🔴 God Says: This is SCARY

My precious child, as you read these words, let them sink deep into your soul.

I am reaching out my hand to you.

Grasp it and let me lift you up.

I will infuse you with renewed strength for this chapter of your journey.

Keep the fire of your faith burning brightly within you.

Don't allow it to be snuffed out by encroaching shadows.

If you desire to rise higher, you must trust my unfailing love for you.

Receive it fully, holding nothing back.

Don't attempt to hide behind your shortcomings and failures.

I chose you, flaws and all, because my love is greater than your imperfections.


Take a step of faith right now, my beloved child, and lay it all before me. I will give you the strength, courage, and bravery to overcome the sadness and depression that weigh you down. Just take my hand and let the light of my presence chase away the darkness in your life. Don't be afraid to do this because I will be your refuge in the storm, your peace in anguish, your companion in loneliness, and your comfort in pain. Trust in me, my beloved child.

Trust in my promises. I will be your shield and your unbreakable rock. Even when problems overwhelm you, I will lift you up and keep your head high. In me, you have nothing to be ashamed of, for my light will illuminate your path and lead you to the joy and fulfillment you seek. Always feel free to come to me in prayer. I am ever ready to listen and respond to your needs. Know that anything you ask in faith, believing it's for your good and the good of others, I will grant.

Welcome to My HEAVEN

So trust in me and in my word for you, beloved child, for I desire for you to prosper in all areas of your life. Don't hesitate to come to me. I will guide you with the light of my word, providing wisdom and direction for your life. If you sometimes fail or feel weak, remember that in me, you will always find multiple opportunities and forgiveness for your mistakes. Trust in me and let me fill every part of your heart with my love.

Today, I declare you free from all affliction and depression that devastates your soul daily. Today, I break every chain of oppression that has brought despondency, sadness, and guilt. Leave the past behind and move toward the promising future I have prepared for you. Don't look back with guilt or regret, nor listen to the voice of the wicked. Remember, in my love, you will always find forgiveness and restoration for your soul.

It Has Your NAME on It

From today, walk confidently, knowing you are my beloved child, my greatest treasure, and I am leading you by the hand to the full life I promised you. Just trust in me, and you will see how my love transforms and strengthens you beyond your imagination. Nothing bad will happen to you. You are in my hands. Even if tough times come, hold on to this promise. Keep trusting. If someone leaves your life, if a door closes, if you lose something material, don't be afraid.

You are alive. I love you. You are in a very special place. It is my will for you to be healed. It is my desire to soothe your soul with my comfort and fill you with my Holy Spirit. I'm aware of your struggles, and it is also my desire for you to have peace, for you to lack nothing. Go about your daily tasks sincerely, without fear or surprises. Feel deeply loved and protected by your Heavenly Father. The changes happening around you are the work of my powerful hand, clearing your path, removing obstacles, and keeping harmful people away from your life.

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This is why I CHOSE you

Removing things that leave your soul wounded. Do not stop your activities, do not isolate yourself out of fear, do not stop praying and giving thanks, do not hide from anyone, especially not from me. I want to bless you more than you can imagine. I have the power to perform majestic miracles. I can erase your past mistakes and make your future wonderful. I want to reveal to your heart the meaning of my sacrifice.

I gave my life on a cross and took your punishments upon myself. I suffered for you. Have faith. I have come to take away your guilt so you no longer feel dejected. You have an inheritance of life to receive. I have blessings and peace for you. I have planted you in a place of abundant love. I want you to feel loved and protected day and night, whether it's warm or cold, wherever you go. I'm removing that deep sense of loneliness, that emptiness inside you, that fear that something terrible might happen.

I Will Visit You at NIGHT

If you've been betrayed and left with a shattered heart, my glory is now enveloping you. It's here to tenderly speak love into your heart, to heal your wounds, to dust you off, and to lift you to a promising future. Don't weep over those who don't value you. Don't reserve a place in your heart for those who have hurt you. If they choose to leave, let them. If they consider returning, think it over carefully. Be cautious and don't trust every outstretched hand. I don't want you to be alone.

I care about your heart and your emotional life. Let me handle things my way. Don't rush my timing, don't insist on immediate responses, and don't yearn for the return of those who betrayed you. Instead, learn to appreciate yourself. Understand your worth. You carry my Holy Spirit within you, gentle as a dove. Let it guide your heart with its gentle presence. Treat it kindly. Cherish it. Like a dove shelters its young from the storms, so too will your soul be safeguarded and your spirit comforted.

Have Faith in My COMPASSION

In my presence, you will find the strength and courage you need to face each new day with confidence and grace.

Sleep now, my precious child, knowing that you are cherished beyond measure.

May my love be your constant companion, and may my peace guard your heart and mind as you rest.

Tomorrow is a new day, filled with fresh mercies and boundless opportunities to experience my goodness and grace.

Face each moment with the assurance that I am with you, cheering you on and guiding your every step.

You are my beloved, and I am proud to call you my own.

Rest well, my child, secure in the knowledge that you are forever loved and never alone. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
 (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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