đź”´ God Says: Do This Right NOW

My dear child, hear me clearly, for I speak to you with a heart overflowing with love.

Do not let fear or confusion cloud your spirit. Embrace my words, as they are the keys to a life filled with peace and abundant blessings.

Our bond is eternal, crafted from the purest form of love—a covenant that intertwines your life with mine.

Place me at the forefront of your heart, and I promise you the gift of everlasting life.

Imagine yourself wrapped in a cloak of mercy, safeguarded from the perils that roam the world.


As I said before, I am very pleased when you come to seek me. Even if during your journey, you close your eyes for a minute and dedicate a few words to me, every time you do, you will feel how my presence fills your heart and my spirit comforts your soul. I love you. Receive this truth today. I love you and want you to move forward with more faith, more strength, more wisdom, more love, and more respect for my word, for yourself, your family, and others. I want you to tell me now if you truly believe in me. I can do so many things for you, but I really need your trust.

I want your heart. I long for your faith. Bring me these gifts, and I will help you with everything else. I will make your face shine in a powerful way that will touch the souls of those who need me, bringing health to your body and youth to your spirit. I will give you an unbreakable vision and spirit that you have never seen before. I will make you a testimony to the nations and put the power of life and death in your words. You will wake up every morning brimming with faith, and I will be by your side, attentive to your prayers, telling you, "Ask me, and I will give to you."


I am the almighty God, helping the needy, healing the sick, rescuing the poor from the pit. I want to manifest my power and glory in those who believe in me. I can change your life in a second, but it is necessary for you to commit to believing in me so you can stand firm. Your enemies do not want you to change. They know all the blessings you can receive and that you can become a respected person surrounded by holy prosperity and able to help many people. That is why they oppose your rise and will try to destroy you.

For this reason, let us make a pact of love here and now. If you believe my word, I will strengthen you in good times and bad. When struggles come and when you are called, when the day does not start as you expected, and when night comes and you have received the provision you needed, I will be there. I tell you again, I will be by your side, and I will sustain you. It is necessary that these trials prepare you because the blessings that are coming are so great, and before you receive them, you must be filled with wisdom and maturity.


It is my will and desire that your emotions always remain stable, not swayed by any surprise, nor sinking into sadness when problems come. This is the truth. Many face difficult situations, struggles, and needs, but you are one of my strongest warriors. You are very special to me. That is why the enemy comes to battle you, but if you stay firm in my promises, no one can take away your faith or your security, for my armies surround you. Anything you need to achieve victory will always be available to you through your faith. Just bring me your prayers, and I will provide.

When you are greatly blessed, I do not want you to blow a trumpet or go out into the streets to show off. I forbid you from boasting about all that I give you. Do not provoke envy. Do not draw the attention of enemies. Do not make the mistake of acting imprudently and attracting that devourer back into your life. They already robbed you once; I do not want it to happen again. The blessings you receive are for you to help your family and others with prudence and in silence. I'm speaking very seriously, using this medium to get your attention. I will bless you greatly, and that is the truth.

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My PROFOUND Promises

No one can stop me, but I want you to be a faithful servant. Believe in this: everything you do with prudence and wisdom, I will multiply. Seek my presence daily. Bow your heart and come to see me early. I will guide you from now on in every step you take. Do not forget, I know you very well. I know your virtues and your mistakes, and I do not reject you for your imperfections. What I want to see is your simple, persistent, persevering, firm, and unbreakable faith. My eyes roam the world every day, and today I'm watching you. I have heard your cry and see how much you truly long for my divine touch.

A loving embrace. You know who I am, and the day is coming when you will know me in reality, not just by hearsay. Your eyes will see me. My glory can be shown to whoever I choose, and I can give you powerful revelations to help you grow more. So today, shed these clothes of sadness and put on your new garments of joy, purity, and sincerity. I have come to bless you. Tell me if you want to open the door of your heart and receive me. This is the time to draw near to me. This year I will transform your life and work great miracles in you. My powerful hand is touching your heart.

I Have GOOD NEWS Today

Receive this message and keep it with love. Let your face light up with a smile because your soul knows and feels that I, your God, your omnipotent father, am taking you by the hand wherever you are. So I'm determined to make you even braver than you already are and to remove all those fears and anxieties that sometimes paralyze you and fill you with timidity. In the heavenly kingdom, there is a supernatural battle for your life and your family. That is why I am strengthening you and making you a determined and decisive person. Everyone around you will notice that I have given you authority.

You will not retreat when storms threaten you. You will not flee from enemies, nor will you turn back. When you pray, believe. When you cry out, trust. When you come before my presence with great need, bow your head in reverence and extend your hands to receive your answer. I am the creator and author of faith, the assurance that you will receive the good things you hope for, the certainty that you will have what you cannot see. With this faith, you will fight and overcome. You will rise against all giants and destroy them. You will not listen to the mockers who see you as small and think they can crush you with a finger.

Rest yourself BEFORE ME

Remember that you are precious to me.

You are my beloved child and I love you more than you could ever imagine.

So hold your head high and walk in the confidence that comes from knowing that you are loved and cherished by the creator of the universe.

I believe in you, my child.

I know that you have what it takes to overcome any challenge and to fulfill the destiny that I have planned for you.

So keep pressing forward, keep trusting in me, and keep shining your light in the world around you.

I am with you always and I will never let you go.

You are mine and I am yours, now and forever.

So go out into the world today with my love in your heart and know that you are never alone.

I am always with you and I will always be your source of strength, hope, and joy. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
 (Jeremiah 29:11)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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