đź”´ God Says: I walk with you in the way of wisdom

My Beloved Child,

I am Jesus, the Son of God, and I bring you a message of love, grace, and eternal hope.

In a world that often feels uncertain and tumultuous, I offer you a firm foundation and a steadfast presence.

Know that you are deeply cherished and valued by our Heavenly Father.

You were created with intention and purpose, and your life has meaning.

Embrace your unique identity and gifts, for they are precious and meant to be shared with the world.

In your journey, remember the importance of faith—have faith in me and in the promises of our Heavenly Father.

Trust that I am with you always, guiding and sustaining you through every circumstance.

Even in times of doubt or difficulty, hold on to your faith, for it is the anchor of your soul.

Choose love in every situation—love your neighbors as yourself and even love your enemies.

Show compassion, kindness, and forgiveness to all, for in love, you reflect the very nature of God.

Love has the power to heal, reconcile, and bring transformation.

Embrace humility and servanthood—follow my example as I came not to be served but to serve.

Serve others with a selfless heart, meeting their needs and uplifting them.

Remember, true greatness is found in serving others and making a positive difference in their lives.

Let go of worry and anxiety—trust in the provision of our Heavenly Father, who clothes the flowers of the field and cares for the birds of the air.

Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and He will take care of your needs.

Live in the present moment, knowing that our Father has a plan for your life.

Do not judge others, for judgment belongs to God alone; instead, extend grace and forgiveness.

Remember that you, too, have fallen short and have been the recipient of God's abundant grace.

Let your words and actions be filled with love, encouragement, and understanding.

Stay connected to me through prayer and the study of Scripture.

Seek guidance, wisdom, and strength from our Heavenly Father—His word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path.

Draw near to Him in prayer, pouring out your heart and listening for His still, small voice.

When you face trials and tribulations, find solace in my presence—I am the one who calms the storm and brings peace to your soul.

Take refuge in me, for I am your rock and fortress; in me, you will find strength and comfort.

Remember that you are not alone in this journey.

Surround yourself with a community of believers who can support, encourage, and uplift you.

Together, you can grow in faith, serve others, and be a shining light in the world.

My dear child, I love you unconditionally.

I am here to walk with you, to guide you, and to offer you eternal hope.

Trust in me, for I am the way, the truth, and the life.

Abide in my love and let it overflow to those around you.

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365