🔴 God Says: I Stand With YOU

My dear child, pause for a moment and let this message seep deep into your heart, sparking an undeniable joy.

Your presence delights me.

You've reached into the depths of my heart, touching it deeply.

Despite the rugged roads you've walked, you keep your faith in me rock solid no matter what storms come.

So today, I make you this promise: I'm going to drench you and your loved ones in blessings more generous and abundant than you could imagine.

Keep going, don't stop. Move forward with determination.

Don't be afraid.

My Child You're NEXT

Every heartbeat, every breath you take, your whole life and your family are all signs of my deep love for you. Remember all the tough places and times I've pulled you from. You didn't start life in luxury, but from the moment you first saw the light, you became one of my messengers to bring healing to the world. But here's something you need to know: the enemy tried to take your purpose away. My armies of heavenly angels fought a fierce battle to protect you. You faced waves of harsh hatred that tried to break you down, but I came with love.

You know me, your true father, the one who always supports and lifts you to fulfill your purpose and mission. I came myself and, with the sword of my word, pushed back the enemy and his armies. I showered you with holy anointing for healing, set you on your feet towards your destiny, guided your path with dreams in your heart, and gave you gifts and talents. I made you my warrior, filled you with my spirit, and ignited an unending flame within you. I equipped you to comfort the nations and to nourish those who suffer with spiritual food.

Don't PANIC About This

Take my hand and never forget that I will walk beside you, assuring you that you can achieve all your dreams. My deepest desire is to see you happy, which is why I am here to care for you, protect you, and offer you peace. My love for you is real and true, so do not be afraid, for I will never leave you alone. I am your counselor, your friend, and your protector. I have moved heaven and earth to ensure your victory. I do not want to see you fail; I have paid the price for all your sins. Now is the time to open your heart to my grace and accept my forgiveness.

Even though there are people who want to see you fail, they will soon see how I can help you succeed despite their wishes. Now come with me, and we will walk together. Trust in me without doubt. Let my love strengthen and transform you. There is no place for sadness or fear when you are in the palm of my hand, for I always watch over you. Come, do not fear your enemies. I am your protector. When you face them as a brave warrior, I will be there to give you my hand and lift you up. I will give you victory.


It is time to entrust your future to me and stand up today. I offer you a plan you cannot refuse. Put your life in my hands. Give me all of yourself. It does not matter if there are mountains to climb or deep valleys to walk through; I will guide you and open the way. But I want you to be strong and courageous, to firm your steps even if you walk through the valley of shadows or the darkness. If you pass through turbulent waters, you will not fear. You will not look for excuses to abandon your dreams. You will not be a coward. You will persevere.

Even when you feel very tired, you can strive more. I have given you the power and ability to overcome your discouragement and to cast out the bad habit of blaming others for everything. You have a purpose, a mission, and a commitment to me. No one else is responsible. Do not expect others to come to help you if problems arise. If difficulties come, do not complain that no one calls to encourage you. I am with you, and that should be enough. There are people who criticize you, reject you, and look for ways to bring you down.

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👑God Says: Always Seek ME

God's Blessings AWAIT You

But you do not need to be loved and accepted by those who have made pacts with your enemies. My love is enough for you. My grace will see you through. I will bless and prosper your home. You have a calling and a mission. My promise remains firm. I will surround you with prosperity, peace, health, and provision. Be right with me. Fulfill your part of our commitment and see with joy how the windows of heaven open with abundance and provision for your life and home. I love you, and you will love me more each day. Tell me that you will. Your words move me.

I am pleased when you seek me, when you pray, when you worship and praise me. I love to hear you say that you love me. I know it is true, and you have shown it to me many times. With your faith and attitude, you show me every day that I have the first place in your life and that you depend on me. My child, I love you, and you know it. I want you to forget your worries for a moment today and spend more time with me. In this time of prayer, I pour out my grace on you and bless you. It is here that I strengthen your heart and reveal my love.

Accept These WORDS My Child

It is my will to lead you to a better place, to prosper you in times of difficulty, to make your face and life shine, illuminating all around you. In times of struggle, my love will sustain you. In days of crisis, you will not be alone. When you pass through deep rivers, you will not drown. Even if you must walk through fire, you will not be burned. This is the reward and blessing I give to those who love me and who give me their hearts. To those who are not ashamed that I am their God and Lord. You are my child. Enjoy it.

Feel happy knowing that you can come to me with confidence and ask for what you need. Accept my word and my will. Let it give you the peace that I hear your prayer and will answer you. You know very well that if I do not give you an immediate answer, you can wait with patience because, in the end, I will give you what is best for your future, your family, and your soul so that everything will go well for you and you will lack nothing. Come and taste my grace, enjoy my mercy. Take some time in my presence. Let me cover you with my glory.


I call upon you to come and drink from the wellspring of this existence.

I invite you to let go of those heavy shackles you have no need to bear.

My yoke is simple, and my weight is light.

When you take upon yourself what I provide, you will find peace for your soul, a rest that the world cannot give and cannot take away.

Why do you remain in the dark when I give you the light? Step into my light.

Reflect on These Words Today

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
 (John 15:7)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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