🔴 God Says: Your VICTORY is NEAR

My beloved child, I know you've shed tears, but the tears you will shed next will be tears of joy because I am making all things new.

Your suffering will come to an end.

Today, I enter your life with comfort and encouragement.

I infuse your heart with divine courage and plant new seeds of strength and love in your soul.

I come bearing great gifts; open your arms and receive them with faith.

Your life is about to change in many ways, but all I ask is that you believe.

If This Finds You TODAY

This holy affection flows.

This divine love pours over you like a cascade of living water.

If you want to receive more, share it.

Treat others with love.

You will see how your life continues to fill with immense joy.

I bless you with love and power.

I bless your character, everything you possess, and the place you call home, surrounding it with blessings.

Before you start your day, take a moment to come and receive my blessing.

I know you need it and I give it to you with joy.

Head out full of strength, wisdom, and intelligence, with a heart brimming with joy.

Standing firm in my word and your faith, so that nothing and no one can shake you.

I bless your comings and goings.

I watch over you as you walk, and my angels surround you, protecting you from dangers and threats.

There's a lot you can't see with your natural eyes, but don't worry.

Don't get distracted.

Keep your eyes on the goals you've set.

Think carefully about my words.

Your life can change and my power can transform everything in your home.

From today, refuse to tolerate nonsense, arrogance, lies, and slander, things that you know offend me.

Walking in God's LOVE

Don't pollute your mind with things that weaken your faith or fill it with harmful ideas that bring no good.

I enrich your character.

I drench you with the oil of joy.

I bless your morning prayers and your thankful spirit. I'm preparing new blessings for you.

You don't need to chase them; they will come in my perfect timing.

Focus on what truly matters so you'll be even more blessed.

Put me first in your life.

Love me with all your mind and heart.

Value yourself highly.

You are not a product of chance.

You are my child.

I want you to represent me wherever you go.

Treat everyone kindly.

Speak to them with love and patience as if I were speaking through you.

But most importantly, love and take care of your family.

Try to understand them, pray with them, and if they don't yet know me, tell them about who I am.

Talk about my death on the cross and my resurrection.

Speak boldly about the miracles I've done in your life.

As you share, I bless you.

You love me and I see your effort to seek me more and more.

For this, I will bless you.

I don't dwell on your past or the times you failed or succeeded.

I want your heart.

Welcome to My GROVE

As you come today, convinced that you need me and that you can't go on carrying burdens that drag your soul down into despair, I seek your repentance.

It's time to change direction and not look back.

Right now, I lift you up. I offer my hand to lead you on a good path in freedom.

On the horizon, the light of my truth shines.

I am waiting for you with open arms to envelop you with my grace, to forgive your mistakes, and to offer you a new and grand opportunity.

I want you to live in my love, to renew your health and strength.

I want you to decide to stay in this word.

This word will give you emotional stability and the fortitude to face the coming years.

Remember this moment.

Etch into your heart the day and the hour you receive this message, the overwhelming emotion marking the start of a new chapter in your life.

Today marks the beginning of a life filled with miracles and wonders, all written by the power of my blood and sealed by my resurrection.

You will uncover new dreams and reconnect with my eternal purpose for you.

Doors are opening and the destiny I have planned for your family and for you will unfold despite the current challenges in your home.

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I'm actively working in their hearts, shaping each one as a potter molds clay.

Even those around you who err today can be transformed.

Your character, the way you speak, your outlook on the future, your spiritual maturity, your entire being will be renewed.

Tomorrow, you'll awaken with thoughts of me and a heart brimming with excitement.

You'll focus on the victories I grant you today and leave behind the failures and defeats of the past.

You will treat others with patience and kindness, speaking gently without raising your voice or causing pain with harsh words.

Joy, harmony, and peace will flourish in your home.

But I urge you to entrust your concerns and worries to me.

Do not let anxiety overwhelm you or anger rob you of the happiness you long for.

Today, I instill in you the faith and resolve to overcome any symptoms of illness and to eagerly anticipate your healing.

Follow the sound advice of the doctors I have placed in your path.

I will guide them to use their knowledge wisely and health will return to your body.

I will perform the miracle you seek in my perfect timing, but for now, do your part.

Let Me HELP You

Immerse yourself in these promises.

Listen to my words and remain diligent in your faith.

Every day, take up the task of sharing these words with those who need them.

Bless as many as you can, even amid your own struggles.

Extend your hand to help, bless, and support.

Decide to do so now.

As you show mercy and assist others, you will witness my powerful glory revealed before your very eyes.

Welcome to a new spiritual level.

Prepare for a supernatural life, for miracles you've never seen or heard, which will manifest in you and your family.

You will receive provision and abundance.

Your home will overflow with blessings.

There will be no place for misery.

Disease will not enter your home, nor will tragedy strike at your door.

Give me your heart, my son, my daughter.

Always remember this: your life, your total commitment, your unwavering loyalty, your dedication to believe in me and follow me to the end, to act with mercy, to practice justice, to approach my presence with humility as you are doing now.

Now I wait for you.

Come, let us talk again tomorrow.

Call out to me in faith for miracles and wonders you've yet to experience.

TRUST in My Promises My Child

Come, son.

Come, daughter.

Don't be disheartened.

Everything will be okay.

Listen to me and don't shut me out.

You might not hear me speak out loud, but in silence, you'll find my voice whispering to your heart, in the wise words of those around you, and in moments of quiet and peace when you can feel my presence.

I love you, son.

I love you, daughter.

I'm always here for you, ready to love you, forgive you, and bring you prosperity. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him”
 (Psalms 62:5)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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