🔴 God Says: Take This SERIOUSLY

My dear child, my love for you overflows, and I cannot stay silent.

My affection for you pours out naturally like a living river coursing through your being, bringing you the happiness you seek and need.

My precious one, I observe you closely throughout each day.

I delight in seeing you run back and forth, chasing your dreams, striving for your life.

It fills me with joy to witness that spark of faith shining in your eyes.

When you encounter problems and unexpected challenges, you lean on your faith, no longer filling with anxiety.

He Has a SURPRISE for You

My child, listen to me carefully. I have good news for you, news that will fill you with hope and renew your strength. Do not despair or be anxious. Do not let the shadow of discouragement cloud your vision or the weight of trials make you fall. It is necessary that you learn to believe in me and stop doing things your way. Trust in me because I am your God and savior. What I have to tell you will fill your life with blessings and great expectations. You have been going through difficult times, moments of pain and suffering. Uncertainty has taken its toll on you.

Anxiety and fear are consuming you. You have felt that your strength is running out and that you cannot go on. You have tried to solve the problems yourself but have failed time and again. You feel alone, lost, and without a way out. But today, I want to tell you to take my hand, my child. Nothing is lost. There is a way out. I am with you in every moment, in every place, and in every problem. I love you with an eternal love and mercy that never ends. I have plans for you, plans for your welfare and not for harm, plans for a good future and hope. You may not understand why you are going through trials and tribulations.

Be Ready to RUN Immediately

But I assure you that everything has a purpose and meaning. I allow you to pass through the fire of affliction so that you can be purified, strengthened, and perfected. I allow you to walk through the valley of the shadow of death so that you can know my presence and the power of my love. So my child, do not give up, do not be discouraged, do not be anxious. Trust in me because I am your refuge, your strength, and your ever-present help. Come to me with your burdens and worries, and I will give you the rest you need. Learn to wait on me, to seek my face, and to listen to my voice.

I will guide you on the path of life, along paths of righteousness where you will find peace and true happiness. Always remember that I am the God of the impossible. I am a God who still performs miracles. Only I can transform your life and heal your diseases. I am the God who restores relationships, the God who forgives sins, and there is nothing impossible for me because I am the Almighty, the Most High, the Sovereign, and the Eternal. Only I can reverse your situation and turn your sorrow into joy, your need into great and precious blessings.

Do not overlook what's COMING

So do not worry about tomorrow, dear child, for those who love me, all things work together for good. No matter how uncertain the future may seem and how overwhelming the trials may be, I will always provide a way out, and with it, your victory. You only need to come before me with prayer and supplication. With thanksgiving, present your requests, and I will give you the answer. I will place my peace within you and the strength you need to keep going. Do this, and you will see how by faith I transform your tears into joy, your trials into victory, and your fear into confidence.

You will walk with the certainty that I am your God, your protector, and your guide, and that nothing and no one can separate you from my unconditional love. So do not be discouraged, no matter how far away I may seem or if you think I do not hear your prayers. I want you to know that I will always be by your side. I did not abandon you in the past, and I will not do so in the future. Understand that I will always be with you, walking by your side. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Trust in my faithfulness and my goodness, and you will always find a light of hope that will illuminate your path.

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ACT on This

Remember that every experience you go through, no matter how difficult, is shaping your character and preparing you for the purpose I have reserved for you. So do not fear or be discouraged, because I have wonderful plans for you. Trust that every challenge is strengthening you, every tear is being counted, and every pain is being transformed into a source of blessing. My child, I invite you to believe in me with all your heart. Though the path may seem dark and difficult, I am the light that guides your steps. Do not worry about understanding every detail but rest in my love.

Trust that everything has a purpose and that I am working in all things for your good. On this day, walk firmly toward the future of blessing I have reserved for you. Walk with the certainty that my love will never fail you and that my purpose for you is to bless, prosper, and make you happy in all areas of your life. Be calm, you will succeed. Your problems, conflicts, and needs will not overcome you. Dear daughter, you carry heavy and difficult problems. You face a severe financial crisis. The days you live in this difficult situation are long, but I want to remind you that you are not alone.


You do not have to fight in your own strength. I am here for you, beloved daughter. I am not indifferent to your difficulties. I am near, ready to help you, to be your strength and unbreakable support. I understand how heavy those burdens are on your shoulders. I see how your worries keep you up at night and how every tear you shed in solitude only afflicts your soul. But let me tell you today that you are not alone, and every one of your worries matters deeply to me. I am not ignorant of what is happening to you nor am I distant from your needs. I can see what you are going through.

You feel like all the doors are closing and the paths you walk are becoming dark, but I want to remind you that even in the midst of darkness, my light can shine intensely. You just have to believe in me and your problems will become opportunities. Adversity will turn into strength and wisdom. You need to understand, my child, that my plans for you are for good, greater than you can imagine. I do not seek to limit you but to give you a bright future of prosperity and hope. Although sometimes trials are just the crucible in which I forge your character and awaken your talents.

Reaching Out in LOVE

I have moved heaven and earth to capture your attention, and it is no coincidence that you feel this surge of joy in your heart.

Your life will change if you trust me. Your future will be bright if you approach it with faith.

Your family will unite.

Your finances will recover.

All ailments of body, mind, and soul will vanish when you accept and believe in my word.

Wherever you are, proclaim without fear: I move forward fighting for my dreams because today God has strengthened me.

Now, raise your arms in a sign of victory and shout a resounding amen. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the father in my name, he will give it to you. Until Now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”
 (John 16: 23_24)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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