🔴 God Says: Rekindling HAPPINESS

My precious child, I am writing this message to you because my love for you knows no bounds.

In this very moment, I am enfolding you in my arms, surrounding you with my infinite, enduring, and beautiful love.

Simply allow yourself to be immersed in my love and embrace.

Let my grace and forgiveness wash over you.

Permit me to be your guide on the journey of righteousness and virtue.

Throughout your life, you will undoubtedly face challenges and hardships.

There will be times when you feel lost, confused, and lonely.

ENTRUST This Week Into My Care

Remember that each day is a new opportunity to start anew, and with each morning's awakening, you will find my favor, my grace, and my inexhaustible love. So do not fear. Even though the path may seem uncertain, I am the light that will illuminate your way and guide you towards a life of fulfillment and great blessings. Believe in these wonderful plans I have for your life. Tell me you will today, that you hear me.

I want to plant these words in your heart for you to hold them close and carry them with you always. For I am your Lord and Savior, and I have plans for you. So please do not give up before my work in you is complete. Have faith and keep going. I know you can be brave and strong, for I will fulfill everything I have promised in my word, every promise I have made. I have a great and wonderful reward for you.


Life can be tough, and it might seem like you're facing an insurmountable battle, a battle you think you cannot win. But remember, you are not alone. I am with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Even when many despise you or abandon you, I will never turn my back on you. Have you forgotten that it is I who stands by your side when everyone is against you and those you thought were your friends leave you to your fate to see you fall?

My child, understand this: I am the one who loves you and does not reproach you for your wrongs. I do not judge you for what you have done. I do not point my finger at you to highlight your faults and mistakes. Instead, I am always ready to forgive you, to lift you up, and heal your wounds. No matter what your past was, I will always forgive your iniquities as often as necessary. Please, have faith in me and trust in my plans for you.

Hear These WORDS

You will never face a challenge, a test, or a trial that you cannot overcome with my help. I know it's not easy to believe, especially when you feel like your strength has run out. I ask you to make one last effort and believe in my words. Believe in me, even when you may feel lost or confused, even when you look back and there's no one to support you. Remember that I am by your side.

No matter your condition or situation, I will stay with you to help strengthen and comfort you. Because I have a unique and special purpose for your life, a purpose only you can fulfill. Remember, each day is wrapped in my unconditional love. No matter how dark the valley you traverse, I will be your light. No matter how heavy your burdens, I will be your strength. Trust in me, and you will see that my promises are real and my faithfulness everlasting.

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Pause for a MOMENT

So don't give up. Do not succumb to discouragement or despair. Continue onward with courage, faith, and perseverance, because I am with you. With my help, you will conquer this challenge you face. With my power, you will overcome every obstacle in your path. Rise up. You can do it. Don't dwell on the past. My mighty hand holds you close. You will surpass any adversity and reach the heights I have set for you.

Remember, you are my most cherished treasure, my beloved child. Always keep my words in your heart. Meditate on them and speak them out. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Trust in this, and you will find that they empower you, transform your life, and lead you to health, prosperity, and blessings. Trust, my child. Just trust, and you will see that my love elevates you to heights unimaginable, to vistas never before seen.

Walking in the LIGHT

Because those who trust in me will never be let down. So rise with renewed vigor and face each day knowing you are never alone. My Holy Spirit lives within you. He will guide, strengthen, and comfort you always. Do not fear when storms approach. Trust, and I will grant you peace that surpasses all understanding and joy that fills your heart. Lift your head and walk confidently on the path I have laid out for you, each step drawing you closer to your destiny.

Keep your eyes fixed on me. Stay true to the path of righteousness and justice. Endure to the end, and you will receive all the blessings I have prepared for you since the beginning of time. Go forth with my love as your shield and my word as your guide. Nothing can stand in your way. Advance confidently, knowing that I am with you always and that I will fulfill my promises in your life in ways beyond your imagination.

In Your Eyes, My DREAM

Acknowledge their mistakes and return to their belief.

You need not seek out others who speak beautiful words to you, for I am here.

Here is my life-giving word, and it is good.

Receive it in your heart, and you shall be filled with my Holy Spirit.

I am your life and your blessing, the ultimate solution your heart truly needs.

Tell me that you believe. Speak it, think it, write it with all your faith. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Lord, you are my lawyer, plead my case. For you have redeemed my life. You have seen the wrong they have done to me, Lord. Be my judge, and prove me right.”
 (Lamentations 3:58-66)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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