🔴 God Says: WATCH OUT

God has been telling you recently, dear, that tomorrow you will get the $50 million lottery win for which you have been praying.

Something extremely terrible is going to happen to you, but you and your loved ones will be able to celebrate with joy and fill your hearts with contentment.

This financial boon brings with it an abundance of joy, good connections, and financial success.

Do you believe in God?

If so, then like this message.

In an attempt to alleviate your sorrow and problems, something extraordinary is going to happen to you tomorrow.

Your MIRACLE approaches

May the words you've heard today be etched in your mind. Hold them close in your heart, for they will direct you along the correct path and provide the knowledge and wisdom needed to achieve great and wonderful blessings in your life. I will guide you out of your troubles and provide for your needs, my child. I speak to you with love and compassion during this challenging time in your life. Take my hand and let me lead you to the solutions to your problems.

I am here to listen and respond to you, for your prayers have reached me, and I am actively working to guide you to solutions and meet your needs. Life's journey often presents formidable challenges, but remember, you are never alone. I am here offering my hand to support you through the storm and guide you toward the peace and clarity you desire. Let me be your refuge in difficult times, your light in the darkness, and your strength in weakness.

This Shouldn't Be IGNORED

When the weight of your worries feels too heavy, remember that you can lay them down before me. I am here to lighten your load and renew your strength. Do not hesitate to share your fears and anxieties with me, for in my love, you will find comfort and hope. Every step you take towards me in faith is a step towards the peace and freedom you seek. Your past decisions, no matter how flawed, do not define your destiny. In my boundless mercy, I always offer you forgiveness and a chance to start anew.

Embrace the freedom that comes with reconciliation with me and within yourself. As you delve into the depths of my love, you will find the strength to forgive yourself and others. Trust in the healing process I offer to renew your spirit and transform your life. My child, in times of uncertainty and adversity, keep your faith in me and my power to perform miracles in your life. Don't be discouraged by the challenges you face, for each one presents an opportunity for growth and strength.

Harmonizing With God's CALL

Remember, every experience, no matter how painful, serves a purpose in my divine plan for you. Through trials, I'm shaping your character and spirit to reflect my light and love in the world. Trust that each tear you shed is a seed of transformation, and every moment of pain is an opportunity to grow in compassion and wisdom. Do not hesitate to seek help when needed, for I have surrounded you with loving, faithful, and wise companions to support you through life.

Open your heart and mind and listen to the guidance that comes from me. I am with you in every heartbeat and every breath you take. I will guide and comfort you through trials and care for you in the fiercest storms. So when you encounter difficult times, remember that you are enveloped by my unconditional love and healing grace. Trust that I am working in your life to bring you to greater fulfillment and achievement. I will never abandon you.

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EQUIPPING Yourself for Victory

You just need to allow my light to illuminate your path and my love to heal your being. Every step you take towards me strengthens and brings you closer to the blessings I have for you. Be strong and courageous, my beloved child. Do not view your circumstances as limitations or weaknesses. In my eyes, you're more than a conqueror, strong and cherished. Receive these words. Let my love wrap around you and support you in this time of need.

Let my peace, which surpasses all understanding, fill your heart and mind. Walk with the assurance that my power is greater than any challenge you may face. My child, I know the deepest parts of your being. I know your achievements and successes but also your weaknesses and faults. I know that many times you have felt distant from me, lost, and without direction. But let me tell you, in all those moments, I have never stopped loving you.


No matter how many times you stray from me or how many times you fail, I will always be by your side, waiting for your heart to turn back to me so I can offer you my infinite forgiveness. The peace and happiness you long for come to me, my son. Come to my word, for in it, you will find comfort and wisdom to face your challenges. In it, you will find the way out and the solution to every problem. You just have to trust me, and I assure you that in my grace, you will overcome every adverse situation.

Do not forget that my love for you does not depend on your actions or merits. My love is a gift received by grace, and I freely give it to you. So come into my presence, beloved child. Here I am, ready to help you and receive you with open arms. Let me heal the wounds that have scarred your heart. Come to me with your burdens. I will carry them for you. My power can turn any pain into strength, any sadness into hope.


With every step you take, every dream you pursue, every challenge you face, I am your strength and your guide.

With me, there is no obstacle you cannot overcome.

As you walk through life, know that you are never alone.

I am always here for you with open arms and a heart full of forgiveness, ready to lead you into a future full of hope and unimaginable happiness.

My precious child, listen to my voice today.

Let my words sink deep into your heart and trust in my never-failing love for you. Amen.

Reflect on These Words Today

“Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you. You shall not charge interest on loans to your brother, interest on money……”
 (Deuteronomy 23:19-20)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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