🔴 God Says: I Watch Over YOU

My beloved child, come closer and let us converse.

Do you sense the importance of this moment?

Be attentive, for I wish to reveal mysteries concerning your purpose and relationships.

You have been questioning when promised blessings regarding partnerships will come to fruition.

I see your fatigue when prayers appear fruitless.

Instead of awakening long-held dreams, you perceive delays where I am simply making preparations and positioning for the right timing.

Have faith in my flawless providence.

Rejoice in My NAME

Walk with the knowledge that you are greatly loved, protected by your heavenly Father, your God, and your Lord. This is enough for you to overcome. Nothing in this world will make you falter. You won't go back to the sorrow and distress of the past, for I am giving you the strength to face all that comes against you. Believe firmly, for you are already a victor by the mighty blood shed for your salvation. Shout it, write it, say it now: you believe in me. I love you. In this, you can find assurance.

I've come to speak to you and touch your heart today when you need me the most. My love for you is unconditional, real, and forever. Nothing can separate you from the deep love I have for you, not even your own mistakes or sins. Even when you wandered away from me, my gentle hand reached out to you, freeing you from the chains that held you and giving you the will to live again. Whenever you call, I'm here. When you cry out in desperation, I open my heart to you. When I see you kneel, I look at you with kindness, and my grace surrounds you.

You Mean a Lot to ME

Even if you walk through danger and bitterness, my presence will light up your life in the darkest times. Before you were even born, I knew you. I chose the exact moment, the very second, and the day you would be born. Nothing in your life happens without my approval or will. You might not like what I'm doing in your life right now, but one day you'll see that I did it for your good, to make you stronger, to help you grow, and because I always have something better planned for you. My plan is to lift you to a higher level of life in faith and surrender.

I want to put my shining sword in your hands so that when you speak my word, amazing miracles will happen around you. Don't feel unworthy of what I plan to do in you. Enough of that. See yourself as you truly are: a child of the Almighty God, brave like a warrior, full of strength, determined, and victorious. Believe it. This is what happens when you embrace and accept my love. You're not meant for defeat. After these trials, which you'll get through with your faith, comes the beautiful blessing of victory. Give me your thoughts, give me your heart.

It's CRITICAL You Must

Place in my hands those worries that are eating away at your faith, those dreams that keep you up at night. Hand over those anxieties that make you question my love. You don't have to endure the storms that start in your mind anymore. Don't let the winds of despair drag you down the streets of pain. Who will you listen to more: the voices of hopelessness, the lies of failure, or the warmth in my voice speaking to you? You don't need to stay in despair when I have shown you time and again that if you believe in my word, I will open the gates of heaven for you.

You are my child, and my children don't live in darkness. My spirit is with you, comforting you wherever you are, wherever you go. It's no coincidence you're hearing this. I've seen how the struggles of this life have marked you, how your past enemies have hurt you, and why you still suffer. But I'm here now. If you accept me, I will lift you from this pain, shield you with my wings, and cover you with my shadow. I want you to listen carefully, to read attentively, to heed my voice, to believe in me. I don't want you to suffer anymore.

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👑God Says: Not Long LEFT

A Guiding Light of JESUS

You need to take steps of faith again because I promise miraculous healing awaits the moment you decide to believe in me. With each step, you'll gain strength, you'll fully heal. Stand up now because your life is about to change. Do you know why? Because I love you. I don't want you to be sad. Accept my help and be brave. I know you're very independent and strong, but the weight on your shoulders is growing heavier each day. Admit that you need someone to free you forever. You can count on me, you can trust me.

I've told you before, I won't judge, punish, mock, or humiliate you like even your friends have done. Stop and rest. Let's sit for a while. I want you to hear the healing power of my words, to let the promises that can heal your soul enter through your ears, reach your heart, and clear all your worries. Remember, no one understands you like I do. You're a responsible person; you like things done right and you keep your commitments, but you work too hard. In your overwork, you might lose your way, move in vain, and labor fruitlessly.

I'm the Harbinger of HOPE

You may feel lost. You work hard for your daily bread and to provide for your family, wanting to build a blessed home. But if I'm not the one building your house, your efforts are in vain. Stop striving. Calm down for a moment. Let me clear your thoughts. You're tired right now. I'm sending you words of healing, encouragement, and comfort. You face daily battles, and many oppose you, with the enemy sending contrary winds. But I don't want the opposition to bring you sadness and weariness. Give me a chance to help you.

You'll feel good experiencing my love again and reigniting your faith. Never be ashamed to believe in me. I want you to regain that passion for seeking me. You're not defeated, your dreams aren't over. Focus on filling your mind with my words, spending more time alone in my presence. Do this now. If there are issues to resolve first, do it with me. Don't be scared. I offer my hand as a good friend. Let's take the first step. Feel my embrace. Your heart will be filled with joy, and your mind with peace. Let's do this every day.

Hurry Up & Receive This NOW

Even if everyone else bails on you, remember that I will never let you down.

I'm the God who made you with love and for a special reason.

I'll never ditch you because my love for you is forever and doesn't depend on anything.

I'll always be watching out for you.

Reflect on These Words Today

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us and our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
 (1 John 1:9)

Peace, love, and blessings,
God's Message 365

PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#2: How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom… Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

#3: How used Jesus’ secret teachings to manifest a life of abundance by using this simple daily habit! 10X More Powerful Than Manifestation Alone...

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