🔴 God Says: Trust in My LOVE

Life has its ups and downs.

Keep a strong faith through it all and know that the challenges you face will eventually work out for your good.

If the road gets tough, don't give up. If lies try to bring you down, don't believe them.

You and your family are safe under my watchful eye; no harm will come to you.

But stay alert because the enemy prowls like a lion looking to devour those who are distracted and unguarded.

I don't want the enemy to harm you.

That's why I remind you every day you're not alone on this journey of life.


Be grateful when your heart aches. Give thanks for the challenges, the failures, the bitter trials. Look at yourself in the mirror and thank yourself. Your attitude of gratitude is powerful. Today, you will begin to witness miracles and significant changes in your life because of it. Lastly, share these words with others. Many around you may appear content, but their souls carry suffering, and they teeter on the edge of despair. They may struggle to find a true reason to live. Go and reveal this miracle of love that is happening in your heart.

Share the happiness that fills you and the goodness my presence can bring to their lives. As you share love, I will envelop you with peace, harmony, prosperity, and blessings, free from anxiety or debt. Your actions may be met with laughter, but the hearts of those who hear you will ache. They are in need of what you have found. They need to know they are loved and cherished. Spread this message of hope and love. Understand that I heard the prayer you whispered before falling asleep last night. Tears dampened your pillow as you pleaded for courage, strength, peace, and assurance to face the challenges of life.

It's Time to Say Goodbye TO

Look at you now, as you awaken to a new day filled with determination and strength. You are no longer weak or disheartened. You have the courage to face any giant that crosses your path. Where there was fear, you now possess faith. Where there was uncertainty, you now possess resolve. Yesterday, your legs trembled at the thought of adversity, but today you stand steadfast, ready to conquer any obstacle. Rise and move forward, for I have placed within your spirit a fervent desire to triumph. Trust in my power.

For I brought you here because beyond guiding your steps, I have equipped you with the strength to confront and overcome any challenge. While the hurdles may be great, remember that nothing surpasses my power. I brought you here, and I will remain by your side in all your struggles, battles, and wars. You are more than a conqueror through my love and strength. Every adversary that arises does so to be vanquished. I have instilled in you the resolve and determination required to overcome any conflict.

I'm Listening to Your PRAYERS

Whatever your aspirations may be, whatever obstacles lie ahead, you will prosper in all your endeavors. I will bless you, open doors, and resolve the difficulties that weigh on you. I will touch the hearts of people, friends, family, judges, authorities, so they regard you with favor and act in your favor. Do not fear what others may do to you. As long as you trust in me and act with integrity, no one can stand against you or your family. Remember that I am with you every day until the end.

My word possesses the power to heal. The supernatural force that flows from my words is sufficient to give you life and lift you up. You may feel unworthy for me to enter your life, but I assure you, your faith and humble attitude have captured my attention. I desire to enter not only your life but your heart as well. There, I will inscribe words of healing and break the chains that bind you. With a gentle touch of my hand, your pain, fears, anxieties, and troubles will flee. For even the heavens heed my voice.

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I speak to you with clarity because I desire to witness your happiness, inner peace, and the assurance of a bright future. When you spend time with me, you offer me the opportunity to embrace you, to assure you of my realness, my profound love, and my protection from all harm. This is the inheritance I long to bestow upon you. Believe in me wholeheartedly and accept it. Your strength is prepared and waiting for you to dawn it, to be clothed in my love, and to be transformed by the healing and transformative touch of my Holy Spirit.

Now, stand up and move forward, equipped with the power of my Holy Spirit. When you encounter challenges, no one will be able to overcome you. You are not weak; you are strong. You possess my love and unwavering faith. Always remember this, for those who believe, all things are possible. I love you, and you will be alright. Trust in me; my timing is perfect. As I prepare to bless you, I am arranging circumstances so that when the time comes, you will receive those blessings effortlessly. I grant you patience and peace.

You're a TARGET

Use them wisely. Do not react impulsively to situations fueled by emotion. Do not rush ahead or make significant decisions without consulting me. I do not wish for you to become ensnared or embroiled in misunderstandings. Do not strike deals with false friends. I confirm through this message that I will indeed assist you. Please be patient. Avoid accumulating debt; you have had your share of it. I do not want you to encumber your future. Soon, your life will be illuminated, and you will experience my grace and kindness.

I will shatter chains and bondages, enabling you to live a life of freedom, independent of anyone else. Together, we will chart a new path for you to follow. This is our secret, something shared only between you and me for a time. Keep your plans and projects close to your heart. Do not reveal our intentions, for there are many envious and indiscreet individuals around you. They will ridicule you as they have in the past and attempt to dissuade you by recounting your past failures. But that era is over.

Don't Pass This Up

Bring your concerns to me in prayer.

Share your needs, and I will take care of them.

My power is ample to address all your prayers, and by doing my will, blessings will follow.

Do not hesitate.

Approach my altar now and surrender all to me.

I will guide you out of adversity.

When this comes to pass, your joy will be immense, and you will see the worth in believing and waiting on me.

I never let down those who place their faith in me.

Today, believe with all your heart and mind. The promises I have made in my word will manifest.

All your worries and burdens will vanish, ushering in a season of blessings and prosperity.

Remember, for those who believe, nothing is impossible. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

Who am I, and what are my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly? For all things come from me, and of your own have we given you.
 (1 Chronicles 29:14)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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