My beloved child, it's no coincidence that you hear me, and you know it well.

Your mind, burdened with many troubles, is seeking my help.

You need me in your life.

You long for healing in your heart, yearning for my presence to fill your whole being.

You want your heart to overflow with joy, for sadness to leave once and for all, and to be free from the daily anguish.

Desperation is knocking at your door, but you won't give in.

Worry tries to remind you of the past, but you won't listen.

Doubts try to scare you, but you won't accept them.

I'll Visit You My CHILD

The one who fills your life with good things and rescues you from evil, who blesses you abundantly every day.

I am your lord, your provider, and I look upon you with eyes of love.

Despite your mistakes and faults, I am your shepherd, guiding you along paths of righteousness where you can walk safely.

Even though you walk through dark and challenging places, you need not fear any evil, for I am with you.

Trust me completely, my child.

I will strengthen you in your weakness, lift you up in adversity, and support you through the storms.

Do not fear, for in me you will find strength and the comfort you need.

I am your solid rock, your protector, and your salvation.

Trust in my love and this promise, and you will see that with me by your side, you can cross the deepest valleys and climb the highest mountains.

Listen to my voice and cling to this promise.

Ignore the enemy's voice.

Do not listen to his lies or fall for his traps.

He aims to lead you into fear and confusion to keep you from seeking my light.

Be strong and courageous and remember my words.

This Is Your Last DAY

You are my child, my valiant warrior, victorious and brave.

I will cause springs of living water to flow from you, refreshing you in the dry wilderness.

These springs will quench your thirst and protect you from the heat as you travel through difficult terrains.

My dear child, dismiss any doubts.

Proclaim my word, and you will receive healing, provision, and protection.

Remember, there are many blessings in heaven that I am eager to pour out on you.

Just believe, and everything you ask in my name will be granted.

Nothing is impossible for me, so do not fear the enemy's attempts to block your path with false barriers.

Do not be afraid or discouraged when facing his lies.

Maintain a fearless stance.

Stand firm in your faith and move forward with the assurance that I am by your side.

I grant you the power to tear down strongholds and to overcome any evil force that comes against you.

My child, tonight close your eyes and let me wrap you in my arms of love.

Listen to my voice telling you that I love you, that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

Trust in My PROMISE

And that you are more than a conqueror through him.

Don't listen to the world or the lies of the adversary.

Believe in my words.

Believe in my promises.

You will see your sadness turn into joy, your tears into laughter, and your scarcity into abundance.

Believe wholeheartedly, my child, and watch as everything I tell you today unfolds into reality.

It's time to stop underestimating yourself and feeling guilty for past sins.

I have already forgiven.

I am a god of mercy, love, and forgiveness.

You are not bound to the past.

Stop tormenting yourself.

Do not let others make you feel worthless or without opportunity.

I died for you.

I shed my blood so that you can live in forgiveness and with dignity.

You are not defined by what others say.

You are defined by my word.

You are my child, my warrior, my most precious treasure.

Do not be swayed by voices that condemn you or wish you harm.

You were created to overcome battles and achieve victories.

I have chosen you to be blessed and to live abundantly.

Today, I grant you victory over every affliction in your life.

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👑God Says: Hear These WORDS

You Messed Up BUT

Over illness, poverty, and lack.

I give you power and authority to break every evil endeavor.

Stand up and shine with the light of my love.

Remember, you are my perfect creation, made with love and precision in every detail.

You are a victor, a conqueror, an heir to my eternal kingdom.

Walk confidently, knowing I am with you and that your destiny is secure in my hands.

I assure you that today will be a great day, a unique and special day filled with challenges and emotions.

Trust in me and be confident in yourself.

Because with me by your side, you can achieve all that you set out to do.

Remember, my strength and my love are always with you.

You are never alone.

Before you start your day, put all your trust in me, for I have a wonderful plan for you.

Do not fear the challenges that may come your way.

Do not be intimidated by the tests or trials, because I will be there to help you overcome them.

Keep moving forward with faith and determination.

I urge you to be brave, to be kind, and to be generous to those around you.

Is This the END

Share a bit of my love and light with the world.

There will always be someone who needs a smile, a kind word, or a gesture of compassion.

Do not give up in the face of difficulties.

Do not succumb to the deceptive desires of this world.

Focus on me, and I will give you the strength and wisdom needed to conquer even the greatest obstacles.

Trust in my plan and move forward with faith, for I will always be with you in every step you take, in every challenge you face.

Remember that my love for you is steadfast.

In times of storm and uncertainty, hold my hand tightly and let my peace fill your heart.

Do not fear the unknown, for I know every detail of your life and have a perfect purpose for you.

As you navigate this day filled with opportunities and challenges, keep your eyes on me and my love that propels you forward.

Do not let fear or doubt paralyze you.

In your weakness, my power is made perfect.

Trust in every step you take, in every decision you make.

I'm working for your good and to manifest my glory in your life.

You Are Never Alone, My CHILD

The God who will prosper you and supply all your needs.

Live this day with smiles, with moments that fill your heart with gratitude, and with surprises that nourish your most cherished dreams.

Live with the certainty that today will be an excellent day, full of opportunities and blessings. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God”.
 (Ephesians 2:8)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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