in my guidance for every step you take.

Always remember, I'm with you, strengthening you to face life's hurdles.

I am the light that illuminates your path and the solid rock that protects you. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and training in righteousness.”
 (2 Timothy 3:16)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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