đź”´ God Says: Take HEED

My beloved child, I speak to you today to assure you that I have not forgotten you.

I know the enemy has come against you, attempting to destroy your dreams, crush your spirit, and even take some of you out physically.

But fear not, for I have overcome the world and all its tribulations.

You are entering a season of great abundance that I have ordained specifically for you.

I call it the year of abundance, a time for my precious ones to strike gold both spiritually and physically.


I will take care of you when the storm is fierce and raging. So when you face moments of difficulty and tribulation, remember that you're surrounded by my unconditional love and healing grace. Trust that I'm working in your life to take you to levels of fulfillment and realization. I will never let you go. Just let my light illuminate your path and my love restore your being. Thus, in every step you take towards me, you will find comfort, strength, and hope to keep going. Remember, my child, that you are loved beyond measure and that your life has a unique and special divine purpose.

A purpose that only you can fulfill. So trust that every step you take towards me brings you closer to your blessing. That is why you must be strong and brave, my beloved child. Do not see your circumstances as a limitation or weakness. See yourself as I see you. In my eyes, you are more than a conqueror. You are my child, strong and created in my image and likeness. In you resides my divine power that enables you to overcome any obstacle and conquer any adversity. My child, receive these words. May my love renew and sustain you in this moment of need.

Listen to Me TODAY

May my peace, which surpasses all understanding, fill your heart and mind. May you walk with the certainty that my power is greater than any challenge you may face on this day. My child, on this beautiful morning, receive my love, grace, and blessing. Receive this knowing that you carry my light within you and my love as a protective shield. I will reward your faith and fill you with abundant blessings. I will pour grace and favor upon you before men. My beloved child, today I look upon you from above with infinite love. I see every step you take in your journey.

I behold your constant effort to improve day by day. I notice how even in your moments of weakness and discouragement, you continue with unbreakable determination on the path of faith. For despite facing great problems, you do not give up. You always strive to bear a good testimony of me. Day by day, I witness how you carry overwhelming burdens on your shoulders to provide better for your family. I have seen the silent tears you shed in the privacy of your prayers. Today, I want you to know that your petitions have not been ignored. They have all reached my ears.


Every time you come to me and give me your heart, I feel joy in the depths of my being. I know you have had moments of uncertainty when the veil of doubt clouded your thoughts, wondering if the long-awaited answer to your prayers would ever come. I know that in those moments of pain and anguish, the enemy whispered words of despair, trying to break your faith and undermine your courage. He has come only to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come to give you life and life in abundance. Therefore, I urge you to continue believing and fighting for what you know to be true.

Do not give up, my child. Be strong and courageous, for your time has come. The moment you have long awaited has arrived. I'm always attentive to your cries, and this is the perfect moment I have kept for you. Today, I want to tell you that I will reward your faith and fill you with abundant blessings. I will pour out grace and favor upon you before those around you. You will never be ashamed again, for I will guide each of your steps. Today, I am showering you with opportunities and blessings that will make you a prosperous person. No more financial scarcity, no more debts.

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đź‘‘God Says: Receive my WISDOM

I Want to SPEAK to You

For I declare blessings upon you that will enrich your life in every aspect, both materially and spiritually. Your heart will rejoice and you will sing songs of gratitude in my name. Just keep trusting in me, because I will overflow your life with wonderful blessings. My grace will bestow creativity upon you, provide you with resources, and open up opportunities in everything you undertake. Be assured in your heart that I will always be present at the right time when your needs require my intervention. I only ask that you persist in your faith, for in it you will find the strength to endure the trials.

And challenges that life presents. Do not let hope fade within you. Remember that my promises are firm and my commitment to you is sure. I will not leave you until my purpose is fulfilled in your life in a supernatural way. So do not fear facing struggles and trials, because when you do, I will be with you. No matter how many times life's storms shake you, I will always hold you in my loving arms. Keep your eyes fixed on me, for I am the source of your strength and hope. When you feel overwhelmed with fatigue, let me carry your burdens, for I am here to support you.

The LOVE you search for

Never doubt my faithfulness, for every promise I have made will be fulfilled at the perfect time. Remember that you are not alone. I am with you in every struggle, in every trial, at every crossroad of your life. I am always with you in moments of joy as well as in moments of difficulty. Do not forget that you are my precious creation, formed with a divine purpose and endowed with talents. So when you face difficult decisions and have to climb the highest mountain, seek my wisdom in the knowledge of my word. There you will find answers that will guide you on the right path.

My spirit, who dwells within you, will provide you with discernment and clarity in the midst of confusion. Remember that I love you just as you are. My love for you does not depend on your achievements or merits but is an unconditional gift that I offer you. My child, keep moving forward with determination and faith. Walk always with courage on the path of righteousness and truth. Do not be afraid to take steps of faith, because my presence is always with you. Move forward with hope, knowing that you have a heavenly father who loves you with an unbreakable love.

He Will Bless You GREATLY

Your bravery and determination bring me great joy.

I delight in the victories we have achieved together, for they are a testament to my love and faithfulness and to the sincerity of your devotion to me.

Because you have been faithful in small things, I will now entrust you with even greater blessings and responsibilities. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“For the Lord protects the bones of the righteous; not one of them is broken.”
 (Psalms 34:20)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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