đź”´ God Says: Stop This RIGHT Now

My beloved child, I am always here for you, no matter what challenges or darkness you face.

Keep your trust in me strong, for my light will illuminate your path and guide you through any difficulties.

Share your anxieties and worries with me, and I will carry those burdens for you, leading you toward a life filled with hope and meaning.

Never doubt my constant support and presence in your life.

Even when you stumble or feel distant from me, I am right there to lift you up and embrace you.


Here now is your invitation to participate in this mystery.

Walk the path of humility and trust to its destination.

Where it may lead, I alone can reveal, but my promise always remains: I will lift up the obedient soul who abandons all for love of me.

The way downward into empty nothingness is wide, crowded with those chasing illusions.

But drawing near to me along the narrow way of surrender overflows with unspeakable joy.

My strategies confound the established order yet offer the only reliable path toward peace and plenty.

Will you take my outstretched hand, beloved child?

Will you choose to build on obedience's firm foundation instead of shifting sand?

As you walk in harmonious step with me, miracles once hidden become boldly visible.

The impossible bows down before your eyes again and again.

Your mouth drops open in awe.

Truly, I tell you, the extent of my abundance cannot be measured.

The reach of my wisdom cannot be grasped.

Not even the vastness of your universe, streaming outward forever into infinity, can contain more than a fraction of my transcendent glory.


Yet I, the high and lofty one enthroned forever, offer my very self to you in close relationship.

Through obedience does this revelation kindle hunger deep in your soul.

Then fling wide the gates; your God awaits, treasures in hand, ready to fill you full and overflowing.

My storehouses of wisdom and strategies for life brim with more than enough for every need, enough to generously share.

Take this promise as your own.

You will live and thrive under my blessing to the full extent your capacity can contain as you walk the path of surrender and trust.

My precious child, your heart's longing finds its answer here.

You sought a clear way forward; I extend my hand.

You hoped for revelation tailored uniquely to the intricacies of your soul; I speak words crafted just for you.

The fiery passion of my love spills over in torrents of blessing reserved only for those who fix their sight firmly on me.

Here is your invitation, sealed by the blood of my lamb who made the way clear.

Set down every weight, abandon every pretense of your own wisdom, turn your face fully toward mine, then prepare to ascend with me.

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đź‘‘God Says: Your UNSEEN TRIUMPHS

They Don't Want You to KNOW

Nestled safely under my mighty wing, soar into horizons of abundant life you have not dared dream possible.

The narrow way of faith appears stark and difficult until you stand upon its heights, looking back.

Then you behold the vast unending treasury laid open for eternity to those who simply believed enough to take obedience's first small steps.

In me, the impossible unfolds as assuredly as dawn dispels the night.

My promises prove themselves trustworthy in the faithful soul.

Therefore, come, make your dwelling place here in the shelter of my wing and discover the truth of my extravagant claims on your own.

The lowly, small, and weak I lift up.

The pure in heart I adorn in robes of royalty.

The steps ordered by my light touch unlock mysteries ages longed to understand.

This life of wholehearted abandon to obedience awaits you, beloved.

Will you receive its unsearchable riches?

I impart this blessing with the full force of my eternal authority.

Walk in the ways I establish for you with attentive care.

Then you will live long and well, thrive in endeavor, and bear fruit that accrues to eternity's credit.

My hand upon you moves mountains, opens doors, reveals secrets.

Don't Be Fooled Get READY

Each day is a new chance to start over, and with every morning, you'll find my favor, my grace, and my endless love.

So don't be afraid, even if the paths seem uncertain.

I am the light that will illuminate your way and guide you toward a life full of fulfillment and great blessing. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”
 (Chronicles 15:7)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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