My dear child, this message is for you.

You might not have expected it, but I need to tell you about my plan for you so you can be sure of your purpose.

You know how to hear me and recognize my voice because I talk to you every day.

From the moment I created you, I've looked after you and kept you safe from hidden dangers and illnesses.

I've protected you from the enemy's tricks while you sleep at night.

In your hardest times, I'll be there with you, and in your happiest moments, I'll share your joy.

Let Go of WORRY

Banish bitter complaints from your heart and cast out doubt from your mind.

Do not heed those who mock your faith.

If weariness and anxiety revisit you, simply call out to me, and I will endow you with perseverance and patience, stabilizing your emotions.

I will grant you the wisdom to hold your tongue, preventing words that could offend.

I shower blessings upon you with all the love and tenderness a parent shows a child.

Be thankful and never approach me with arrogance or demand.

While many disrespect me, I remain patient, lovingly waiting for them to return.

For it is a dreadful fate for anyone who harms one of my little ones.

I understand your frustration when things don't go as planned.

You pray, and though I answer, challenges and adversaries arise.

Obstacles appear, and it seems my response is delayed.

But I will open your spiritual eyes to see that your blessing is nearer than you think, merely obscured by temporary obstacles.

Step forward boldly, discarding any doubts or fears that hold you back.

If you desire blessings, you must be willing to endure trials.

I want to see courage in your heart.

Trust in My Timings, My CHILD

And your response when expectations aren't met immediately.

Will you still wait joyfully without complaint, or will bitterness take root, causing you to squander your efforts as others might?

I call on you to be strong, to love me with all your heart and with all the strength of your mind.

My dear child, even if my responses are delayed and you must wait, I want you to show that unbreakable spirit I've placed within you.

I want to see your character strong and precious, more valuable than diamonds.

Show your loyalty to me.

Don't betray your beliefs or compromise your integrity for short-term gains.

Do not resort to dishonesty.

Do not steal or lie to escape troubles or to quickly resolve your problems.

True victory in the spiritual realm is won this way, and your long-awaited blessing will indeed come.

Wait with faith.

Do not let doubt halt your patience.

Ignore the foolish.

Do not seek advice from those who do not believe, from scoffers.

Remember these words.

Hold them close to your heart with love.

I am faithful, and I ask for your loyalty in return.

You Must Get READY for This

Return here every morning.

Fill yourself with words that strengthen your faith and bring you peace.

Do not be afraid.

I love you.

Your blessing is near.

Open your arms wide and be ready to receive your blessing.

Your answer is just at the door.

Pay attention to this message.

My words are meant to reach deep into your heart.

Let them take root in your soul, and you shall feel my heavenly rain falling upon you today.

I see that your heart is troubled and heavy.

Talk to me so I can help you sort through the issues that disrupt your peace.

Don't rush into decisions or act impulsively.

Let my words and wisdom guide you toward choices that bring peace.

Allowing sadness and anger to control your actions leads only to poor outcomes. In this moment, I bring you a message of blessing.

Your wait is over.

Help is on the way.

You have remained faithful during times of little, so now I will give you much.

I have seen your faithfulness during times of scarcity.

I've watched as you believed, even while tears streak your face.

I will provide the healing you seek.

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MILLIONS Will Be Effected

I'm your provider, your Lord, your father.

Feed on my words.

Dive into my scriptures.

There you will find the answers you seek, the advice you need.

It costs nothing to spend a few moments each day reading my word.

Remember, where there's a will, there's a time.

Don't look for me only in moments of trouble or during trials.

Seek me when things are going well.

You cannot imagine how much it delights me to hear from you.

Each morning you spend a few moments to talk about your dreams or your day.

I am patient.

I will wait for you as long as it takes, always here for you with open arms.

Every time you come to me sincerely repentant, I'll be here to embrace you.

Just believe.

I know you're tired and burdened by your current trials, so receive this divine encouragement I send from heaven.

A heavenly support to strengthen your character.

Trust that I will listen to whatever you need to share.

I'll take that burden off your shoulders, lighten your load, and give you the rest you seek.

You will rise again.

I'm Always Here for YOU

But this time you will do so holding my hand.

Continue on the path I've laid out for you, a path of blessing that will lift you to a new spiritual level.

We share a special relationship, one of a father and child.

You can come to me anytime you need advice or help, even if you've stumbled and the path seems dim.

Come confidently.

I won't be angered by your past actions.

The best thing you can do after a fall is to talk with me and return to my ways.

I will restore you. I will purify you like crystal-clear water.

My beloved child, whenever you falter, pray to me with genuine repentance, and know that I will listen.

For I am always attuned to the prayers of the penitent.

I do not turn away those who come to me seeking forgiveness, especially those who are sincere and desire a true change in their lives.

Present your troubles to me and let me uplift and restore you.

If you place everything in my powerful hands, I can assist and transform you and your circumstances.

Give me a chance to change your life and start anew in my love.

This Will Happen FAST

Let me take charge of your life and ensure that everything turns out well.

Remember, I am a faithful God and will never leave you when you need me most.

Rest in my peace, dear child, and let my love envelop you. Find comfort and hope in praying and being in communion with me.

Remember, I am your safe haven during the storm and the solid rock you can always depend on. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
 (Isaiah 55:9)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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