🔴 God Says: This is SERIOUS

My beloved child, I want you to know that the challenges you face are opportunities for growth and triumph.

Put your complete trust in me and let me guide your life.

Follow my teachings and my spirit will lead you in every choice you make.

Resist conforming to the ways of the world, my child.

Instead, live according to my word and its wisdom.

Stay away from temptation and deception as they only lead to destruction.

Seek understanding in my teachings and they will guide you to a life of fulfillment and genuine success.

Your VICTORY is assured

You will know where to go and what to do to fulfill your mission. I'm confirming that the hardest years are behind you. What lies ahead is a season of harvest where you will gather many blessings and abundantly fill your storehouses. In recent times, you've endured hardship and said sad farewells to many who departed. Temporarily, you thought your best days were behind you. But now, you can proclaim your victory. Nothing in your future can take away your blessings or separate you from me.

Your beliefs are stronger now. You've learned from my word and know me well. Now you understand what I have prepared for you and your family. Your repentance and your decision to turn from evil, you will never go back to your old ways. Everyone in your family can change; some just need to seek me more. When they kneel, I will give them the sensitivity to know me, not just by hearsay, but in a real and tangible way, in spirit and truth.


There are others in your home who need to make significant decisions, acknowledge their faults, and stay away from bad influences. I will give you plenty of love and patience to gently share what I have commanded you. But do it with kindness and softness. Don't judge others. I've sent you to love and help them, not to punish or reject them. If you truly love and trust me, you must embrace this truth: everyone can change. Open your heart and give them that chance. Pray for them, place them in my hands, and treat them kindly.

When you meet them, smile, offer a handshake, and share this message: I love them. I want to transform them. I know their thoughts, and I understand their discouragement. Tell them that today is the day of salvation. Today, they should open their hearts to me, acknowledge their faults, and pray. Wherever they are, even a short prayer can bless them with joy. You are sowing a seed of faith in their hearts that will soon grow into a strong, large tree. Obey me, trust me, learn to live by faith. Your issues are already resolved.

Heartfelt Guidance of JESUS

You can live life peacefully starting today. Great miracles will begin. You will lift your hands high and praise my holy name. I have a plan for you, and it will be fulfilled no matter who opposes it. Hear me now: you no longer need to settle for the scraps others throw away. You have your own blessings and a heavenly Father who welcomes you with love. He heals you, lifts you up, enriches your life, and always looks after you. Those who caused you to stumble will come to regret their actions. Those who scorned you will learn a lesson they won't forget.

I defend those I love and will make your enemies flee. I am clearing your path of obstacles and conflicts, so make the most of your time. Don't shut yourself away to cry over a past that is gone, or shout into the unhearing wind. Don't miss the arms of those who despised and sought to destroy you. I hope you don't cherish those ungrateful ones more than me. With me, you will find a life and a joy you've never known before, an emotion so beautiful you didn't even know it existed.

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I Need to Talk to You URGENTLY

I have a powerful reason for you to live. I'm opening a path that will lead you to your dreams. Follow it. There's no need to look back anymore. No one in your past loves you as much as I do, always wanting the best for you, blessing you, and guiding you. I want you to feel secure knowing you are loved and protected by a supernatural God. I'm not interested in material things like gold or silver. What moves me is your faith and sincerity. You have a desire to change, to live life fully, seizing every moment, using your talents and resources to bless others, especially your family.

You yearn to tell the world about love, forgiveness, and salvation, about the way and the truth, and how in my presence, they can find the strength to rise and start anew. Leave the past behind. Make this decision for yourself, and if you need help, just tell me. I'll gladly lend you my hand. I will permanently remove anything from your path that holds you back, so don't be saddened by the absence of messages or greetings from those who once manipulated you.

This is WHY

On the cross, I gave my life so you could be free. You were not born to live in emotional bondage. You will no longer miss the shouts and scorn of false lovers. I am giving you a spirit of love, self-control, courage, and honesty. If you must face people from your past or walk through flames where you were once burned, do not fear, for I am by your side. I will silence the mouths of lions and defeat those who mock you. You will walk through fire, and your clothes, hair, or the soles of your feet will not be harmed as they were before.

There's no room in your mind or space in your heart for thoughts of discouragement or tormenting lies. You've given me your heart and soul. Let me reign in your life now. The storm of pain tries to steal the peace I gave you, and the winds of fear try to take away the tranquility I left you, but your faith is stronger. Your stability is firm as a rock. My word has grown in you like a towering tree. You've always believed in my promises. From now on, you won't let defeat into your life, not today or any day in this world.


God is turning your situation around.

His blessings will come to you and your family, bringing healing to every hurt.

This is your season to win, no more losses or disappointments.

You're entering a time of answered prayers and endless blessings and miracles.

When you find yourself in doubt, go deep within and remember who you are and what you have accomplished thus far.

You thrive when you make your well-being important to your daily routine.

You have to be good to yourself before you can be of any good to anyone else.

Your greatness will manifest best when you refuse to give up on yourself and your happiness.

Reflect on These Words Today

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen.
 (2 Peter 3:18)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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