đź”´ God Says: Seek Me ALWAYS

My precious and dearly beloved child, with a love that transcends all human understanding, a love that knows no bounds or limits, I want you to know the immense pride and joy that fills my heart when I look upon you.

You are the greatest of all my creations, fashioned in my own image and imbued with a spark of divinity that sets you apart from all else in the universe.

From the moment I breathed the sacred breath of life into your being, you have been the very apple of my eye, the most cherished jewel in my heavenly kingdom.

I Will BLESS You Today

You have fire within you. Do not abandon those dreams I have planted in you, those desires I have placed in your heart. You are a strong warrior. With the sword of faith, you will overcome. No one can take this victory from you that comes to your arms. Neither the heights nor the depths nor the enemy with all his armies will dare to challenge me. I rescued you, breathed divine life into you. I saw you faint, and my love for you lifted you up. I did so many things so that you could be here in these moments.

Meditate on this love I have for you, for it is special. The time has come to reveal to you what I have for you in a supernatural way. I want you to prepare for the new things I have for you. You are about to see a great change. Many people will be amazed by you. They will see how you are a living testimony of my power, of the infinite power of your God, your Father, your Shepherd. They will see me reflected in you. Your face will change. I want to use you to bring healing to the sick, to be a blessing to your neighbor.


You will be the instrument, like clay in the hands of the potter. I will make you a useful and holy vessel. Do not doubt; I tell you the truth. Tell me that you believe it. You're going to change; I will transform you. Believe it. Just surrender, allow me to work in you. Do not hide anything from me. Tell me everything in prayer. I will change every part of your being, filling every corner of your soul. The time has come; the door is opening. Do not fear what you will find when you cross this door, for I am with you.

Take my hand, hold on tight, and walk with me. This path will lead you to a new life where you will be filled with blessings and sing songs of grace. Listen to me well, pay attention to my words. I'm attentive to your prayers. I will continue to love you regardless of the decisions you make. You have my support in whatever you undertake. I will continue to watch over you. Come to me every morning in prayer. Do not remain silent. Do not hesitate to ask me for advice or help. I will guide you.

I Am Always Here with YOU

Perhaps everything seems confusing right now, but do not focus on the tree; look at the forest. Do not focus on the problem but on the solutions. Holding my hand, you will overcome any barrier. Walls will be broken down, and you will receive your divine promise. Remember, many are called, but few are chosen. Many start on this path but give up halfway. I ask that when things look bleak, do not give up. I will be by your side, giving you strength, but you must believe and not lose your faith, even if it is as small as a mustard seed.

Take this victory that I place in your hands. Receive this divine breath that I blow upon you. No matter how great your trial, do not be afraid. No matter how big your problems are, do not give up. Tell me that it will be so. Write it in your own words, declare it with all your being. Tell me that you will not be afraid. Lift your eyes to heaven, rise like the eagles. Where you are, my spirit is. Engrave these words in your heart, for they are a seal of strength and excellence.

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đź‘‘God Says: Give It 24 HOURS

Don't Skip This at Any COST

These days will be decisive, marking a before and after. Do not fear anymore; do not be afraid, for the Lion of Judah, your Lord and God, is with you. Today I want to talk to you about the blessings I have prepared for you. Even before you were born, I was preparing you for great things. I have designed a plan for your life, a plan filled with successes, achievements, and goals, but also challenges, difficulties, and trials. Through them, you will know that I am with you at all times, holding and guiding you toward the fulfillment of your purpose.

I know that sometimes things do not turn out as you hoped, that doors close and obstacles multiply. You may have experienced losses, disappointments, or failures that have made you doubt yourself, your abilities, and my love for you. But today, I come to remind you that none of that defines who you are or limits what you can achieve. I have placed strength and determination within you so that you always have the courage, faith, and perseverance to move forward, even when circumstances seem difficult.

AWAKE to This Reality Tomorrow

I promise that with every step you take, I will be with you, holding and guiding you with my loving hand. In my presence, you will find strength, comfort, and direction. You will see that what seemed impossible becomes possible. In this world, you will face chaos, noise, and confusion, making it difficult to find the way. But I assure you that if you seek my presence, immerse yourself in my word, and meditate on my promises, you will find peace that surpasses all understanding. Your thoughts will be ordered, your emotions stabilized, and your spirit renewed.

In me, you will always have well-being in all areas of your life. Remember that it is my will for you to prosper in everything. My desire is for you to succeed in all you undertake so that it always goes well with you. I want you to have health, for your body is the temple of my Spirit, and I want you to take care of it with love and diligence. Also, take care of your mind, your emotions, and your spirit. Do not let stress, anxiety, or fear dominate you. Believe in me and in my love for you, and you will see how life becomes a wonderful gift.


I know you will face challenges each day, but remember that within these challenges lie opportunities for growth and strengthening.

I will grant you the courage to overcome any obstacle and fill you with unwavering confidence to withstand all of life's storms.

In every facet of your life, you will experience my grace and favor.

In your career, you will find limitless opportunities for growth and advancement. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.”
 (1 Timothy 5:8)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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