đź”´ God Says: Talk to Me My CHILD

My beloved child, trust me completely and refuse to be swayed by the turbulent currents that seek to pull you down and discourage you.

There will always be opposing forces trying to hinder your progress and steal your desire to soar to new heights.

But with me as your constant companion, one who understands, accepts, and forever cares for you, you will overcome.

Take my hand and receive the countless blessings I have prepared for you.

I will never fail, abandon, or reject you, no matter where you find yourself in the midst of any loneliness or sorrow.

Open It or LOSE It

I look at your heart, and I know you very well. I see beyond what appearances say, beyond what people think. Many will come every day and tell you so many things, but you will stand firm because you already know what I think of you. Don't give so much importance to people who live blindly in their arrogance, trying to win your friendship with false smiles. Don't give them your time, don't give them your secrets, don't give them your trust. I've given you much: life in abundance. You will overcome all your struggles, and you will be very happy.

But you have to stop seeking the approval of people. Only then can you stay away from false friends forever. If you need a good friend to talk to, you know I am always willing to give you my time. With love, I will listen to you patiently while you speak to me. I will keep silent; your suffering will end. Tell me you believe. Persist, don't lose faith. A bright future awaits you, my child.

Trust in My PROMISES

I understand the difficult and challenging moments you are going through. I know all the losses you have experienced. Fear and doubt have given way to sadness, cooling your spiritual life, clouding your vision, and generating great pain. Your expectations have diminished, leading you to abandon many of your goals and projects. All these things make you feel like you can't take it anymore, like you won't make it.

I know that every night you sigh, remembering what you were and did in the past, longing for what you once had. You were fully confident in your abilities and sought recognition from those around you, making yourself the center of attention. But your heart was filled with vanity and pride. They praised you, leading you away from my presence and leaving aside my word. Now you find yourself immersed in sadness and lost, unable to find a way out.

I'm Not Playing AROUND

You feel like the days and months pass without apparent changes. However, I have never abandoned you. I have never left your side. That's why today I ask you to listen to my voice and pay attention to my words. I want to tell you to turn back to me completely. Turn to my presence with repentance, and I will strengthen your faith. Seek me with all your heart so that you can find in me a full life and thus recover the blessings that the enemy has stolen from you.

He seeks not only to take everything from you but also to bring destruction and death into your life. That's why today, my child, I am here to rescue you and offer all my help. Turn your heart to me. Give me your whole being, and I will cleanse the bad within you, restore your being, and renew your heart. Everything you lost, everything that was taken from you, will be returned to you manyfold. You just need to trust me completely with all your heart, all your mind, and all your strength.

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Remember, my promises have always been faithful and true. Have faith, my child. Have faith, my beloved. You will see how everything you once lost will be restored, and you will again enjoy joy, peace, security, and an abundance of blessings. Just trust in me, trust in my words, and let me shower you with all the love you deserve. Let me guide your life to offer protection at every step you take.

Understand, no matter how deep the abyss you are in right now or how many times you turned your back on me, I never left your side. I will always be here to support you and lead you to the light, to a place of happiness. So trust in me, trust in my healing and restoring power. You will see how your life will bloom again. In me, you will find the peace you long for and the strength to face any challenge or adversity life throws at you.

I Come to Offer You PEACE

Always remember, my child, you are not alone on this journey. I walk with you; I am by your side at every step, even in the darkest moments of your life. Don't forget that my love for you is unbreakable, and my mercy knows no bounds. Even if you have turned away from me countless times, I will never abandon you. You just need to learn to trust in me and understand that you don't need to carry all this burden alone because I am here to bear all your burdens and needs.

Take my hand, and you will learn that with me, no burden is too heavy to bear. Come to me, my child, rest in my arms of love. I am always attentive to your words and every whisper of your heart. Allow me to be your refuge in the storm and your strength in moments of weakness. It's time to look toward the future with hope. Don't let regrets from the past prevent you from enjoying the present and dreaming of a better future.

God's Blueprint for SUCCESS

When you feel weak, remember that I am your source of strength.

When you feel alone, know that I am always with you, holding you close and never letting go.

So, my child, keep your head held high and your heart filled with faith.

Trust in my love and my plans for you.

Embrace the incredible journey that lies ahead, knowing that I will be with you every step of the way.

You are my beloved, and nothing can ever separate you from my love. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be the sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.”
 (Luke 6:35)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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