🔴 God Says: I See Your TEARS

At this critical moment, God extends a message to you because death is approaching with eagerness to take you away.

It is vital that you receive salvation. Amen.

The angels are worried because many people around you, consumed by envy, try to undermine your successes and wish to see you fail.

The enemy is active, trying to divert you from this message to prevent you from being liberated and exalted by God today.

However, it is essential that you remain steadfast until the end.

Your Life is About TO

As you seek to bring about change in your own communities and spheres of influence, let these examples inspire you to persevere with moral courage and an unwavering trust in my guidance.

My beloved, for I am about to bestow upon you blessings beyond measure.

As you stand firm in the identity I have given you, know that I am with you, filling you with my spirit's strength and wisdom.

Fear not the challenges ahead, for they are but stepping stones to the greater glory I have prepared for you.

You shall be a testament to my goodness, a living embodiment of my love and mercy.

For you are born for such a time as this, to shine as a light in the darkness.

Lift up your head, for you are clothed in righteousness and crowned with favor.

Embrace the purpose I have set before you and step boldly into the destiny I have ordained.

With every act of faith, you will see the miraculous unfold as waves of my provision and power carry you forward in my redemptive mission.

You're my COZY NEST

In your journey, you will not only bear witness to my wonders but also partake in them.

As you align your heart with mine, you will see nations transformed, societies renewed, and the Great Commission brought to its glorious fruition.

Child, lift up your eyes and be vigilant for glimpses of this vision materializing in coming days.

As world structures destabilize under escalating judgments, formulas of support for the poor and displaced will arise from kingdom-minded reformers, for compassion and aid will greatly contrast the selfish hoarding of resources by those lacking revelation.

In collapsing economies, yes, corrupt self-serving systems are doomed to fail.

But my child, fear not, for I will never abandon or forsake you.

My unlimited stores of wisdom, revelation, and riches in glory are accessible to you to release breakthrough solutions.

Remain ever near my spirit, leaning constantly on my supernatural strength, wisdom, and discernment, so your life bears much fruit for eternity.

Embrace humility as your shield and strength, for as we journey together in advancing my kingdom, know that you are wrapped in the cloak of my love and grace.

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👑God Says: Endless LOVE for you

A Journey of FAITH

This era, ripe with promise and potential, beckons you to rise against the turmoil.

Cling to my heart and you will transcend every challenge, turning what seems like insurmountable warfare into triumphant victories.

My beloved, this is a clarion call to steward the unique blessings you have been given.

Prepare your heart in this season through deeper prayer and gaining greater empathy.

Guide others compassionately to discover their worth and calling.

Create spaces of grace where lives are transformed by my love's power.

The harvest of human need is plenty, and your soul will be nourished as you meet it.

Each act of selfless service sows seeds for justice.

The blessings you scatter will return to you multiplied.

Your generous gifts of time, presence, and skill will be the channel for others to find provision and purpose.

As you water the dry places in your world, the tide of my goodness will also fill your own cup to overflowing.

My beloved child, as you walk the path I have set before you, the way may often seem unclear, but know that my hand guides your every step.


Close your eyes now and feel me.

Hear me as I say I love you.

I am with you.

May these words touch your heart and fill you with hope and strength.

Do not doubt them or the power they have to transform your life and all circumstances in your favor.

Also, do not hesitate to seek my help at all times, for I'm always near, listening to your prayers and attentive to your needs.

Today, believe in my promises and move forward with faith toward the future I have planned for you.

Trust in me and experience the fullness of my love and grace every day of your life. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“God is faithful, He will not allow you to be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also provide the way for escape, that you may be able to endure it”
 (1st Corinthians 10: 13)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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