🔴 God Says: STOP! STOP! STOP!

My beloved child, listen with your heart and let this important message touch your soul.

I see your pain and want to help. Will you accept this love that can heal you?

I know you're going through tough times, and I'm reaching out to help you.

Are you ready to accept the care I'm offering?

In my presence, you'll find comfort, strength, and the peace you're searching for.

Trust in me.

Let my love surround you and guide you to full healing and lasting hope.

I'm here for you always, planning the wonderful blessings I'll give you.


I will move mountains, and you will rise with unwavering faith. Your prayers will be filled with conviction and the assurance that I will answer. You will walk with determination and strength in your heart. There is no room for discouragement and sadness anymore. I understand that family matters can bring you distress and hurt. Sometimes you need moments of recovery, rest, and prayer. Taking a moment of silence, solitude, and communion with my Holy Spirit is soothing for your soul. You were not created to live in tears, sorrow, error, or failure.

You may suffer and weep, but I continue to love you. You may think you can't carry on, but I come to lift you up. You will not live defeated. Your heart is beautiful and pure. Do not keep it in the darkness. Step into the light. Let your face radiate with joy, and people will cry out my name, Jesus, with joy in their hearts. You are my beloved child, a reflection of my love. I have done much for you, and I will continue to perform supernatural miracles so that you understand how significant you are to me.


I have been telling you that you no longer have time for discouragement or retreat. You are like a sharp spearhead that cuts through the winds, opening pathways to the land of blessings I will give you. I will expand your spiritual understanding so you realize that you are a parent of generations. Do not be concerned if no one notices you today. Do not be discouraged by the blows you receive, even if they hurt. Do not squander the gifts and blessings I bestow upon you, for everything has a purpose. I have everything under control.

But your attitude matters. Your faith and belief will elevate you to a higher level. Feast on my word when you feel weak. Kneel down, and if you feel you can't go on, look to the sky. I am there, and I also dwell in your heart. My blessings are not distant; they are right before you. Your salvation is at hand. Your mountain of problems will crumble. Your enemies have been defeated. Now answer me, do you believe, and do you love me? Upon receiving your response, I will perform a great miracle in you.


Here are three things you must do today to calm your soul and banish anxiety. Listen carefully and let these words resonate in your soul throughout the day, bringing you peace. Firstly, give me your heart completely and sincerely, without reservations or fear. My purpose is to grant you eternal life and happiness. I have never intended to inflict punishments or trials upon you for your pain. My plans for you are prosperity and blessings, an abundant life filled with love and care. Surrender your heart to me.

Kneel before my throne, willing to do my will, to nourish your spirit with my word, and to trust me wholeheartedly. Doubts may come and go, and challenges may arise, but my written word will be the anchor of your faith, providing the strength to persevere. Yet, if you choose to offer me your heart only partially or when it suits you, your faith will lack a solid foundation. Your life will be tossed about by the waves when storms come, and your thoughts and emotions will run amok. I do not want this for you.

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👑God Says: I' FORGIVE You But

It's Not As It SEEMS

I ask that you give me your heart and maintain unwavering loyalty and faith. Decide now, surrender your life for eternity, and each passing day will not be one less but truly one more. Because you will be with me forever, experiencing the incredible wonders of the universe. Everything will be more beautiful and better than you can imagine. You will receive countless blessings, enjoy a harmonious family, and face all challenges together. My blessings will reach you, and those who seek to harm you will flee.

The reward for those who follow me is eternal victory, which has already been secured. Your part is to give me your heart, faith, and loyalty. I ask you to do this today. Secondly, raise your hands if you can, or close your eyes, and dedicate some time in silence to offer heartfelt gratitude. Compile a list of your blessings, both current and expected, as well as those received in the past. Include even the seemingly small things that give you strength and purpose. Express gratitude sincerely and completely.

GUIDED Through Shadows

Even if you believe you have no blessings, give thanks for your ability to give thanks. This act of thanksgiving will bring healing to your soul, removing the blindfold that obscures your vision. The horizon will open, revealing the many blessings that have already reached you and surrounded you, sustaining your life and providing reasons to continue and fight. They give you the strength to rise each morning and persevere. Challenges and struggles may be present, but if you look closely, you will see the wisdom and growth gained through each experience.

And how your faith has blossomed. Now, express gratitude to me. Let me hear your voice and your sincere words. Give thanks for life, for the air you breathe, for your family, for your current circumstances, even if they are not as you wish them to be. Give thanks. Soon, I will provide guidance on your path. I will reveal new maps and correct routes to help you reach your destination. But for now, be thankful here and now. Be thankful even when your soul weeps. Be grateful when you are joyful.


I will always be here for you, ready to love, forgive, and prosper you.

Now, rise. Keep this message and return to it when you feel lost.

Write to me any petition you have in your heart.

I attentively listen to the voice of your cry.

In the name of my beloved Son, Jesus. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
 (Philippians 4:19)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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